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New research into how clouds are formed could fundamentally change our understanding of climate change

Cloudy with a chance of... climate change: Discovery that agricultural practices help form clouds could change the way we calculate global warming

A team of scientists led by a British academic has solved a long-standing enigma to explain how up to half the clouds in the sky are formed. And in finally cracking the problem of how planet-cooling clouds are conjured from what might seem to be thin air, the researchers found that humans play a significant role. It is a discovery that could fundamentally change our understanding of climate change, and may even mean experts have underestimated just how warm the planet will get over the next century.

'Defend green policies,' activists urge Lib Dems

Environmental campaigners are urging Liberal Democrat ministers to do more to defend green policies in the coalition, with a raft of energy-saving and carbon reduction measures under threat in George Osborne's Autumn Statement.

Lord Deben: Climate change science is 'akin to evidence linking cigarettes to cancer'

Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change warns some sceptics are being given too much coverage in the media

Greg Barker suggested 'the sceptic press' often used research that had not been peer-reviewed to bolster its position

'BBC gives too much prominence to climate sceptics': Greg Barker hits out at coverage

Tory MP also accuses 'Sunday newspapers' of presenting comment as science

Sir Mark Walport: 'We are very good as a race at adapting'

Top scientist Sir Mark Walport urges climate change deniers to give in

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson played down the dangers of global warming recently

Kiribati, a low-lying island nation in the central Pacific, would disappear if sea levels rise by just one metre

Man from Pacific island of Kiribati in bid to live in New Zealand as world’s first climate refugee

Kiribati man begs New Zealand court to let  him stay as there is ‘no future’ with rising seas

Professor Kevin Anderson, University of Manchester: 'Such a market-based approach is doomed to failure and is a dangerous distraction'

Plan to use financial markets to halt climate change is ‘doomed’

A leading scientist has dismissed the United Nations’ call for governments to use the world’s financial markets as the central weapon against climate change as being “doomed to failure and a dangerous distraction”.

Under arrest: Frank Hewetson, 45, from London, at the Leninsky District Court of Murmansk, last Thursday

Two British Greenpeace activists to appear in Russian court

Anthony Perrett and Frank Hewetson among 30 people taken in to custody after Arctic oil rig protest

Visitors witness a huge chunk falling from Monaco Glacier, Spitsbergen, Norway in Jul 2013

IPCC report: The financial markets are the only hope in the race to stop global warming

The chairman of the IPCC warns that the only way to reduce large-scale fossil-fuel use is to 'price' carbon emissions

What is climate change? How the Met Office sums it up

How can you sum up what climate change is? Below is a Met Office graphic summarising the difference between weather and climate, what drives climate and how our climate is changing.

Wrangling over the final wording of the latest landmark UN report on climate change has been so intense that last-minute discussions in Stockholm are set to run to the wire.

IPCC: Intense debate over wording of landmark UN climate change report set to run to the wire

Governments around the world are exercising extreme caution ahead of tomorrow's publication

A boat is seen seen among the icebergs that have broken off from the Jakobshavn Glacier in Ilulissat, Greenland

Global warming: What the leading scientists say

The UN panel looking at the impact of human activity on the planet is about to release its latest report. Representing the peer-reviewed work of hundreds of leading climate scientists, it offers no cause for scepticism or complacency

Lord Stern has been encouraged by the actions many countries are starting to take against climate change

So bad it will be good! Global warming report will scare countries to action, says UN review head

Lord Stern encouraged by signs that China and US finally intend to reduce emissions

Click to enlarge graphic

Coral alert: destruction of reefs 'accelerating' with half destroyed over past 30 years

The eco-system has been around for tens of millions of years and we are wiping it out within a hundred, says IPCC scientist

Climate change could cause crop yields of maize and wheat to fall between 10 and 20 per cent by 2050, Oxfam said

Aid groups warn of growing hunger and disease as planet warms

The potentially devastating effects of climate change on future generations are revealed today by two British aid groups, before a crucial UN report due out this week.

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New TV channel London Live is born

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