Tag Archives: GAO

GAO Revises the Green Book Standards for Internal Controls

Internal controls are the plans, methods, policies, and procedures organizations use to ensure that they are using their resources most effectively. GAO publishes Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (also known as the “Green Book”), which sets the … Continue reading

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Passenger Security and Safety on Cruise Ships

Planning a vacation this winter? Each year, millions of people board cruise ships departing from U.S. ports. We have done work on the security and safety requirements for cruise vessels that may give you a better understanding of how cruise … Continue reading

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Know the Types of Tax Identity Fraud

Tax filing season will begin soon and the Federal Trade Commission has named January 13-17th Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week to raise awareness and provide people with tips on how to protect themselves. We have done work on tax-related identity … Continue reading

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Are Financial Planners Always Working in Your Best Interest?

People frequently use financial planners for help with such things as selecting investments and insurance products, and managing tax and estate planning. Entrusting someone with your money can be risky. What steps can you take to mitigate that risk?  We … Continue reading

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Retirement Planning in the New Year

Have you looked at your retirement savings account lately? As you make your New Year’s resolutions, consider making retirement planning one of your goals. We were recently asked to look at whether other countries’ experiences with plans similar to 401(k) … Continue reading

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Health Tips for the New Year

The New Year provides an opportunity for reflection on personal growth and improvement, which may involve setting health-related goals. We have done a number of reports about preventive health under Medicare and dental services that may help you make some … Continue reading

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Welcome to the WatchBlog

On behalf of everyone at the Government Accountability Office, I would like to welcome you to GAO’s WatchBlog. Increasingly, our audiences are finding out about our reports and other work online, whether through our Twitter or Facebook accounts, links from … Continue reading

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