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 Jamie Ward, left, and Neil Harmsworth - PayasUGym

Of the many learning curves when starting your own business, one of the steepest for Jamie Ward and Neil Harmsworth was readjusting what they...

James Caan

Our small business agony uncle James Caan gives his advice on how to spice up company awards.

Luke Philpott

With moving office ranking as one of the most stressful and expensive experiences for bosses, a commercial property acquiring expert this week...

BC exclusive
High street banks

Britain’s banks say the statistics on the number of people who have changed current account since reforms to the system last year prove that the...

BC exclusive
Tamara Heber-Percy and James Lohan

As the founders of a luxury boutique travel agency, you’d be forgiven for thinking that married couple James Lohan and Tamara Heber-Percy enjoy a...

Person using Facebook

Are you running a small business but struggling to find ways to promote it effectively and cost-efficiently? If so, you’re not alone – research...

BC exclusive
Juan Lobato chief executive of cloud platform firm BaseKit

Should toddlers be taught coding? That's the question Juan Lobato, chief executive of web firm BaseKit ponders on Business Connections this week....

BC exclusive
Container ship on water

Despite the rhetoric, Britain’s businesses are still not fulfilling their potential when it comes to exports. David Prosser explains how to get...

BC exclusive
Small business agony uncle James Caan

Small business agony uncle James Caan tackles the problem of picking investors

BC exclusive
A podcast for February's Business Connections event - 'Richard Reed: The Ups and Downs in the Making of Innocent'
BC exclusive
This weekend saw the first Small Business Saturday in the UK. A runaway success in the US, Small Business Saturday has grown in popularity to help...
BC exclusive

Top tips for any budding entrepreneur from Dominic Joseph and Adam Ludwin, co-founders of advertising startup, Captify.

BC exclusive

Invite your business manager to spend an hour or two at the office every few months. Lay on some sandwiches and go through the books - that way,...