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Monday , April 7 2014 4:36
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Iranian singer immortalises Mandela in ‘My eternal man’

By Griffin Okuchukwu


Late South African hero Nelson Mandela, has been honoured by Iranian scholar, composer and singer, Professor Pezhman Mosleh in My eternal man.

Pezhman implored parents to endeavour to tell their children about the legend who fought for the black race, so as to build their faith.

‘When Mandela passed away, the long walk to freedom will be longer and harder. I wish with my tears that every parent tell about Mandela to their children, maybe their children grow up firmly and with faith,’ he said.

Pezhman’s ‘My eternal man’ is the first Persian song dedicated to Nelson Mandela. Watch the clip below…

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  1. WOW!
    That is so great!
    I love this…..

  2. Mandela is our eternal man! all of the world!
    Thank you Prof.Mosleh for this song.

  3. Free Nelson Mandela….

  4. Iran sings for Mandela…

  5. Mandela is eternal in our heart and mind and in the heart of history of world.
    He is really OUR ETERNAL MAN!
    I also appreciate professor Pezhman Mosleh for this song.

  6. A beautiful wish for the long walk to freedom…..

  7. I say “Amen” to professor Pezhman Mosleh’s wish with all of my heart.
    hope Mandel’s way be followed and freedom reign every where.
    Mandela will reign the world’s heart.

  8. Very special song for Mandela!
    Mandela was peace ambassador for all the world.
    An artist sings for peace and eternal Mandela.

  9. There is nothing I fear more than waking up without a program that will help me bring a little happiness to those with no resources, those who are poor, illiterate, and ridden with terminal disease.
    Nelson Mandela

  10. Out of the night that covers me,

    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

    I thank whatever gods may be

    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance

    I have not winced nor cried aloud.

    Under the bludgeonings of chance

    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    Looms but the Horror of the shade,

    And yet the menace of the years

    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,

    How charged with punishments the scroll.

    I am the master of my fate:

    I am the captain of my soul.

  11. I Live this music, a good music, and with a great end: PEACE!
    I know Mandela is a leader of friendship in the world and I say Mandela doesn’t death!
    This sentence has our wish!

  12. Mandela, I miss you, your eyes, your laugh, and your words.
    Always goes your way…..

  13. Oh, Mandela, strong man,
    Oh, Mandela, great man,
    Thank you for your being!
    And thanks Singer and composer of MY ETERNAL MAN…

  14. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
    Nelson Mandela

  15. It is an interesting news!!
    Thanks the great composer of “My eternal man” and his pure emotion.
    And I hope the long walk to freedom be followed and followed and followed…….

  16. I really love it!

  17. Tu peux mourir Mandela
    Et toujours revivre indéfiniment
    Jamais avec toi
    Ton esprit rebelle ne mourra
    Liberté en amont et en aval
    Derviche tourneur
    Tu peux mourir
    Et ton corps disparaître dans la tombe remplie de honte
    Tu peux partir sans te retourner sur ton aura
    Etoile lumineuse brillant au firmament
    Mais jamais dans le néant tu n’entreras
    Ni dans les brumes ne plongeras
    Jamais dans le noir obscur tu ne disparaîtras
    Auréole de l’aube et d’aurores fragiles
    Par tes rêves tes actes tes silences tes bruits
    Par tes cris et refus…………..

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