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The Broken Circle Breakdown 2014 CC

Amazon Instant Video

1,525 441 reviews IMDb 7.8/10
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A tattoo artist and a musician fall in love at first sight in this intensely romantic portrait of a relationship from beginning to end, set to an electrifying bluegrass score. In Dutch with English subtitles.

Johan Heldenbergh, Veerle Baetens
1 hour 52 minutes

Available in HD on supported devices.

The Broken Circle Breakdown
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Product Details

Genres Drama, Romance, Music
Starring Johan Heldenbergh, Veerle Baetens
Supporting actors Nell Cattrysse, Geert Van Rampelberg, Nils De Caster, Robbie Cleiren, Bert Huysentruyt, Jan Bijvoet, Sofie Sente, Ruth Beeckmans, Jan Hammenecker, Blanka Heirman, Kirsten Pieters, Yves Degryse, Dominique Van Malder, Marianne Loots, Sanderijn Helsen, Siham El Makhfi, Maxime Neyt, Maurice Leerman
Director Felix Van Groeningen
Studio Tribeca Film
Captions and subtitles English Details
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Customer Reviews

The music was wonderful, the story very touching, and well acted.
Carol L. Macleod
It's been a long time since I have watched a film in which I cried in the sad parts and the happy parts.
Wow, a story of tragic love backed by bluegrass music, love, life, death and how people deal with each.
R. G. Lund

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

67 of 75 people found the following review helpful By Randi Hamm on February 7, 2014
Format: Amazon Instant Video Amazon Verified Purchase
I never do reviews online, leaving them for people who actually care about reviews, but this movie deserves it. While absolutely heart-breaking, it was one of the most beautiful movies I have seen in a long time. And the music: spot on. As a native Alabaman now living in Brooklyn (which has a surprisingly strong bluegrass scene), I was wary of a Dutch movie featuring bluegrass music, but the actors had amazing voices and I found the music to be the backbone of this very hauntingly sad film.
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51 of 58 people found the following review helpful By Mack E. Tan on February 9, 2014
Format: Amazon Instant Video
The director takes a common story--two unconventional people fall in love, then are tested by tragedy--and rejuvenates it mostly by incorporating some of the best bluegrass music I've ever heard. And bluegrass is not even my favorite genre of music but in this film, it is truly divine. The first time I watched this film, I did so for the story. The second time, it was more because I wanted to hear the music again.

Apart from the music, the story works because of the two leads who are absolutely brilliant in their roles as Didier, a Belgian bluegrass musician in love with the idea of America, and Elise, a beautiful--and beautifully tattooed--tattoo artist and free spirit. They meet, fall in love, and Elise becomes the lead singer in Didier's bluegrass band. Once she's added to the band, they grow in popularity becoming quite successful. They have a child and then a tragedy begins to tear their lives apart.

What I appreciated about the film: 1. Unlike Hollywood, the actors look like real people, teeth and all. I enjoy watching a film where the people don't look manufactured to perfection, where they look authentic. 2. The simple story delivers an unexpected double whammy & reminds us that our lives can change completely in an instant through no fault of our own. 3. The music is indeed divine and organically handled.

In addition, I particularly enjoyed the tongue-lashing Didier unloads on George Bush. Some critics have panned that part of the film, observing that it detracts from the story. I think it pays off Didier's disillusionment in America, a place he starts off romanticizing about as a country of dreamers, then ends despising as cruel and barbaric. It reflects the reality he's forced to confront in his life at the end of the film.
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36 of 42 people found the following review helpful By Tommy Dooley TOP 500 REVIEWER on December 23, 2013
Format: Blu-ray
Please Note some people consider this review to contain spoilers!

This is the official Belgian entry for the 2014 Oscars best foreign language film and after seeing it I can see why. We meet Didier and Elise they sort of fall for each other at first sight. He invites her to come see his band, who are a Bluegrass outfit and to say they are excellent is a massive understatement.

They move to his cowboy house and start a truly moving love affair which sees her getting pregnant and joining the band who sing American music like they were born to it. Then tragedy strikes and their daughter is diagnosed with cancer. The band have become part of the fabric of all three of the family's lives and as the pressure builds so everything they have in life and love gets called into question. The story is told in a non linear narrative in that it jumps around from time frame to time frame. Each time it does this a little more of the story is revealed - slowly building the full picture. The music is the glue that links the scenes as are the tattoos that Elise's gets done as a permanent reminder of her life and loves for all to see.

To cal this excellent is only half the story; apart from being moving, beautifully acted and filmed it also tells a story with a purpose that includes the lack of stem cell research and the hopelessness that is brought about by a parents worse fear. It unfolds in such a way that you would begrudge missing a single second. It is in Flemish and English with very good sub titles and is probably one of the most moving films I have seen this year - I can only absolutely recommend this wonderful film.
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19 of 23 people found the following review helpful By Paul Allaer TOP 100 REVIEWERVINE VOICE on December 13, 2013
Format: Blu-ray
"The Broken Circle Breakdown" (2012 release from Belgium; 111 min.) brings the story of a young couple in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), Didier and Elise, and how they are coping with the potentially fatal illness that has befallen their 6 year old daughter Maybelle. As the movie opens, we witness a bluegrass band in performance. Turns out that Didier has taken up the banjo and just loves all things American, and in particular Bill Monroe, "the father of bluegrass", he reminds us. After the opening credits, the movie immediately takes us into the hospital where Maybelle is being treated for cancer, and right a way you can tell this is going to be a heavy movie. As Didier is trying to keep his composure, Else shushes "we do our crying at home, here we are positive!". The movie then jumps back 7 year, to 1999, when Didier and Elise (who owns a tattoo parlor and features a number of large tattoos all over her body) first meet. From there on, the movie jumps back and forth between past, present and even future. To tell you more would ruin your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Several comments: first and foremost, this is an emotionally devastating movie, and not one for the faint of heart on top of that. Indeed, emotions are displayed raw and unfiltered, sometimes uncomfortably so. Second, the script manages to beautifully interweave the bluegrass theme (providing a much needed emotional outlet, both for the characters and for us, the viewer) with the family drama itself. Third, the lead performances from Johan Heldenbergh (as Didier; he also co-wrote the script), but even more so Veerle Baetens as Elise will simply blow you away. Baetens displays a vulnerability as the hurting wife and mother that surely will tuck at your heart.
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