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Cisco: Africa in 2017 to Have More Internet Users Than U.S.

Carlos Slim of Telmex tells me the world is about to change. "Two billion more people will connect to the Internet when smartphones cost $50. The phone makers are promising me a $50 phone in 2014." If Spreadtrum and Firefox deliver a $25 smartphone, as promised, that could accelerate takeover. ~310,000,000 Africans will be connected to the Internet in 2017, Arielle Sumits of Cisco predicts... It's inevitable that the U.S. will be dwarfed by the rest of the world. more»

Mobile World Congress: 4G Technology Enters the Residential Market

We're just back from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, where more than 85,000 attendees from over 200 countries gathered to discover what the 1,800 companies present had to showcase. As expected, some of the show's biggest themes focused on the Internet of Things, the mobile cloud, Big Data, 4G LTE and wearable devices... After speaking to a cross-section of service providers, it became clear that many operators are already starting to leverage their investment in existing 4G LTE infrastructure... more»

Internet Governance: Why Africa Should Take the Lead

Recently during an afternoon meeting with a friend of mine, Bob Ochieng, who happens to work for ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) Africa Operations, he lamented that at online Internet Governance discussions fora such as CircleID, and 1net.org, there is no serious frequent engagements from African Voices. This got me thinking and I realized that most African Internet Stakeholders would rather use a "wait and see approach" in matters as critical as Internet Governance. more»

Extreme Vulnerability at the Edge of the Internet - A Fresh New Universal Human-Rights Problem

By design, the Internet core is stupid, and the edge is smart. This design decision has enabled the Internet's wildcat growth, since without complexity the core can grow at the speed of demand. On the downside, the decision to put all smartness at the edge means we're at the mercy of scale when it comes to the quality of the Internet's aggregate traffic load. Not all device and software builders have the skills - and the quality assurance budgets - that something the size of the Internet deserves. more»

Evolving Network Business Models

AT&T got critics' keyboards activated by announcing plans for a Sponsored Data service, enabling websites to pay for their end-users data consumption. The service has been characterized as a type of toll-free or "1-800″ style service for mobile data. Does this contravene network neutrality principles? AT&T says the traffic from the sponsoring sites will be treated the same as other traffic on the network. A US public interest group, Public Knowledge, claims this is precisely what a net neutrality violation looks like. more»

Don't Let Patent Wars Widen Digital Divide

For generations, large pockets of Africa were isolated from things many of us take for granted: access to medical treatment and advances that can make the difference between a healthy, productive life or debilitating illness -- or even an early death. These problems still persist, but over the last two decades technology has helped break through and enable medical professionals to reach the poorest and most remote populations and offer some hope. more»

Is There Really a Mobile Malware Pandemic?

Much of the discussion regarding mobile security revolves around the growing "pandemic" of mobile malware. It's not uncommon to see headlines reporting the discovery of large numbers of new malware samples. However, as Google recently pointed out, with quite a bit of data to support them, there's little discussion of real world impact of these discoveries. This raises a number of relevant questions. Is the average user likely to be infected? Where does this malware come from? These are questions that deserve analysis and thoughtful responses. more»

Mobiles Moving Into Fixed Networks

There are often confused reports in the media about mobile and fixed broadband, with arguments that one could replace the other. Yet the reality is that they coexist and complement each other - perhaps even more so since one cannot manage without the other. Increasingly, devices such as smartphones, tablets and smart TVs are at the end of fixed lines, with a wireless (WiFi) connection between the fixed line and the device. more»

In Broadband, China Is Definitely the Middle Kingdom - 270M In 2015

With a goal of 270M fixed broadband lines in 2015 and near-universal service by 2020, the new "Broadband China" strategy is extraordinary. OFweek, a valuable site in Chinese, breaks the plan into three phases. The first is a full speed stage, ending in 2013, that deploys basic broadband and 3G widely. The second stage, 2014-2015, is dedicated to a further takeup and wider deployment. That will include 400,000+ LTE cell sites. more»

OIAC Report: Views on Economic Impacts of Open Internet, Mobile Ecosystems, Specialized Services

Having been a member of the Committee for this past year, I'm pleased to share that the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) "Open Internet Advisory Committee" has published its first annual report... The report is weighty - 98pp if you kill trees to print it. The OIAC was established as part of the US FCC Open Internet activity and Open Internet Report and Order from 2010. The FCC appointed expert committee members from a broad range of commercial, academic, and not-for-profit organizations. more»

The Bandwidth Bank

This is a topic that we have discussed on several occasions over the last decade, but it now seems as though things are slowly moving forward. A new company, Intabank, has set up a service whereby its enterprise customers can pool bandwidth that the intermediate company can then use to sell to other customers; enabling organisations to monetise their network connectivity assets. more»

Will LTE Steal the Broadband Revolution?

There is no doubt that LTE is going to take a prime position in broadband developments. With competitively priced services, innovative smartphones and an increasing range of very innovative apps this market is set to continue to boom. So how will all this impact the overall broadband market? ...this is not an 'us or them' issue between fixed and mobile broadband. As a matter of fact, the companies that are rolling out LTE are increasingly dependent on deep fibre rollouts as they need to handle massive amounts of data, to which the mobile infrastructure technology is not well-suited. more»

Spanish Joint-Network Investment in FttH Seeing Returns

Spain's economic anguish has had a number of repercussions for the country's telcos, with stable or declining revenue causing much nervousness as operators struggle to fund essential investment in spectrum and both fixed-line and mobile networks. Earlier this year Vodafone felt the pinch, announcing plans to cut its Spanish workforce by up to 1,000. Though general economic conditions have not helped, the move partly resulted from its own decisions. The company saw revenue drop for several quarters and so decided to save money by cutting handset subsidies. more»

Questions About the Robustness of Mobile Networks

With mobile phones having become a utility, people are beginning to rely completely on mobile services for a large range of communications. All mobile users, however, are aware of some level of unreliability in these phone systems. Blackspots remain all around the country, not just outside the cities, and in busy areas the quality of the service goes down rather quickly. Drop-outs are another fairly common occurrence of mobile services. more»

An Amazing Number - China Now Has 564 Million Internet Users: 75% Are Mobile

One of the staggering numbers introduced during the opening remarks at ICANN 46 here in Beijing by multiple speakers, including ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade and speakers from the Chinese government, was this: China now has over 564 million Internet users! Think about that for a minute. more»

News Briefs

European Parliament Votes to Drop Mobile Phone Roaming Fees While Abroad

Global M2M Connections Reached 195 Million in 2013, Expected to Reach 250 Million In 2014

A Research Finds Banking Apps Leaking Info Through Phones

Network Outages Costing Mobile Operators $15B Annually

Google Plans Wireless Access to Remote Regions Using High-Altitude Balloons and Blimps

China Soon to Have World's Largest Base of Mobile Users, 150% Increase Over Last Year

M3AAWG, London Action Plan Release Best Practices to Address Online and Mobile Threats

One Billion Smartphones in Use in the World, According to a Recent Study

China Passes 1 Billion Mobile Subscribers, Over 400 Million Mobile Web Users

Google Gets Green Light to Acquire Motorola; $12.5B Deal is Company's First Foray In Hardware

Study Indicates Nearly Half A Million Jobs Created from "App Economy" in US

Mobile Internet Usage at 8.5%, Doubled From Last Year

Mobile Malware Growing Exponentially, Limited Capability of Current Security Solutions Big Concern

China Telecom to Start Selling Wireless Service in U.S.

Google Objects to Hostile Organized Campaign Against Android; Accusing Microsoft, Apple, and Others

Netherlands First European Nation to Adopt Net Neutrality

Average Connection Speeds on Mobile Networks Fastest in Greece, Says Akamai

TelChina, China Mobile Building Mobile Payment Solution With .tel

More Targeted Phishing, Spam and Mobile Attacks; IBM Reports 150K Security Events Per Second

Skype Targets Developing Markets for Next Phase of Growth

Most Viewed

WiMAX vs. WiFi

Internet Governance: An Antispam Perspective

IPv6: Extinction, Evolution or Revolution?

New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea


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dotMobi Updates – Sponsor

Ofcom Benchmarking UK Broadband Performance Welcomed, But Needs Considerable Improvement

The UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, has released a European Broadband Scorecard comparing the UK's performance in broadband and mobile broadband with European countries. The regulator has been tasked with proving that progress is being made towards the UK Government's ambitious goal that the UK 'should have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015'. ›››

Join dotMobi at World Hosting Days 2014, April 1 - 3

For 3 days in April, the international hosting community will once again come together at the WHD.global in Europa Park, Germany to meet and discuss all things hosting related. dotMobi's goMobi team will be there to showcase our mobile website publishing platform. If you are looking for a solution to help you create, publish and market sophisticated mobile sites quickly and easily then we have the solution for you. ›››

dotMobi and Verio Introduce goMobi Mobile Website Solution in Europe

Mobile Web technology provider dotMobi and Verio Europe, global experts in online solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, today announced the immediate availability of the goMobi mobile Web publishing solution through Verio in the European market. ›››

dotMobi and Verio introduce goMobi mobile website solution in Europe

Mobile Web technology provider dotMobi and Verio Europe, global experts in online solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, today announced the immediate availability of the goMobi mobile Web publishing solution through Verio in the European market. ›››

dotMobi and Digital Element Announce Strategic Partnership

Partnership will allow dotMobi to offer Digital Element's robust mobile carrier and connection type databases to its customers and further enhance Digital Element's mobile carrier and connection type identification capabilities. ›››

dotMobi and Nginx, Inc. Bring Device Awareness to Web Servers

Nginx, Inc., provider of the high-performance NGINX Web server, and mobile Web technology specialist dotMobi today announced the immediate availability of a device detection module for NGINX using dotMobi's DeviceAtlas solution. ›››

Webtrends Chooses DeviceAtlas for Device Data in Webtrends Analytics Solutions

intelligence from dotMobi's DeviceAtlas product into Webtrends analytics solutions. That means Webtrends analytics can now include detailed data from DeviceAtlas on which mobile phones and devices - like game consoles and media players - are being used to interact with a customer's online presence. ›››

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