Case Study: Fortune 500 Financial Organization Chooses UserZoom to Capture Customers’ Insights

Fortune 500 financial organization chooses UserZoom to cost-effectively gather statistically significant UX data and capture customers’ insights


Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 2.53.29 PMOverview

This Fortune 500 financial organization is committed to optimizing the user experience by informing the design of new sites and apps. The leadership team at this organization understands that gathering statistically significant data to inform design is key to the success of their digital presence; in addition to this, they also have 1:1 in-depth interviews with selected users to focus on the top 3-5 usability issues based on their response patterns.

UserZoom was used to run both unmoderated research and moderated lab-based research with over 30 participants and multiple moderators. A validation study that was run afterwards had at least 150 participants per user segment. It allowed the organization to understand how effective and usable their site would be before it went live.

Challenges Before UserZoom

Before UserZoom, the organization’s research team gathered users’ insights through the traditional moderated 1:1 interviews in a lab or remotely.

“The in-depth insights were very informative, but not statistical enough as we only interviewed a small group of 12 participants in a week,” says User Research Lead at the financial organization.

How the organization uses UserZoom to meet their research needs

“The biggest win internally for [the organization] is that the results from studies using UserZoom get attention from teams across [the organization] because data are statistically significant rather than directional,” says User Research Lead.

On a recent project, UserZoom was used to gather feedback from prospects and customers.

This study was run twice – first in a lab to gather directional insights and then using UserZoom after changes were implemented to the design. During the second phase, the organization’s research team (joined by another Research Agency) decided to use UserZoom as the software solution for capturing quantitative and qualitative data in a lab using an agile hybrid approach (coined by the Research Agency as “A-HA”).

During this agile hybrid approach, groups of participants ran through a scripted UserZoom study for the first 40 minutes of the session. Then during the last 20 minutes, one participant was selected for an in-depth session.

“Using UserZoom for this agile hybrid approach is key, as it allows the organization’s team to run studies with 40+ participants in days rather than weeks,” says User Research Lead at the organization.

Using the reporting tools in UserZoom, the organization created a top line report in 2-3 days following the research. The Design Team then made their design changes and then this same script was used for a validation study before going live.

The validation study had at least 150 participants per user segment. It allowed the organization to understand how effective and usable their site would be before it went live. The same script was then translated to other languages and the study was run in other countries. Analysis was collected from each country and was consolidated in one report in a matter of 3 weeks!

Multiple Benefits

“Prior to using UserZoom, studies would take weeks to gather data and costs were high if more than one geography had to be tested,” says User Research Lead at the organization. “UserZoom allows the organization to test in multiple geographies and gather data in a fraction of the time and man-hours that were spent on more traditional usability research in the past,” she adds.

In addition, using UserZoom minimizes moderator biases that may happen in the lab because all participants are shown the same stimuli and set of base questions. By combining UserZoom with the agile hybrid approach (“A-HA”), the organization is able to capture qualitative insights to drill into the why but still have a large N to drive changes.

Enjoying the experience

The single biggest reason why she would recommend UserZoom to others, User Research Lead at the organization says, is the ability to capture insights from both prospects and customers in a fraction of the time.

The top three features that the organization loves about UserZoom are:

1. Ability to capture clickstreams (or paths)

Clickstreams allow the organization’s research team to view and analyze what path participants are taking to complete their tasks, what percentages are taking that path, where they complete, and where they abandon.

Example of a clickstream


2. Ability to capture heatmaps

Heatmaps show exactly where on the page participants have clicked. Heatmaps also enable User Research Lead and her team to select a cluster of clicks to view the percentage of participants who clicked on that cluster area and how many of those were successful with the task.

Example of a heatmap:


3. Ability to filter data within the analytics tool

A variety of filtering options allow the financial organization to segment the data just the way they need it. For example, clickstreams of users that failed a task, or heatmaps of participants with a certain demographic profile.

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