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Poll: Wicked creatures of Middle-earth (and how to hunt them)

Greetings, young Hunter! Do you wish to be able to hunt the most dangerous and wicked creatures in whole of Middle-earth, in an eternal struggle of Good against Evil? Well, with this guide, you will have a chance of becoming a legendary Hunter of Good, like Orome The Great.

Which of these wicked creatures from Middle-earth would you likely try to hunt? You may only hunt ALONE, with any equipment that you may possibly need.

Only creatures that have at least two mentioned specimens are listed, so there will be no unique beings like the Watcher from the Water.

Discuss this poll HERE. This is Part 2 of my Tolkien-inspired polls. Part 1 can be found HERE.

Make Your Choice

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    The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (2004)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Balrogs are fiery demonic creatures who were once angelic beings (Maiar) that were seduced to the dark side by the first Dark Lord - Melkor (AKA Morgoth).

    STRENGTHS: *very resistant bodies, seemingly made out of pure fire and shadow *large size *great physical srength *ability to use flaming weapons

    WEAKNESSES: *their flames can be quenched with a lot of water

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: You have to be a very powerful being, in order to defeat a Balrog. Gandalf (Maiar), Echtelion and Glorfindel (Elves) have each killed a Balrog, but all three of them have also died in the process. So, if you want to kill one of those demons, you'll need to have an enchanted weapon, a 100 buckets of water, and be ready for self-sacrifice.

    FAMOUS BALROG-SLAYERS: The aforementioned three.

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    The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (2007)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Barrow-wights are dead bodies, reanimated by the evil spirits. Those spirits were sent by the Witch King to haunt the Barrow Downs, a place where many Men of the North have been buried.

    STRENGTHS: *aura of terrible fear *strong and icy grip of their hands *ability to hypnotize their victims *greater power in pitch darkness

    WEAKNESSES: *their physical corpse-bodies are susceptible to damage *vulnerable to enchanting incantations

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: First, befriend Tom Bombadil. Then, purposely get yourself captured in one of the barrows. If you break free from their hypnosis, call on for Tom Bombadil - he will magically appear and will recite a spell, which will defeat the wights. The risk is great, but at least you'll get to plunder a barrow, which is bound to have some riches.


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    The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (2007)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Large blood-sucking bats, inhabiting the caves and forests of Middle-earth. Some of them are the servants of Evil, and they do not hesitate to attack neither Men, nor Elves.

    STRENGTHS: *flying *their numbers are huge; during the Battle of Five armies, there were so many of them that they completely blotted out the Sun

    WEAKNESSES: *it seems they need to have a driving force to gather them in great numbers (once that force is gone, they disband)

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: Just don't. They suck as hunting trophies, and you will not gain any recognition for hunting them, so they aren't worth the trouble.

    FAMOUS BAT-KILLERS: The Great Eagles (probably).

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    The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II (2006)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Dragons are powerful serpent-like creatures, created by the Dark Lord Morgoth as the ultimate weapons of war. Most basic kinds are wingless Dragons and winged Dragons. They are further divided to Fire-drakes (the ones who can breathe fire) and Cold-drakes (the ones who can't breathe fire)

    STRENGTHS: *large size *great strength *cunning intellect *nearly impenetrable hides *burning blood *firebreathing (occasional) *flying (occasional) *hypnotic stare (occasional)

    WEAKNESSES: *soft bellies *very chatty *extremely greedy

    HOW TO DEFEAT THEM: Carefully approach a Dragon, and ask him if he wants to talk. Start a conversation about gold, jewels or golden objects with jeweled additions. If it doesn't work, he will eat you. If it does work, try to trick him into exposing his stomach. Then you need to strike him fast with your (prevously carefully hidden) spear or sword. However, be careful - a badly wounded Dragon could smite you with his tail or reduce you to ashes with his fire (even his burning blood could sear you).

    FAMOUS DRAGON-SLAYERS: Turin Turambar, Earendil, Fram and Bard The Bowman.

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    The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II (2006)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Fell beasts are hideous, pterosaur-like creatures. Ages ago, one of the Dark Lords (Morgoth or Sauron) bred them for his evil purposes.

    STRENGTHS: *large size *flying *they emit a terrible stench *there's a large possibility that a Nazgul will be on its back *aura of fear (only with a mounted Nazgul)

    WEAKNESSES: *featherless skin, normally succeptible to arrow piercings and sword slashings

    HOW TO DEFEAT THEM: Just shoot the beast with arrows... but when it falls dead, a completely capable Nazgul will still present a problem. So, just to be safe, always carry a flaming torch with you, and be ready to face your fears. What did you say? You think that it is unfair, because you only wanted to hunt a Fell beast, and not a Nazgul? Well, it was you choice to hunt these beasts, so stop whining!

    FAMOUS FELLBEAST-SLAYERS: Eowyn and Legolas.

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    Martin Freeman in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Great Spiders are a race of large arachnids, inhabiting the Forest of Mirkwood. Many of them are offspring of the evil Shelob, itself an offspring of Ungoliant, one of the most powerful beings in history of Arda.

    STRENGTHS *ability to climb any surface with ease *ability to completely wrap up their victims in a thick web *paralyzing/deadly stingers (occasional)

    WEAKNESSES: *a couple of soft spots, like a belly, or the area around the eyes *really succeptible to anger and frustration

    HOW TO DEFEAT THEM: Never try to hunt them in their own lair - it's an ideal place to get yourself tangled in one of their webs. So, you need to lure them, one by one. First, find a Spider, then throw a small rock at it. When it comes to you, kill it, then find another one - wash, rinse and repeat. If it doesn't work anymore (and they spot you), try to hide, and piss them off, by calling them offensive names - it will make them more angrier, and therefore, easier to kill... or harder to kill... it's a gamble.

    FAMOUS SPIDER-SLAYERS: Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves of Thorin's Company (minus Thorin himself).

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    Ian McKellen in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Ancient beings of unknown origin and appearance, lurking in the depths of the Misty Mountains.

    STRENGTHS Unknown.

    WEAKNESSES: Unknown.

    HOW TO DEFEAT THEM: This quote from Gandalf says it all: Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day.

    Translation: Just don't go down there.


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    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Orcs are short, humanoid creatures made by the Dark Lord Morgoth, probably by torturing and corrupting the captured Elves. More advanced breed of Orcs are called the Uruk-hai.

    STRENGTHS: *their numbers are huge *savage, brutal and warlike nature *good at digging tunnels and living inside them *crafty in creating tools of war

    WEAKNESSES: *sunlight makes them weak and drowsy (does not apply to the Uruk-Hai) *without a strong leader in battle, they tend to become very disorganized

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: Hunt them in the open, preferably under the direct sunlight. Avoid hunting them in caves or dark places. If you need to face them head-on, mastering your weapons and combat prowes is the best way of dealing with the Orcs.

    FAMOUS ORC-SLAYERS: A lot of great warriors - too many to count. They come from various races, including Elves (Gil-Galad), Men (Aragorn), Dwarves (Gimli), and even Hobbits (Bandobras 'Bullroarer' Took).

  9. Vote!

    Mark Hadlow and Peter Hambleton in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Trolls are large creatures that the Dark Lord Morgoth made in mockery of the Ents. There are many kinds of them, including Hill-Trolls, Cave-Trolls and Snow-Trolls. One particular kind of Troll that Sauron bred was called Olog-hai, which does not have the major weaknesses that the ordinary Trolls have.

    STRENGTHS: *resistant skin *large size *great strength *acidic blood

    WEAKNESSES: *they turn to stone when exposed to sunlight (except Olog-hai) *very unintelligent (except Olog-hai)

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: Since a Troll is a dumb beast that can whistand a tremendous amount of inflicted damage, the best way is to either lure it into a direct sunlight (if it's not an Olog-hai) where it will turn to stone, or lure it into some kind of previously placed trap (a very deep hole with spikes would be great). Having an enchanted stabbing weapon also helps.

    FAMOUS TROLL-SLAYERS: Hurin, Gandalf and Peregrin 'Pippin' Took.

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    The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (2007)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Wargs are a race of demonic wolf-like creatures. Their origin is unknown, but it is possible that they were made by one of the Dark Lords (Morgoth or Sauron), by inserting evil spirits into wolves.

    STRENGTHS: *bigger, faster and much stronger than regular wolves *surprisingly intelligent and organized *they can permit Orcs to mount them, and ride them into battle

    WEAKNESSES: *they are afraid of fire, which can easily set ablaze their furry hides

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: Probably the best way of hunting a Warg is to climb to a place where they can't reach you, and shoot them with arrows. If you are in the open, try to light a ring of fire, and shoot them with with arrows, from inside the ring. If you don't know how to make a fiery ring quickly enough - then you're probably already dead.

    FAMOUS WARG-SLAYERS: The Great Eagles and the Fellowship of the Ring.

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    The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II (2006)


    WHAT ARE THEY: Stone-Giants are huge creatures inhabiting the Misty Mountains. Shrouded in mystery, not much is known about them, other than the fact that their pastime involves throwing big rocks at one other.

    STRENGTHS: *large size *great strength *ability to throw big rocks with a fair precision

    WEAKNESSES: Unknown.

    HOW TO HUNT THEM: I don't know - I haven't tried. Nobody has tried. You do realise that you are talking about hunting Giants, right? I mean, one legend from the natives of Gondor speaks of a Giant called Tarlang, dropping dead. Years later, his head became one of the peaks of the White Mountains. That's how large they are. And you still ask: ''How to hunt them?'' Are you insane?!

    FAMOUS GIANT-SLAYERS: Haven't you read the previous paragraph? NO-BO-DY HAS TRIED.

  12. Vote!

    The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar (2007)

    NONE OF THE ABOVE... ...because the creatures listed are way to wicked and dangerous for my hunting skills. I would rather hunt KINE OF ARAW

    Basically, they are a large kind of cattle, inhabiting the plains around the Sea of Rhun. They aren't wicked at all, but their horns can be used to make high-quality... umm... horns. Indeed, the fabled Horn of Gondor was made from a horn of one of these creatures.