Author Archives: gao_watchblog

How Data, Leadership, and Collaboration Can Improve Government Results

Effective performance management helps the federal government to improve outcomes in areas that affect nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from education, healthcare, and housing to national and homeland security. To that end, the Office of Management and Budget released … Continue reading

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Podcast on Department of Defense “Quick Look”

Each year, we publish an annual report titled, “Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs,” more commonly referred to as the “Quick Look.”  In addition to providing brief summaries of numerous U.S. defense programs, the report provides insights on the Department of … Continue reading

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GAO’s Defense Capabilities and Management Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Defense Capabilities and Management (DCM) team, which supports congressional oversight of the Department of … Continue reading

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Social and Digital Media at GAO

GAO supports the Congress in meeting its legislative responsibilities and helps improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. As our audiences—Congress, congressional staff, and the American people—become increasingly active … Continue reading

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Podcast on Electronic Health Records

The use and exchange of electronic health records among health care providers could potentially improve outcomes and quality of care for patients. GAO recently released reports on participation in electronic health records programs and HHS efforts to address information exchange … Continue reading

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Emergency Care Benefits for Veterans

Imagine having chest pains and driving more than 100 miles to an emergency room—past another, closer emergency facility—because you don’t know that your insurance will actually cover the costs at that closer facility. Veterans who only have health care coverage … Continue reading

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Is College Part of Your Life Plan? Make Sure it’s Part of Your Tax Plan, Too

You probably already know that federal grants and loans can play an important role in making higher education more affordable. What you may not know is that the tax code also helps many people pay for college by encouraging savings, … Continue reading

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How Changes in Marriage and Work Impact Women’s Retirement Security

For Women’s History Month, we take stock of retirement security challenges facing women. Retirement and survivor benefits from Social Security and some employer-sponsored pensions have historically helped protect couples and surviving spouses in old age. Many of these benefits were … Continue reading

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Why Counting Federal Structures Isn’t as Easy as 1-2-3

The federal government owns and manages a huge amount of “real property” (property that can’t be moved). GAO designated the management of federal real property as High Risk based largely on challenges agencies face managing buildings. But buildings are only … Continue reading

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Marking Telework Week 2014

This winter, snow and ice have brought much of the country to a halt on a number of occasions—including this past Monday in Washington. These storms highlight the opportunity for telework to keep employees working and businesses and governments humming … Continue reading

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