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Two Saudis Die of MERS, Taking Toll to 94
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Two Saudi nationals have died from MERS, taking the. death toll from the coronavirus in the worst-hit country to 94, the health ministry said Sunday.

A 63-year-old woman, who had suffered chronic illness, died of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome on Saturday in the western city of Jeddah, and a 78-year-old man died from the disease in Riyadh, it said.  

The ministry said the total number of cases diagnosed since the virus first emerged in September 2012 has reached 323, representing the bulk of infections registered globally.

Public concern over the spread of MERS mounted last week after the resignation of at least four doctors at Jeddah's King Fahd Hospital who refused to treat patients for fear of infection.

The World Health Organisation announced Wednesday that it had offered to send international experts to Saudi Arabia to investigate "any evolving risk" associated with the transmission pattern of the virus.

MERS is considered a deadlier but less-transmissible cousin of the SARS virus which erupted in Asia in 2003 and infected 8,273 people, nine percent of whom died.

Source: Agencies

27-04-2014 - 15:12 Last updated 27-04-2014 - 15:12 | 1048 View
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1 - MERS: The Pestilence of Saudi Terrorism
Dyke Davis | USA 20:42 2014-04-27
Wo to this state of state-sponsored-terrorism and its Extremist Hords killing the innocent men, women and
loving children of Iraq and Syria. Let the Lord Your GOD ALLAH (PBHN) bring your leaders to the knee of
humility for their criminal disregard for His eternal commandments of community with your human brothers
and sisters.Your murders in His name have finally been given you a deadly reply: Stop Your Slaughter or
Be Slaughtered with Pestilence of every kind.Bring light back into your heart or drown in your own moral
diseases for they are your just reward...


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