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The Library of Congress > Chronicling America > New-York tribune. > November 17, 1866 > Page 4, Image 4

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Newspaper Page Text

H4KN1M ?- *MI M
. ' .
Till- 1
i IO N
'Kilt HA I,I..
"ist? ' AU*.
OU MPI? lill ii KR.
VU- il M V(l Wirti
Mil lnKk ilu
J. K, M?rrimer, Mr. Mark Sniitl, Mr. Le?i? Biter. Mrs. Onion.i
-ytinff Mitin.-r ?t 1 ocock.
BROAD? \Y 1 Hi ATI li
Till-. I \ k * 'Mi- MACBETH. Mi. thule? I>illon. Milli...> at
. .('UKI Uti I -
.IV YOKk ( lit? IS TltOl PF Ftr.t week
a.' Rohec ? *... li r?. ?banipioa p?d i.drr. LI Kia? t.rJdie and N?t
A . . Mido*? .ti'. oVJ.? ?
I F VI VI N't i A..-' Iki M | . ?on, Mr. Jolm
lill???-. Mr ? Itartot Fiiber .H.a. Madeline Henri.pi. t Mt-. \ eraon.
i lill! IVENI P. OPI R v kiorsE.
? 111 MOON. Mftl.'e ?. / p, li.
. DAILY-Cn . rsl Hi.toiy-Le-tiiiea upon the
?lie; ?vari) e
NAT li MY 01 DI -
SUINTH AtvM'AI. I Ml i I, I 11? INO! Till. AHTIS.
H'lClk I i. Open di;? I
TtVu POPl LAB Pt!.
lilis l.U.MM,-LES PETITE? MAIM*.-, i N t 1.1 B HY.
Ii MMi -
JUn.mce? notices.
?.-TIRR ?V. MARC! 9,
Jawai.ta? t?a Snvaa-ana?
Ka ? Jolm .t., N Y
fp.eepe.s'fit'ly inform tbe p b: t- tbtt they hue added to their ?took o
?lah JBWBLBT aad S LV?? WA?? * tuperb tuor.-ment ol Iii? UOBBAB
t Tbit a? sr? i- me tir.t >.f in kind ?KI Bttttl -' : ti ?.? SSI
4? 4eeti?el t . -iirptu ?n? uttJ- t?j i ... Du n,
-_f abefEeld. <>r i lii.?l?.flr of Ptr.t. lo quality u! me'?I ?ni p't'i t,
?' e'i|iltt ilrliju. ind hi.ni., we ionini?hd it to t ftvor? ? ?
Te pr?v?at impotition, . I ntl let t>eir their tri J? rnirk Hut:
IV. cl.rri?!. ?laudable p: On in beint ti,? introducen o' lit??? eo?d?.
?a? th?v (n??t ? w.at I >vif fe:' by prr?oBiof rebotad tait?, to whoi?
'_.>?- opinion ?ad p?trona?e we ?re Indebted.
i TB^Mfoodt we c'tini ?r? u. i>er'rt liirmony with It.?
art? wl.1 li w? biv ?lined I.? embody in t . nur prodiictiooi of jeweliy
?? w 1 ?? .. ? ?T? tie.
Hl)W \Kll ??a I "..
No. Rill I'.BOAOWAT. NtW "lil??
liar? ti ide tu en'sfia ut willi the
I'OBHAB MftrfACTtHlMS COBftNT ifl't'- '
FT? tu' n.l.piV t.i til?
Ef (j)
l\ I i I ti.sv .-frr ?t ?? ' .w [.ria? ?. tnv oM.e: I Bute II. lb?
,fVao, - ?at <f Sot!? MLTtKWAt? DlAB.'M? its?
.? HiTitri FA?. I i.tv.Dt k, _
, DAT? COU.A_.0__ A\ <
No. 499 B?r?idw?y, 4 door? be'ow Bro? me ?I
II?..?.I tnir.rd tbrir Sturt, by Ktt-nd.ur H U.M..m ti M? - i
btv, ?Urti
I ' ' ? r I ut? ?lock e'
tl.'INA AND (il.lASWAP.F
It . dfiir? K?p?.-i?! Attr ti??n to ? I.arj? Atiorms nt ol
?t?i ault an IABLB BI-BI-DIII
is ?ii woHLo roa
Corsai. ( ..Lila lliviiiMti. BBOTCBITII
At I all d.ie.u. !"? TBBHAT I.run? tnd CattT.
Sold by J. P. I'l.aiBC?. SJ :*> Ii.? ?> N.w Vu?
And by Drt ifititt it.d Apttlimrist t?neril y.
i,ti ? 1 It? tnanl.'old font,
J IA . Mernot. f?q ?f Ptrteiihuif. YVr.t \ irgiaia wriltttoDr.
tot? ? !? tv J IIB? ?ti follow?:
'that A ttunnny fleet, t. Am I commenced tiling pent lodir.t
Holet, ant am mut tytieely cured ol Sr ro/.la
Da Am.tait IODIBB iVaTta
li . pur? ?oluttion of (odiar. , ? Soul a ?oltrnl-thr mott fnieerlul
I i./iti g Apent and teitoreitue ?-?ote?, flin'an Iree.
I J. P. Duaaoar, Proprirlor.
h?. M Dry it , New Vota.
Bol J hy ?"! Druttitl?._
Tbe ? l?tvt owe? Iii ted ..4or to minute BI < ? : ' in (bat
1*1 jid ai.? coutil-, in ? t.ralthy p?r?un, a lar,;? s-.oui.t of iron, wtn-k
Hive? vitality to th? blood
Ta? rttrviA? STarr
.etrpHet th? blood with tbn vltil element, ?ltd .??-et ttrength tnd
?fifo? to the whole ivteiu.
A ?I pvte p?mph;?t tie?. J P. ninian N... ... Hey?'.. N. Y.
A FRIEND IN NYSM -Grare't Celehmud Suire i? a
fri.nd intu? etta tot not f.und it mc. ii. .m.| r?'i. burnt,
k.nttet icildi Jtloni huit, tnd -Te- lb? mo?t r>?tim'e oil titrer? and
other ?nrr?. It la a wond-rlul ?-?impound, anted s'tke to tit? ?kin of
the child and of the ?Jul'. S. nt by n.?.l foi li cut?.
J. P. DuraaoB?. No. M D?y it , N. V.
Ti tia r?ttor?t p?y b?ir to Ita oii(!-?l eolor. Ie?dt. oeuriibtt and
Bir?B|thettt tbe (ttywUi o? iii? wrtAett biir, if opt l't !tll.ii| it once.
Vee?? ti? b??d tl?BB. i? t drliflitftil bair dretili.? lol yu-mj U well li
_>ld-rl* panons Fbyticltut tad cb?tni?t? rontid.r it a trl'imph ol
brlff? Sokd by all Druicitti tnd fnhionabV Han Limmi, tnd ?t
ti y ntt.. .1.111 Brosrfw.T N?w York. Sim A I BIVALUB M I?
r If titi? ahould meet the eye ol' tiny one suffenu?/
trrvm Braarhltti, Cor.ijmp'iori, Aithma, or tay Pjlniooary affactiot,
??.would rtSti t_tm to lir JATBB'I Firrr-roBAST, whicb will In
a'l mu ?ford ip*??".? ?'? if >nd n u.ot' ?fie. t a i.esdy core.
r MOTH ARD KRUI KLKS.-Ladies afflicted trith Dia.
te "?tallon? on ti.? fit? aU?- Moth Patenta? cr Frecklta, ?bould ii??
PatBT I CB-tBBATtD .Mom A?0 pBICBLt 1.4/TI09 , it ii
f rtvBtued by Dr ?. C. Tasar f'er-ttoioiii?', N . ?I Bond it., Kew
?T??_. R?l-bT?Ildiotriiti in New-Totk and e.'tewhtr?. Price RJ.
?D_D ETRB MAUJV Nhw witLoiii njieciaclee, diictor,
ai Madieiaa. lient pet' paid ?n rorelpt o' 'et. ?n'i. Addret?
. it t. H roora Ne. I.IK'Hto?dw?v. New Yon._
?taUtte p?id OB receipt i ftrii cent?. AdJltlt Dr. K. R. Foot?, N".
I.lJBrlroadwiy. Nrw fork _^
? 8?.riRE i? l.AX.'LR. No. 97 K ?ton-it.,
al? for ?.'. DtABOTP? II ?nt (.bLO IVATCUU. t BAI?), ??I klndt
a' JBWBLBT > - i -ILVBB W ABB it a tm? I per m'tji
. T?f ACTCAL ?AMTfACVrai.il CO*I. _
' BaTtTHRLOR's HAIR 1>TE.-T'ie btsst ia the woridi
AlanalattL R?4??hi.. In.??-UBeoiA? ; th? only perf.et dye-black of
.*br?wn. Ko diiacpoii,tu.riit no ridtcu!.??? tutti. 4>?nui_e lifned
M _. A BtTCarxoa Al ? . Ii'iitlilt ?id P?rfB??l__
ataua.a PtaciL pai?nt?<l )t*t?4?.I8?a>. For ?tie at who'etale by i jt
rtu. TtfMliJs, Wilt?, Witch. J. J. Merl" (i.nsyl, Pratt, and
la-ttat ?Wl'it. At iet.il by ?Uiiooer? ?rd i>r ttcUtt. Matiuftctutto
.by Ta? IBBBUBV? PBH? ti ? ?.. Ntrrthatuptou, Sfttt.
AT WM. KVKBl'KLL'S S058, N'?i. H'4 Klll'i.Ii-fit.. N.
?.- T?a new pst.m ?mil? 1-TILOTBI. W lio-???al? and retail.
StroeAwtT. N I?, th? e'?f?nt paient KzcautOB WtBDIB? CAB?
?ni kamora*. U?v? yo? ttvta theui' liol I on y tt N?. X? BroaJ
B04>TR, ?Bots and ??AITERS R?. HI SI g, Nu. 4??i
Br??4wtT. Lara??'. ?ii?s,-?.t, and beat mor'tn?;.! of u?t?t_-?.?d?
V.tk in iL? elly. Alte, n ade to ?idefatihortaovii. Freu bot ?m
B>?d liAITSBt ol ??au . ?'?' > i??*'_
ReTtn.bl* Feed LockMitck
Bett f?aily oi?oi?r iu ti>? wirla
Furatvc? *4. M lo.
No. -J**. Broadwtv.
MOTT? C'HKMICAL 1'OMADR Ke*t?ire? firuy Hair,
B? ay i It p'tmtj ami fr'.n .Hin? o-it; rtrnvTet Dtndrjl: tlelr.eei
?lr?_?iahl ?M??A Bold by Bi?BTO? No. 10 Ai'or H.-Jtr, tad I
~__? ARM A!?l> I.EO. bj R KBA?K 1'ALMKR. I.L. I?. -
Ibt "b-Bl" fr?e t? tomn ia. tul low t? ?Aran tnd i ?."_>_? 1,_S
t-t?. Phil? ?ti i pi, NY; I?Ui??Bit, Rettea Avoid
I latiiMlsa? of li? vst?. '.
Tua HOTTR Shwi.*.? MAI HI.NKS- L??? K JSTIT? H.
tm F?tJui_f? aad Mt_.rM-l.rrr. ll.ry sr. w?r:d-????i??*-??l.
T-B H??| MA. Bina < ?. N? tJSI Bt??.way. *!??.
"" iMFROTBD I.4XR STir?H _A<BI1Krl l4ir J'SllorS SBd
MaatAJ-AatttT?. (.aofaa A I'tat? ?ti? MaCB-BB i ?_?_ai
tTta?. ?,1? Rr-td?i? _?
,* 1-Tjsa-N A-iA-ii btvctixin. -itt.astiRT BABD
ona?, SBPfwBTBBa hi Maaaa b ( a. . riaarleal mu i nu Vtea
matp ml Ho 1 \ ? . ' .'Uwitnl.____________
EiMPTlC ti. M. t t> ? l.'HK ??'I1T? H ShWlSO-MA
?Bia? Ru Ml Bread???. -Ilfb?.? **r?_i ".? '?old iii'dall of Mary
laadlt-ilt???. ?*Vr. "i, ir?- ?Uo r If. V. tad I
?Vnraa Bttwi.? M???t?vt for totaOj mag. Ne 4M9 Brevvdwav
Oa-taa Vitjiwrtte, f.i fvtr ?losen; Dtiplictvte?, .??.
^Si ipili ti r??tU4?>r?d R. ?. Lean. No
_ , , . Da. (rtLBBBT I FlLB iBtTBCBBJIT
tttturoir onto? lb. wont rta?, of PitVi. ttant kt a.ail en M
a?*?t?? 94 itrrai.,. ,^ ?rd by entail*. Aawnt wtatad ?T?ry
Pjkato. Atatnu I. S S?aAj?a, M?aaa?f, Ne. J7? Bioadaay, horn
^??_T OlMRBlD-B?. N.,. .-va Mtoada-Hv, .,? tsMIftaw?
Mvf-tjMivtlllirlal^,,,,,,,,, t??,plea".f f* JeckeT CUb
Bas*? r?t?tf N R M?t?.i,i" M wbaleaalr prtr??
. WHIRLRR A WllAWB'l I.lKKMlf.ll *
' Bdaoaia? ?ad RBTTatBoi ? Hi.?.,, ?,, of, Kr,*dw.v
'. . ira Toi
?' ..... H,it??, ? .
I - . . t... . . i ,
">?' in1 I I . i? . . . aaktj |(..??
i ai e?p'?ii;r? ?nd priTfivtn, I,tv? h-sn v>??isr?- ' In .!?
Amiy the ?upe-io-lty of tint ??tul? orrr every Viv: . -?? ' ;
?. ?trttue iiioiuiii^ bt? btAon.s lAintniVit w_4-B '.?*?i '''tv f _ r?
'i?d up-.- ... ; . vsisnd
A? e. ?:t I Boavrl romplaii,'., of ev?ry ktnl TI.? ?al i
prill, ?ti.i .. ?du eaand keep, i<p? I. .1 I) - li aV? i : o' b.lv
in oawboleaomeloettioni For the unit- limt'tad pion>?r ?nd trtder
it It iii? mott n bible of al: .if ? .?rd. , ...
ti.? l.nited Htatet it it roa.tdrred th. tittil Rag tlif<>' ?'iJ a?T'??t>le of
? i t ?ni. i and altogether unsqitlr- ti t r?nir,ly fir Dytpi piiv ',' ha
< inrradieii'i are ?li ?e:?table ?ni are kal I .? ?__?? I
mott w_ole?oai? ?.Itnulint ko>wn- Hie Kttsn 't of H) ?
llo.ramm Itirraat
?r . n? . t.-? r??l f. Pi .?.. :t'. P.i.atylviBi?. auJ ni lu* t:nu W, ?>'
do/.eu bSKtaa ate told ?until y by di '.??tvil?
'I H? MoiUBR eau lal. Hi?'? lMiw Nvl
.?.KrTBl-tl "latrp to ?ive rai' ?uJ h?tl?ht?lv Prilll I?I ES1 - *
litTet thtchtid from pub bit rrjjlttei tit? ?toatioli and I ?. ?. . ?
J UM wiiA.1 c >!i , uf-, atti.- g . r?! ?? luflimuitt -.:, vi'
? iiiftnt ttfay i . ??? ?! ?f Ita-JbiB;
\VIVI,:H (I ?I? II tv . -'1'!,.?'.? <?f .>! i
(JTB?. OAT? ,.f e??ry t ??:. i ? ?ii.a.J maka Al?. Ure?? ti. I I li
. .. -. -. r al, n si?, r t . >r (st I rjiLKiani s > il.iont < HiLt.atv .
( LOTBlv? be,, .! F B BAIBWIB'?, No TO and IS I
It?"? ?II . V auJ puce? I ..?
Aft BSTARLISBIR UKMKI'Y - l.B?>w:f'*t Ullo.iU: \l.
?a- Bat ? . ?tde'y known tt ?n si'.aMifli ?-I r ... ? I.? i ? f.-igln
: rta ?J. -i -n ii ?.:.? i-?? ?ni j'ber tie.tl?l?i of Uti Tl.r,>?t tnd
Lu'g? tMrtaai ?.....?.' ia *?i mntttttto ass i? asat
? ,. . i .,."? DBTAIT only . Btow? t
Ra.? ?ut Tao? n?i
TT,. tra.a . . ? !'.- Htu from tray ?..I ?r . ? I.
, ? I ? I ? . . ?, II IVSTAHTAI??.?.:? ?'?I1
? .ut n n a'n i a bright and BBebBBgvab ? .tttdri s?pi?. t- ?. ? ti.?
. ? 11-11.; til ? t B ililli i, ? ptrp.rill >u ii - li JIM . ..>!??. I.
giedient?. It i? lud y
BBB-'fK-ltl TO THB B4IB.
?tid I.-no? I? ? f?v ?ti'? not .t. y vn'.b "vu >f la.lit ?a I. it li
aiM?ro?rd by ?adie? at . t.. ?--. article o: u.ei'.iti.shle val. . ttokt .v rj
where and ?pt? t-d st ( ?ISTAIXI? ? B. Na. I Astoi II .?..?
- >B f new rioiedy for I ttirrb bt'tki tip ti. la tyrril.I? di.???- ?. t?
brid removft ti ?a pala ka Hi? t-n.p...? i...in ti.?
I.?ii. tv._e.nl? ? .iiii.tr-"? .'..'i ia .' 'I" BfeatBiiigtube, tal .t.-d
t-tfttli. tnd I'l.'i'.ittfi Ihlt Iva't.-.fi... ii.?1 adv. ka al it. I ?lui.
S.nd ?t?_tp f ?I pa'l.p! let | . tlBBBITT NOBTOS B--?Ma II A'i'i .'
I BtrsiiTi _ EDI CATIOR-TowWKBR _ CoBati
AntDBBT No ?i? Bowery fill ata Tttetlaa, day aad issuing ka
U'?L?kkr?i'i_g Wr.'.iiir \ri'l...?'.i . ??pdl.iig. ? ?lunn _., !? 1.
r? given No l?i?.t
Tia FtBB Ot !?' te.!.t'?ti rn, y?ut.g I idt.-?. t' .v? ?n I laSataM it elrftat
tud Ti'ied hovotid pre -ed- n! ((?.viv Ne ?I ; !'?>???l??y
MII.I.RR v*i Co., ND. 3-7 (VN u.si - LADIU if roc
?? ?I. b. i?tif'tl IIOOT? t?D ."?Boa? for youri- ?ti an I I.mi ?st, pitr -u
tis Mll.LBB ii f O , No 14* ( ?'ill ?l
At W'M. KVKRDKLL'S S.1N.4, ?Si". KM l'illl'Hl ?t . Ni
Y?.it ?bu. ?le;?" . ?nd ?t Ho??? Car ii, the new
l'i'?nt F't ??I 't?s
Wl_-C'>_4_ (?IB-Sit SKWIM.-MA? HINK - I'
I? Ititi lui?'" t I ria 11, ft ;.-1 I-..- ia. .lil t. ' -| ? Jitdf??- Hs-iimi tt th?
(irtedTrial I .*?? ? I tor ?in |iln nf hrttl. . i? be? N. '??4 Itr ?tdwiy
I'dixiK ?5s- SON, NO. ?>'.?-. Broadway, New-York,
ii.tr Four')' .'. ?iBBaacatra Pira Mt.v.ftoriaaa?
I'll e? c it t? oidei. r?p? tai tad ?
I of An .nvui ?? ... \V?, it
ri-! t? ,:.:.-u?li..| f..t tn-.-rti..n n.ti.t 1st autli
uame anti au IMA? at tie writ'-r-ii..'. _BM tttOj tot y
t.ou but ata ??uarantT f.?r lu? ?;<e?l f?"'i
All bl.?;:ir?a lettT. I"! t.'.ia (ifli. - __M__ tt ?tant I I I < I i:
'I t.nu M ' N.u Vtirk
;take to trettirn rf.jtvte.1 ('.. i, ? .
Wo ___ thank MU ailTcrt?jiiig cu?t?iinsr? '.? Im:..I II
. heir Advertiarmrnt. at t? eu'y an hour .< poitllil. If rroMvad ?ft?:
t u'c BSt tliey caonot b? t luitned tnd.- lb?., lionel .?ils
IV On the inside pages of to-day's issue trill be found
the Army and Nary Galettes, the Notices of Seie I'uhli
cations, "Rooks of the Heel.,' tl.e IIorking-ieomtn's
Prot?t tire Union, u inscription of the Sew Metropolitan
Snrtngs Rauk Ruildtng, reports of the regular meetings
of the. Board of Health and of the Commissioners of
Chanties. Obituary Satires, the Monetary Article and
the Marktts.
The Tciiiir-shce HOUM? ol lf>pre?44*iitatiYe? baa ex
| tfciiiled tin? tnueiji of the new Iroiinly lull to th?' rela?
tive:- ol lieud lila, k ?soldiers a?> well _.?? w hite. Last
j ?Spring this act ni" ju-ttice wa? defeated, and it? Rdoji
| tion ?how? ii Mia] pro ?TI-?--? nf willi li the ||gta. f__*
; tvell be ptfOd.
The ( ''.nveniioii of the Aiiieritiin Kipial KighN
iLition, which will meet at Albany next
day, bas the attention of many earnest reformer?,
who desire to rrmov?! the ?irejudiee whi? h makes color
R bar to fall <-?tiienship. The subject of wonim/
ritrht to Tute ?ill Rita be Uro'ij-ht In-fore it.
(.ut;. lenton has appointed Hon. Jame? K. Whit*
i ney a Conimiii?ioner to ?nve^tit/nte the Chargen pre
? ferred by the Citijien?' Association against Htnif
('oi!iiui?-.ioiier (?trnell. Mr. Jno. Sedgwick will, in
I like manner, inquire into the alle^rcl e_Mtl mai
, fea^ance of Controller Hr"iitir.'i.
Judge Michael Connolly has been nominated for the
office of Controller, by the Indepeiid'iit I>e.i.'i4?cratn of
the City, at who?, iiintance the Kepublican? united 4in
?"Jen. Halpine, ami ?e. ured Mt election as Rej.i-.tir.
The nomination is therefore backed by a large and
very influential popular T4>t?. Judge Connolly is a
loiig-avowfd enemy of the Kinp.
Th? Snitonul hitelligenetr, in a more humane I
than ti.-u.il, realizes "that fAn? m rcr ran it a stable
ptact in this country until the colored race are mad??
entirely equal before the law in regard to Civil
Rights." The Intelligenter can ?ell ?(lord, after titi-.
to take a ?tep further, and transplant itself from
ment to juitice. CirU Rights cannot be guaranteed
without Impartial Suffrage, nor will any o'her plan
bring perfect healing and forgive ne* s to the e.traii^ed
sec tion 6.
An Atlantic Cabio telegram informs eg that the
Rebel bondholder*! are about to bring their claims to
the notice of the Hritish government a? a set-off to
the Alabama claim?. Kitber the ?uid bondholders are
?lupo-ed to be fa?? tonn, or some wag ha? been perpe
fra'ing a boax. As we can hardly imagine that these
i pee ula! ?_g gentlemen are in a mood for joking about
their ?nrntnients in Confederate bond?, we incline to
the opinion thal the telegram is a concoctioo. Possi?
i-ly the report has been Ml afloat by a bondholder,
who, ?old badly himself, would like in bis turn to
iel! a few greenhorns.
A telegram in TV Ckicmgt Timet assurei us that
?-outhern men in Washington indorse the position
lately taken by that paper, preferring the broad plat*
form of Universal Ataneety tor Impartial 8uffrage to
the Constitutional Amendment. Mr. Treseott, well
known in connection with tbe Rebellion, and as an
Ajhiat&nt ?Sccretary?of State under Buchanan, adopts
thi-view a-that of hi? own State, South Carolina.
"Wo ehull lie glad if the mass of Southern thinkers
liic...-iit!, dy. Lin- th'-iiAclvf i wi'b tW__| wisdom and
b Ml - _
1, . to be proapero. ., v I iln uti
. and DiiTt? ,-' ii'
ii t ."ii, the
an d'-ii- mu? II, ?v-B-ta
? :' ill li,lill.
. lio innot Innld OT improve hooaaM labor
. Hi. ili-itr, UM laborer iet?r!? Ilia;
', _ig_ as bil wnges aro. I
, ?:y "??! on Al! but a very few re .lue that we
,u?> in ft ! il?i* pofltt-?Bj ?M-h in.iist.-i thiit wo .tlinl! fJ,?''
i? it the oxpon.?-? of tOtMttmOiy tit I
l lira grammrtfhmOs that busine?.? is threat
mtd with n! iflHwi Mai._fitpt.mTa are ?topping
ll.mr works bctoftiiso they pin uo longer plant IhMr
^ ,,il?; merchants an? IB--if littln in tin? present, snil
wi,!i t:iev liad MU li'?? ia the past ThO Bor.th has
boen glutted with 000U7 fohrioi which she IM no'
n r I sill cannot pay foi; and prutcM?. on mercantile
ji.\pf?r aril uncomfortably plentiful. The oight Y?'a!l
firms which ngalla- mt price of gold, M-Irtng
it cheap wbou thoy liavo it to lund and dear ?.io.)
they 0_ ' ?? I I '"'t in, are at their v. it's ond to keep
up th? premium, ainl would bo utterly swamped ii
Uj MoCullo'pli would only bny up and c.tm
|"lah lOt-O kind of Public Deb! with hit Mirplua gold.
Tim COM BT-f beiiiR large, tho We,?t ia full of Hi?K?,
tai Mi" pMMi operators who manage the 1'ork uiarket
daio not buy and jaot at the pri?es ol last year, and
are compelled to lut tho market Kettle, to their own
: M Nib >ly wants t'i hold l.uttor and Cheese
lt?ef and Mutton, ?.hough still high,
ara MUng, f??r 1'oultiy ?a M cheap and ubundant that
tim p" 'i m't afford to ?M1 BMC Oir in uko!? are
I with pr.xlu .-,? and fabric?; and all kimw ihat,
UmmMMt t'iere shall be a fre-th di-1? tiicli ?if Taper Money,
'. !y everything most lie lower
Now, then, ia lim tnne--:i Congrosa and the
Treasury could b? induced to think so-to rosumo
? P-J-MBtl ThtH w*lio are not ready M~M
? i. It a yoar and a half "f peace, "?th an
.tb'indant I.oionue and a _________?Bg Heb*, bave not
M__ ?I for jirep.tration, twenty yoars would not
answer any botter. In lut, thOTO ate today inore
di'bt and more pecuniary internal iu Iho way of
Resumption thin th'Te woio in June, IM5. Wl etlirtll
nover resume unie-,? we 1 r y (?.; and whenever wo
really try we nhill |MM Aud, -?iiioo w.? ar>- tu
IHMN ti eacH-tlgpri i ' truant tradi?,
why no? mohn to go down ti hard p..u at oaooT
, return??-than it nuttung -anling but the
will-an I mttft Bft ..prii"-. bo l.ibor, Piafim and
trntat Iii "-it. ?housands will invjt in railroad
ni.ikiiii*;, building, "r, &p., win a:o IH.IT d.?t.?rri-il
by the consideration that whal coate (15,000 will Im
araail l'i' llf.001 w!i,-!i v-'? i i l'iwii (a ru-k-li'i'' 'in.
.t? va MM rija BMM OB- "ball 1>" Jet M mtMMmmi !?' 'lu
ibu ,'h>u I? 'ind marni MM. moru '?u t Tra litin?. If
tin.-, mi evet righi, it is rn;lit fMMfdHy, M-I i*
-.]? ? . t'ly (ighl n 'w
A I ?uri i <n BEOK?M
' UM r-Jllli' Of .?et, 'l'.atl"!!, Wl'i li IS III!','. S" 1 '",
shoal- lay bold on the wite men of Washington in
?et fairjii.Niiij??, and in? MB w-mld bo mt oin ?he 1 l"
loam that M?M-hot- ti tba ( ibim??, and even Mr.
Joh-WM lii!))4'?!f, ii'???.- -ml ''i-i, lii'tl th"ir litt!?
'?t m ? .;i the I."! ? kil ? 'I, ;n.* >' Iho i_M ?;.'? "'
Vi'?' Human natur?? ia weak, and ?-.en Ibe
hMlWliag '-'J.-?' a?. l ?'..:.. view uf th.? Pal] ?-1 " -
t- 'ii. may no?. N--HI t? retrain || BJ f: mi
, fixation of their us turi) pas-ion for the rimri' rt
BON -d '.iii || . .:. m ilk,?' I' It -li t'? think thill
(hi..?'? whoin th.? nation uoldi in ?nth unliinitel
'.-,' ?till 'li . ' '? :' W.i ,-n'.ilil.' i'ipiV'1 ti. g.?t
'ne-i for the nu t-?.?i Ml_rlH ti MB clnth
will bavo UM- litt-I Ililli*, nil w-rin only
auk that tbey ronturo their own monty and ?50TCT
their own ' _h0l1
lu (ho almtrai-t, lln-y would, 'liitilitltts*, roiii'mlo th.
joatioa of this proposition, bul if ruuioi is to l?s l>e
lierad, they aro ?.?'.in*'.- r?ir_nf-ui on (.'?v-romeu,
account, which may pu.ve anything b_l Ml I
to those who aro lo l_rB-t tb" in-irgni " Mr
I.i.ri'.-ii'-n Sh?>rnii!i and Mr Muiut-T ('?nipl?o!l
have gone tI M i i ,, m a
traii-Mi .MII ni tttj '|i'*?'i"i,'ibl'? proa i
mon? qnaatiooabla jos) . It M imptriti -Ml they
in? to op'-n ahop ut V.-rtCru. MBd ' fVlMl
and uii.iii'nar. i?v 1 p.-o; mg a margin 0.
^00,000,000, BMIB Or IMMJ fir ii ajifculatiou win. h
will, at b*a?.t, b-.'.vg ut di*,*i?rai?i:i, i! i' do IM? hrmg Ua
profit lim;.-ror MM io -tM to !"i Uro. if Ml
tnti t, - .f Miriumr.
All this is very well: and.il lfft t?i Mn-iiitulves, tho
UM will ailju-it tin? matter to thuir OMI sut.-fi .
l"i , ia ti,fir own war. Thny may not lo it. n*ry
MMOMtfully, but that it their buainess. Ii they
rliiMisH to i.-i'iitiii'i.? thohrold iliifiitiona, we may pity
thein, but we have no righi IO MttriMl Ritt I
Let u.? wiah them w.ill. tarni _ri~_ UMM our fii.-n 11/ I
sssi?tance; bat, in tim name of coniuion I
of t'limmoii prudeiic", let jia not ?lo what we MOD.
al.nut to do.
It i? currently bilnred, in well-informed ImMH?
? 1?'?. thal Hie ..ihiniii-.tri.tion brokers are lo MfotMta
a biii; thing taMexkVM-Mag .?'-ut for that purpo?
on tho ?br?;wd bint of M. MOM?MIOH that thor
chaaco -tr a ooraor. DirMtod ol blMho-?Hi-such
an " Monroe DtOtthM," " Trot?'. !n>n to n HotorBopOt)
lie," '. Bhaltoriag folds of UM -BMrkai ving,'' tai
similar twaddle, the thin? h If follows: TheMexi.'-ii
pupil are to be _00_-_0_ | by what authority is not
stated) to owe from fifty to a h'iiidi.-.l million dollar?
to France, M a OOOMWaaatioa lor old tluini-, and for '
;in inetiectual attemjit to entone thoa? claims by
blood-died Hud Ubiirpation. Fram ??, bavin?/ fun-iht for
her money and bein whipped mi a ii?M of her own
choosing, would be niiturally glad luV'-l tho HMM*f
neverthele-H. tai to be poid for tbi whipping into the
bargain, i'nmpbell is supponid to play Diplomat
' mirnbilr dicta-and augij;iiht to Mexno that she ought
l to pay the money, and Hint he will ki mil/ MIMIgO
with Mr. (?en. Catteltieau to accept bia millions in Iho
form ol' I'nited ?States '.I per cuni. bon.Is, whith will t?o
ii.ut'il for the sake of oaMO, liuiii.uiiiy, roiiciliation,
and all ?bat sort of thing, yon know, and Lower Cali?
fornia, Honora, Chihuahua and Coabmla. At (bia
point in the negotiation?, .^herman 00OJOO forward, ??<
liig Injun, which be knows how lodo, and luiidsthe
myaterious ni?! of his gent?o iulluenee, tothueonlusion
of whom it may concern, to, at l??i_?t, ? l*lief in the
prudence of quiet concession. With go??, bat king at
\t.'a?h?!)gton,lhe thing will ?oik, and thaoataif. will
be accomplished, because Mexieo is in no tondition to I
renitt the blnndi^hlneut8 and threats wlneh will bo !
implied or cipressed by our sgents, while Juarei i# '
m i uiiiliti?i!i to buy our a_-B_M0 at a high prK-e. j
If accomplished, the L'nitid States will have mlilfd :
largely t<> her tarr.ti.ry, which is already Mi large on !
that boundary; will have acquired a larga Spanish
?peakim., "(?r?n?rr'' population; will haro opi'in-d
an account, of which the first millions will ho ouly an
item; will have deeided that Mexico onght to pay to
France a i'im which Fran??e fought for and oOaM n't
get, and which Mexico thinks ibe ought not to pay;
and will have expressed approval of tho high-hauded
measure by which Napoleon, in our days of sorest
thal, attempted to insert a wedge which should aid in
severing the Union. Somobotly will grow rich and
powerful throngb this stock-jobbing, and Mexico will
foot the bill-or else we shall.
The late canvass in our State was remarkable for
fullness of attendance at the meeting?, at least of ths
Republicans (perbspi at those of the Democrat? also),
and for the patient and eager internst wherewith ths
[??.ollie listened 1" ajideivhei not alwava lively, but
. Il ?oemed to find too I??ug. N.'vor
Qo W," **1 --ii i-p"t't -r
iii- ...i. Uni utt?i
B ?M'i.t.v.?:
| A' i'hi \' (i < ? i- ? ' Hoc.
? IBOI ti 1 I1" "' ' I '?? i M
I a ?I ,:, Si.Vi" ;. t.AI.I.'iU IV
I ki. van
Ott i f.-'m kbroad irbo iii na good a?n
Dotbiaf han of Mt own-.p'-a-?'^- uta l?-btleeai tie
t :. nu trel .. ? ta B_fceti
of thf- fa | ' t ?.*- b.?!'!?'" ?" '
?.r.-'i.r.'ii to whom tin Uc-publicitti of -,?ir Stale
are timlcr 1 ?.-?ting obligation**.
' HUES THE HEIL Wai iii I "
TA-.Su?, thotifrh i?rif'>?ing iml'i "?- I -r i>tr
titt, P'ivc JohnT. I lufTiiiuii it nciloui ami olT(j?'tive
mipport throughout o'tr late conti.*.?!. Wfaila avowing
a /fiilotii devotion to Manhood Suffrage >n fir at
llnttnn, it did \U bett to de-fe at "I.tnhnod Suffrago in
the United Stotts. But the election nt now orefj and
it recognize- the (act that some issue? liav?* been net
tied by it which cannot bo revived- tli.U t_ * I>.'i.:"C
racy of the Future niai be quite other than the B--_?
lii'in-nnicy nt l!.? ?.nt p.nt. Iloti} i? ita warning
la UM 1 tri j which ha.tjus' ii?-e.'i batta- !.'
I .. a li-ni.. . ni:.- .In- ' .ra art- inn?- cr ??iii," .! c: ?II in?
dix latina npon tic cbanir*? of teringi-? lit
S BJ - ? i.f t . -ni I ? .it. think tliat tl-'lrl? .'li! ." ..t;i;!i ll'.tll'"
in iii., nil! bodrio ii.lfiiit ni ii? i-?t ittitimi lo Bolitl ilfetsiltl
v hil? .. . -I t..lliinli ti?'.' Iii" !?'
not poaaiblj rvoorer 'li?'i doct'Tt.
tlii'i.'fur.' tiisa^rr-e IB Iba osar, a? doctor? pruvorb-tllj du, Bad
(hia make? the ?iibjed all (lie mons vrortl ia It
va ill lv mid
, i.| r-?i..r.? ?i la ti -ir , al
I ? I) ?. \ If .'? |. .'li.? .lina It'l? la It ;
t ? s.? i. ?'..ir- c . ' 1 ?I . ia I?- ?L-l ". nu.I mil; bj 'i uerotiBrb
ii-..i|-ii"?.? If. orruption bai aot eutirelt e ita ?wa) Iti
,,-.? Vi: ? ' I ' I'- M1 "I I" 'i ?lull nolltlesl
;. nu ilmilit II li K :? r tri' t?* f..; .1 II
lili; Hie k-Bf its-ri-s?! ivlieu i! Ii.nl paSB*Ma- ?>i tit" Otft . ?nitii?"it
it In.-.I IHRII ?cal kadalfed I? diaaipatioi MU? wat??>_trT< tkal
li I-, \ .) i m ti lie tar?, aad )"??
bal .'? ? inn oil lb . I it?' '-I ?' ti ni,, lut rt |rood pira ii; *
I yet I rla| It I't'-L t.. a lit
. .'tfl.?..?!..ti? .?I ti:? j.pie Uti* it. iii'l.-r I"
.1?. ti, i? ti"., Ht tua ?Iii, h>?v ?. I?-:? |*>iiiiii!v: tli.'ir
i ? nt ..ii- . ilia
Jtt.rvlii ?u ..nl:i-'.j i
? .-iiiile.! upon tj IBM? It
lilian-,? nt ti n: i? ??Im' t ? II . ? ill .-. lal i
i .?t'liti.tii ?? In-li ii . liial "I
Right? ll-iioent?
?a i! 1. ia I. .?i |,.r v.-?r. Mat, ft I
I .?li.- lorn Patrio! N ii .. ii II ?i;??-.? ind \
. - t. ;,.... r It ?
i.r n ,' T_etr? i? n ? .?ti'.! altSl-BUTB BS Other hop?
Not Mag ?lae can Mrs H fn.m ?.'own' t" .? i-'
10 B bl II l'a? t -asiga NI m? partie?, t >r
the Baka "' ?? li.? ?M "Il I" ' |
i' it _?gbl > .' b? . we ? ?y let It !.. . I .*
i bo bat a coatr .''? . I II i ? ? ?? ? paal bt
? i tan frai i Un r?
I,H? ?alti'il l-l i' .'i. inl Ibu . li Iii.
itali > .i fi "in
n Ma Balai of depart beacon
?,-..-' . . 'iii?ltt
s ?.it, ? ? llint wi'h propef min
i I ep I
i t.? h . dib aad ? l|for, ?. I ?'? r"
?et HvtlB-t* ma?, ttemmtAge tks Kvii i . i" '
ir.i t .m1, wtrrn ?Vi t' [1
Rmarhi "?u Th' Tnhun'.
1 ? .?"?.n r.'in;:. Il 'i? 1 I I'I!)' '?' ti it <'. I Jol
Militar touching Ha? rural lou' vvlu. ht vi t:^ go'. U:nd
(Inink, rind bett totttttrti li'ti;:? ti'.'-il*, t?!''.vi.ci.. ?it
length awoke to CHIM-IIJ-HII'??? HU! 'i p?-ip'unty which
al ' r . i - Bo i<?,;- Bei
not J li l ba c, i-, s? i.ipi-iu.s, 1 'v ka, al.. g ? ?l BTSN;
if lb? n?'. - n I'i> f enid a cart."
Mr. Web.?.?: m *4-> in
f.i jete tba I '?? '?i?
party ?TO?] 1 tt?? 1" t!io Wmmgftliji only Morl
VrtTi Huren v
1. .. i-'.'*?! 1? MI:
?ti'CiM frankly ICt ?;?' Hi >'?.*.? c?';n-?*l - .
li'Ii -1 - ? s t :_ ti kth ''Sin: ?T| pill ? fi I Bl lit K-A'I'I
linitneuU," -?ti 1 in .tead - k11 m g*o4
ol !.: JIIH! i;it*lr ?. Fri'-ilom, I* a'i i??f i.-ui. ,N .
I'l ??: . ntl A lilli. I t . .. Mt!.?n "-it wolli.I
diilbtlca? <. : . I? i k li I?-.in.'cl
it and win nvcr ?onie ?rlii Intve steadfitrifly
?-^/p?)rii'J it. ''it w-'ul'l Id able tu bold
fin?-*?* .?;,. :,,.?? r,illy (irotind it- Ita
11 ?. ' i ill :;. V **? t . t , I I.:, TttJ uuuier
a*? dis .?.1 . rali b tba cbtaga. " Wb?m I was a
boy," grnmlilf'l in "! 1 fog", ' tjhl Bl t?? luv?*
ruin ami li * ? liff, tlcy want H t.. Ii-'?
rum and 1 i.?i II:??,' ?mrt. I u'rcttlv prefer
tliD ol 1 di-i *j-l:n?- " 1 t'.len', ol'buinati
ii' .?rc, in Unit
old f"g.- ?ad H arfll ' MJ all j?>i> t?? con
? ?i Mgntwp-M .i-ylutn*? ?it.?! ??tlioajl
houses, tin? ii??:iil.i'it4 of n.'.'rti . itii?i pMtv-Bfl in
jiriyer-timc, tL.it I ftttj winch r.-j.-.t-t ''BlOTory Billa
aad StateRifhta la___Mttta," kB?! -t.n??i-? f??r "K?in?l
B . FT.ben ami A?li-tic?'?l Civili/.uioti," ii
that "'i ? : i f'i..?ir "young .ulcctiot^ '
were l.iv;?!i.'.|. Doft The Sun iimt^'ine that
? [iirty. ?;t)l ..'nil [?rilli Ipi?*??, ii-? it con
tein|ilaU'*. ? tttil'l ?arry tho Y,\t> Pateta? .M.nkcrcli ille.
tba Mixrk. M .i tba i>?-?i?i i. ti?i>it d;.tr?i t, bf i
lll'.re tba . '.? i '" "He' III! doe?, it is sorely Illl.vtukeil.
It is it? NppaBBa, 1' lll'-Ilcy t?? Vice ti U?l irilllt* th k1
the Munn Demoerm y aoatroiig a hold on tl.ctl.'|ir.nfil
and ??rofligatt' quartt-rs of our (,'ity. Takt tin* baw-boll
and griiir-sl-."]!? out "four City, and no mun on earth
.'it icotvlil give iiiiything like it? prci-nt
11 .-rtit.c ninjuriti.
\\'f tro .11 i"t diaeooi?tga The Sun in Ita Bflbata
ti> laprora the l>?-n,ftrnt?? parti; Lut ive h;i\c _y_
faith in their r-iuic-.s. 'llmt party wiw lon
dcsertiil bj llioi-.Uni- ol' it? l.c.t .nul BJBWIMI -iil'
p'Tturt i-i|trc-i|y becini.e, iiftt-r long und patient ?I
fort, they Mere ((invincctl (?mt it uoulil not and (oiil.l
not be nia?le what TA? Sun seems to .?iip|io-,e it HI.IV
bo. Perhaps The Sun may have read an apothegm
touchin?, the expediency of putting new wine into
li."A- ImltliM, which M-ciii- to us to .lied light ou the
matter. _
Attempt?? are ntnile to streugibcii the waning mt. ,
la'r. a I'eeling in .ill ci.mmo.litic*?, alni ol' -?locks in Mi?
Iii ular, lu pariuling tlicpme.s paid in Man li, Hil,
just before the panic of that neasoii. A inore corroet
| idea ol'lhe taino ol* property is had by ('??inpann.
! prices m lw.V.?,ivh.'ii .-pi ein pay meut? wore the fashion,
and thn fiuancial afluir? ol' the nation undi?
turbed hythe i??uo ol n thousand million? of irre?
deemable paper, ein tihiiing as money. To make ibis
p?iiiit clear, the following (able will be found com
, p?ate. The In .' column showathe prie?-? with gold at
! par. Tim second, when the tinancial balloon wau a*
it? highest [loiut under the ?timulus of paper matai
j and ?peculation; and tim third, when the gas seems
?ni tie (."... ot batef uithdraiii. by retiring legal
Bail ? I S'A M?r.l., ISM NOT 14. list?.
i...Id st 'll.r b?ll...,it Th? "(Jue,.
p?r. " lull.' AjTdl.ir. ?.?uiiit. '
r s m et IBS. ....Ru ...
N.-U V..I-1. I'.'itti.il ; ,. u;, t.". |M?r ?liuiB i.t
Kile li-ilw.iy. I l.v.4, IA* ??sr aharo Bl
ll'1'lsr.ii Uiver li; I ?. t lv."ll .HT ?lim H |-.'7
watUng t::i n,. lui, ?MT tAmn nu
Michigan t'entrai 44{ I .. 11*.?* par rttir.- ll'j I
Mirhlirati Siiitli.rn . ,, p.j ll'.'j |?r ?liaio
Illmol? I'tniiuL . w, yoi vi per ?lime
lleve, a Pitta?, tint lifflie. ii.? Of lier aliare
N. -fTa-ton (??t min.. BJ
l.ilt Wurlie mit u.ttir | ; , .'^ ]l/-i !
With gold at par, ram? teken it ma?, a fourth ctiliioii
will ba produci-d, which ?.ill approach uearer t<? the
fignei of l*v*-9 than to tho*e of 1-iJ-l, or of November, j
ISM;. The businc*?? of the road? quoted has grown I
largely ?ince I8B?| but no r?aue yu ri+on will claim that '.
it is reprefaentod by tho advance in prices. Present
4|uotations aro mainly the result of an enormous bank
expan?iou upon irredeemable paper, fostering Bp??cula.
ti4>n more rampant ami widely diffused than is re?
corded by any hi-torian of modern tluame. These
price? of railway shfirc? repre,, ,.i a ('egree of inania in
If .dilution which will bo a- ?4touii(liug to the nuler
?I ? fiw toara bonce an the 8,i.,Hi foi l>ul>
_ ? .-.
Me, tho T- I p nuni.i, the Muru* Multi
fever, ami Maine wild land", are now.
No one o ni r.-ii'l the report, of Sin ' r-? ('h'
,. h LI and Ak Culloch ia i< ?-.-d to Iho .______-__. n?
effect of ] . ' t ' ? e i :'
i ' lool in re ?
. Thin
.nul pith no oc. To the debtor for commotiitii ?
keagh. ?MI!; i-ol'l nt a prcmuim.it n. ? .1" :
u.i du., t'a- rook- it, m gola time oaaagh te gal
out. Hut, while one prudent man pi!? Dot, fen "i c
IWfl_hH men" go in; IB- .??"?'io payments ?ill
ra'-.rr-l- fiml in existence a lar?e claai to bo brokea?
Thi.s fact iOM not make it le1?.; imperative upon the
Oovernmont to resume at the earliest possible
moment, allowing the few to suffer in order that tho
ni'tny may p<- forth upon their busino-a engagements
on a solid bn?i?. It i- U.?C1C.?H now to call in question
tho expediency of any finauciul plan adopted to
preserve the life of the Clovernment. What Congress
baa to do is to relieve the country from the effect of
"nece6iaary evils." It? plain duty is to fund at
tho oarlic?t moment all the "."-Os and compound
notes, and to destroy every dollar of legal
l "inl * it i m get into iU pMMBion fro? ita excess
ot nieome, iil.ow- ?ntore-t on Hie debt and an econom?
ical administration of the f'overnmcut. The re
-iiinoiniiement that tin* Secretary of the
Tri? t-i'iry has canceled four millions more of legjl
tender,, and lliat be will not use the fifty million?, ot
re-ei\e. i?the ui<?.?t gratifying BtatoaMB, theTreaau:y
lu? inaile-uni.- K.1., when the desperate rcsomve
Of ini:it:l u-t'i:ring le.nl tender? wa* ?auctioned. It
ahoul'l bo regarded ;i? a tin,?! naming, to debtor, and
?peculator-? upon borrowed rooney, thal the C.overn
aioat m.in-, todo its duty ia this .batter, ..ml teach
them prudence. A?, ?pine payment.-, approach, the
bnjiag fmWtt of money will steadily ._?OOM? aal
the pre-- of eoinni"ditie? of all kinds decline. 0 it of
'.V. o*it of ditneer now, witb mor
I . > years ago, in MM, the chara? ter ?
Vor), PI ?er wai below that of the Stat??? ol iVnu
r?vlv una. Maryland and Virginia. There was an in
tfgs tor, bat hi" standard w,i? regarded M BOithOT very
liiifli MM ve:v uiiitoiui. ?S"ii?e o' 'MM N.fi-V'irk mil
Ion theo made good flour, above tho tteudord, and
iteahHaM found their interest promote?! by k?-.*;?ii _:
up tho credit ot their brands. Hut in general, the
credit and characior of New-York Flour, at hotM
and ahmad, wa? belo- that of the other Bl itoi
ii mi"_
In ?he year l-<-.l, or ?. irly in l-'-i-.', Johl llr-wu, .
baker, and an oaaoUoal judire of flour, ?va? opfO -fed
.of Inspector ot Flour in New-York. He
niool tho New-York ?tandard of-MfOOtkM opto
th il al lay, tai oha*. that of most of Iho Boathwa
.or?. ThO irr ides of wlioaten flour wer?? li I
.i nao Middling?. MMittagO and Ship
Btufl Som . of tim millitr?, when they coosidereii
their flour t? be of riqierior quality, would put ou
braal twice, ?rhiol ?Til called their I
brand, and wini h would command a more ready sa!.?,
and BOBMti-MO a higbM price, but not often au ad?
vance of inor.? llian twenty-five cents (?er '?irrel.
Wieievr then boaght a barrel of Western or Troy
PI larfof a family at aco?l, perhaps, oi from *." to *7,
b ni a? i_""?il I ?r. ad and pa.?try fruin it, as cm uow be
nub? oi st. Loafa lair, < atiag *i7or|tH. M
little waa than beard or thought of eitra floir, n 1
n. i? lung of tho numerous eitra> that now ligure on the
barr?-!?, and CTOird the d.tily market reports in tho
?Sim? millers kept their nulla running upou standard
flour, su. li as woi.Id pa?i? inspection M MlfM--I, and
?b I not tia Wghor. 0>cc__ioa-Uj they would ran too
nea., m ?".?'ii it<_r-in-?t UM ittandard, and then Joha
! Lkawa'O flofH?M would cutoff tuptr and ICMV fine,
I which usually rmlined the price from '.'.". to M cents
per barrel. Fine or ??iiperfiue, it wa? a good whole
rU'uio article f??r bread, and was iu goosl repute l?otli
at bonie and in foreign markets.
Temptations -..?ailed ,>??uit- of the in.Hers then, a?
My they may incite MM "1 the fraternity uow.
A large 1'iiantity of foroigu wheat hin! been stored ?u
hoad in Kngland, where it bad lain several year?,
and had b?-? oaM un-wind-tmi-tf. It had a peculiar.
dank, malarious odor, ami was enll.-.l Han: Wheat,
having be.-n imported in baga. More than one of the
New-York millers ltou<;ht ?tome of this bag wheat, and
ground it with Hound wheat, to the Material injury of
the i'u.ility ol' their flour, and the reputation of their
! _______ When very lightly sprinkl??d, the mixture
' lioing MOOtl] of souud wheat, it dad sometime? HMMM
the i ritic.il e.umination of the deputy inspectors, and
'heir ordeal. Hut it was not, salo then. A little
haven of thai kind WMM M__-At to leaven the whole
lump of the barrel, ami in.?ure it.- return to the ven
Ii the Summer ol' ISM, the yellow lever. a?i-cnlle,!,
uppo.ire.l at tim loot o: I,' ' . -* and about Albany
Batta. Tho lower pail ol the fit} wa? ne hiede
!. and what business wai l.'ft to it was driven up
town--up to and above Spring-?!, ko fOJOOlf could
not be furnished willi olean bills of health, the ;
.usines?, ?o lar a? exports were concerned, waa broken
up. The pro-e ol' flour wttt ?o l??w, thal many llnm
i san,I banale, prin?-ipally of Troy ami Western brand-,
were ?.'ii! to Phil itlilpliia, and there ?old a! .1 profit.
Th?? bonall iiiid the branding wen? not in conformity
with the r UM lal of lV-nn?yivaiii?i;
but the I'rii'iidlJ ai.d lOTlioat i;i?pittor _than their
rigid enion eiiii-iii. giving BO-00 to the New Yorkem,
lhat if they should ?.onie another y?-ar, they mu?t ei
pi.-l tO comply wUli the law ? of hi?? I
The quality of the flour ?,b -o de. i.'.edly above the
P-aaorltaala oteadari I tooaaoftho
VOOten. _0M aifl fully _| lo lVnutylvau.a superliiie,
and paaxeil as such then?. Th?- pud p.? iple ol' Phila?
delphia were M4 baohwaN la apiureiHting this ?upe
riority, and, tot a !..II?_ time a:;, rwti-d, ..ok care to bo
?applied with the botter bro-di ol'V-v. Vork Wer?tern
Flou:-. 11-r.v ,s it lea ' How li \_,V York Flour ap
preeiated in our own market ' I he Marin. rfp?>rt ol'
i iie-.ttt'., Noteiuber i;>, MM, (ash ?
MU? mu.' M?!.'. . .- oatie M
I -.'lil Mala? IUII...-.I ,|, . ,. t,^.i lil Tu
Kvia Nile ..?tun,!
I ? :."i.-r K-riii!<? ni \V' ?t.-in I'xiia 0| It 33
siii;.pina ii'.ii. I! .j,i" |fS3
I us ?'I-.?? . . IO u.? u B3
Ut 1.41111- Katrrn 14 900 1? .'.,
."N.lltIll-Hi H.mi . . . I-'."?li? It X.
'I'ls.ls siitl Family brsAtts ti o ,.
II. re it. a sad iev?-r?e !'? r New-York Superfine, as
well a.? for New-Viuk Kiln Flour, ?ir.ee Ort dsys ?if
tho lnspottorate *i J__fl Brawa. What sort ?.f
New-Vork Supenine Flour muit that he which ii sold
mr f_ on per barrel, when Southern and ?^oir.h-West
Ora Flour loniuiatnls al 0 ir tut n ?limrs from 117 to
??lr I The latter u aotMag mere than good flour.
| well mnnulai tured from (tooti wheat. Does the millar
; put hi? name on the headi? ot hi? barrels of flour
j ?Mob he ?elis at ?f^?O? If Im does to, and if his
I flour i? irood, people will know where to go for good,
! cheap, half-priced Ho ir. If lie does not put his name
on his barr??U, why not I _Ju>?t the State of New
York have the credit or the discredit, as the tat t may
be, of indon-ing and ?ending forth under ,t* own
nume, half-priced flour which the manufacturer of it
will not indorse with Ais oxin name I Fosribly the
Legislature may have toniettiing to say in anewer to
this ijiiestion.
We regret to notice a disposition upon the part ol'
errtaia ncw.paptn. outside of Saw-York to ?Jia.ouiit.>iiaiie??
Mr. ?. H. C'ralgt ?flort to ?atablith a rival tgvncy io tha ol?!
?.?ttx-latsil I'rt*s? Thor. U uotbiotr like coruiietitloii in baal j
MM, ?Dil It ia thi> int?T?-f?f- of fiery n?-n ??,'.? |x r outai.l?* at
New-York City, as well at of tho fenerul 'niMio, that Mr. <'I_?K
?Uouia iiiiinaaif
-The Walkington Chrantcl? ha?, it will thusltestien,
retired from the Ahsoeiated Fres?, 'lins, of cutirse,
The chronicle has a ifgM todo, and, Me think, it ohowl
WIMIOIII. The \v?i-iiiiiiir!i'i' |oorealo ara tiI van ima.
up "f the nows in the m ?min?? Now-York and Phila?
delphia paper?, and H IB the wornt oconomy to pay for
telciaTtpliing mmW a'.l tho news come, ia |
.? r, ve an OCOOMpi-JV ';
i. vite, on thequciUou in., reaollod moi;,;,
votei b? I " <?-' m favor of ______ . , !v g
amaina ii. Such a unanimity i? aithot
niodeni history, licfore tho oloo?OB, ii Lad i.-oa re
put.?I that many Republicans ?.u the ose aid?,
aud many UtramontiMie?. cn tha other, wo',
a^it.n.t anueiatJcn. The former, it was thought,
would be influenced by the eniphat.e re?a??! of Mu
??ni to recognize the Government of Vu tor Emanuel,
w hile the Ultramontane*? would decline to vote tor eui
eicommunicated prince. The result orj the election
shows that both these partie? have, ??uteri tieed their
grievances and complaints upon the altar of thatar
common country. They not only did not vote againtt
annexation, but they cart their Totes for it. Taere
were hardly any abstentions. With a population
about equal to that of Obit?, the vote tust alawst
equals the highest vote ever caat in the State of New
York. Thus the plobincitum of Venetia will itand
forth in bo-tory as the most emphatic and moat unani?
mous expression of a national v."i I ti . b??en
The vordict of the people of faaaUo fo- ??;. -t.,,,?.?
the fate of Koine. In tha coupe of ?'?oi't a mooth
the French will have OTOOI Itl ! I':'! territelj, and
the Kunian, will then find an opportunity to exprem
ther wishes. The threat of excommunication against
et cry one who will, in any way, cooperate in the o?rer
throwof the Papal nie. may .somewba* ineieaso the
negative vote?, buttha* -I i_._?eu-t. majority of the
iu'..bitant-s of the Popal t "-nt ?:.- wi'l V"*e and. if
noc??-ftry, fight for annexation, admits of no doubt
A.s* h ? withdrawal ol the Tr.uclj troops, i-, near at
hand, w* ?hall soon hear of a niftnifl*.-tati??n clearly
showing tho sentiment, of the people <?f tlie Papal
?I'.lll li O-O.
I? i ? ui-eles. to call in questioo the fact that the priv?
ent enormous prices of food, aft well a? ?>f other
articles needful tor the supply of human wants, are
very mnch enhanced by speculation?? ,-tirnulated by
an inflated, and ever fluctuating cunency. Our cur
reiry i? our medium of exchange, bu? it ha? become
a very nncertain measure of value. Houowers ol
tnniifv in th? City of New-Vork, on gotxl collateral
security, eau be supplied a*, five or six per cent.;
whle lx?rrow?_T?? iu Cincinnati. Chicago, and other
interior citi.s WIJJT;? ptOTblO-- are cdlicted, aal
more or less stufe?! for an viv ??i e, have to pay 10 or
1*2 percent.; and sometimos, as .Mo-??? has if in Um
j l-l/? when tiiey want the money very much, tiioy
aro cluisied djuble. ?So Ling as spec-laton? can
.* it thi'so rates of u-auc?, they will run up
-.tion with each other, aad with
hold their corn from the market, until a more atrin
pent money pniiiMire ?hall ?MMftH tiiem to sell, with
or without a profit; not uufreijiiently from deteriora
tion, i.nviundness, and a declimn,! market, at a heavy
I.?-.?. The late decline in price of a few article?, a'
ramij ui'tiiMtej th.- p '?-.limit;- of su,-li a condit m ?f
things. The Secre* try >f the Treasury may pr??m?3ta?i
it. if ht will reduce tai? ro_a_M of the _____aap aud
prepare ?,.r ?,;... payment?!.
Let us urge (''?ngrms to 00 prv.npt wita UM enact?
ment of a goo<l Kankrupt Liw. The speculators, it
ati'iot pay In*), had bolter p i W or M percent,
aud begin again on a better and MMM foundation; or
better yet, turn their attention to the more ?ubstaatial
bio-v-aings and ?olid rewards of ?grioattapo. The tea
dency of our inflated currency, by raisi:ig prices, i?, t??
discourage and dimiui-.li our export.-?, and to impair, if
uot t? des'ri.y, what protection oar law-, afford to
Domestic Industry geueraily. aud in particular t<?
iKimeitic Manufactures. Other thint?s being equal,
the Nation that ha-? the bent, the Boil stable ?*".**reiici.
enjoys the moat eff??ctual protection.
Many of the leading men of South Carolina, mc!.?I
mg Oar? Orr. sustain au effort to educate the l.i-jn
color?.?d t hildren of Charleston, and prepare the best
of them for teachers. We are heartily glad to hear
this; for all the Blacks need to obtain their ttfha. h
education enough to prove them. David Walker,
the father of Kdw. (?amsoii Walker, recently elected to
the Ma-isachuasetts Legislature, aud celebrated as the
author of '. Walker's Appeal,"-a work circulated
among the slaves in lKto-thu?. urged the iit-ce?-ity of
| education on his people:
l ao'il?! crawl on ra? hmiil? nn4 Inn-* thptujrh nui'l BB'I
iDirs to !he feet ??f? U'arnrtl mu:.. ___nl ..".Li ,iI aad lui ml?I?
| rap(>t-BBS lum to instill into Die flint ulm li n.'illu-r ?
"?lil rvuit'ie ?iiiiv ?uri m?, hi.? |-'..r tutor???! peSBBI !.?
l.?iiuiiir in tina .?ouiilr? maka'? tyrant? .juake nail trem
tl.i'ir ?nii.tv !.i!iiiilalinit.i Whv" ?hut i? the mattor f
U lir th.-T knot? ?kal tluar im? ri .ii daetla of tratttj mil I?,
maifi? knoa-n to tin? .orlil. l?o MO -?tipp?????? one niriii of ?eui.?
?ml l?'iirinii. ?uultl ju'.iiiiit hin.??-!! lu? !,itli.?r .'iii luotlier. wife
anil el--ran ... b* darn t?. a wi-telwd aaa Bks lii*u??'lf. ah??
i i ?t'?ail ??f. .imi?-iiMii.:i" Lim lor ala labur?, eluiina and beat?
lum ami hi? fstuily aim???! toil-nth. kaviaf li:?' ?iiiiu^h, ho?
awarkBB-TtBaaBkia Miurl NU no' ke would M1
lu ?'."?iluli tliroat tram . ?r t?i e.ir anti ?Tell 'lu MB slnnthoWri.
minim .1 The twit" l.ame of i?<lui?attii. l-l .'?>'.ir?"l p?ii|il?i siiin
.'i op|ir)xisi?ri M ?li-atti Bat if til,'? ?I?? i.?>t hu?.' t?..nKh t?,
t cn* ultra?! keep at
i.itoniDt Tks wallaa ahal lava SMBBja aft-. Wankt jnt. m
UBI a? i.??I ?it? on int throne lu lleateu.
-The truth of Walker's argument has been ill-?
trat, d in the advancement of his son; ami education
ii not less important now than ?tu years ago. An in?
telligent, industrious race can never be kept in subj?
gatiou in a free country. Tnis the slaveholders kuew
wheu their laws made it a crime to teach a negro to
read. The freedmeu'i schools are destined to work a
peaceful revolution in the South, and every effort to
tim! them ihould b? encouraged.
T* ih* r.iitar OJTA*S. y. r-??!??'.
Sin: Piesse corr?-et tome sliirht errors in year .HILO imw
nieut ?if " Solon Kobinsun'i Xorel. It is truo ii isa
novel, bet nat? it ia " so_icthin_ out of the eoiumoo
' eoiirse-0Boap00l0i| ?traiipr. But, iu the eotnuion ac
i ?'I'p'atiou of ths word, it it is rti'ieh narrative .is nord.
' It is made up in psrt *s( personal reeolleeiioossnd detorir*
, lions of Indian character and per*??o?, and living histonial
j |ft?rsotii tnd ?vant?o! irtin'or life. It is true the neinra
Rre eolored, sud fsets and ioHoo 1?MtWBlBO; and th?*??
1 lore, perhap?, it is pr??pfr. ss a wbol,?, (o call it a uovel or
: rnuisucB. 1 assure von it is tilled with soones and stories
i lueidtnt to life upon tlie bonier of ?.m?zatioD, which your
1 r"irt??M will tind iiitoiuelv iii?ere?tin?r-n???ra so thun BBJ
Miiiiir I hite over wri!t??n beiV.ra; and t hit is not tny '.'*ti
i.?iel. ' It waa Ooah 00 tho fourth at least. You hs r*
misprinted the name, which it that of one of ths ui??i r?
niiriable chameien iu the ttmy. Ii is not Xewouw?,
Lut * Me'-tiu i t?ia'~int.ui!ii?"ibe tuan ol' mysttwy. ?
uagiclao- iii ladioB. uopoM Moah in?-. ' It naki-i1
; of tnclieine !hst readers will oM BOOM-M ver? ijusckisli
i ifter tliev have perutct the ?hole ttorv.
heipBo-Blly, ILA., SOLOS SOV_-0?V?
i?r. (Je? rjrti W. Smalley, ona ti tbe editors ol Tu?
TKIBCN?, who bis been in Euro?, e Ml the last few montlii
?>u a spacial niissiou lor this pajnir, rettirutil !a?t Wo?M-1
day in the Persia.
ilrs. Elisatnth Catly 8tsiit?>n, a very able and al?>qusBt
speaker, is now prepared to deliver InMora lyreuma or
literary sjoooMtMao har new I?Kiure, t_ttill_?J ''.?wt??_'
lha Hal lot?"-a declaration of the post non of women balor??
tha law, and thair need of auffrsg. as a protection *t***il
oppression in placa and vim. ??ha hss ?lso prt-t^are?! a
I lectora ution " Hie prt?nent duty uf tVn?rraas to ??^?.?J
I a Republican forui ol' Oovero-ierl, not only in the Kit*?
! States but throughout tha eniire Thuty-six. '
i a We sincerely iMinmend her I" I fr'urt Committees u a
ttniihcd wilier and etfectire orator.
JTAI* Mrthotlist, in ibu waek'i i?iui, innouncts that ii
bit made arrangeuienti ?nth the Mer. Henry Wii
Beecher to furnish a sermon erery fortnight : tho Out o? t??
tories io ippearjearly in Deecmber. The sermon? will b?BX
preaily reported for The Methodist, reviaed by Mr. B*?C?-?H
himself, sud MOtOCtcd by comyjkrat. Tbe same psl??
is also ni,, ki nu srranireuieiits for the |.iil.lientioii, durini
lha vuar Ift?, ol' aeruxuis bv Hie Isadiao M?'tlio?li?t l?"'l"?
?iratiir?. lM?lhin Aineneii au?! in Kemp??. Thr M.thodist
ma bow ia tbe lir?! rHnl"? "f ti"' reliin.?iisj?iiiniil?,M
?.iir.-..iniiit. tod Hi'? 'i"?" ''"" "*'''' ' "' railfoadd urtj-eiv
lo I'm nu ni '.c-ff ii" l-B-OTI rt.i.l li u?U