Disabled Accounts

If your account is disabled, you won't be able to log in and no one else will be able to see it. Please keep in mind that there are many reasons why an account might be disabled, and we handle each of these cases differently. Be sure to contact us through the right channel to receive additional support.

My Account's Disabled

If your Facebook account has been disabled, you'll see a disabled message when you try to log in. If you don't see this message then you're probably experiencing a login issue. Get help logging in.

We disable Facebook accounts that violate our terms. Some violations include:

  • Continued prohibited behavior after receiving a warning or multiple warnings from Facebook
  • Unsolicited contact with others for the purpose of harassment, advertising, promoting, dating or other inappropriate conduct
  • Use of a fake name
  • Impersonation of a person or entity, or other misrepresentation of identity
  • Posting content that violates our terms

Please review Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to learn more about our policies. If you think your account was disabled by mistake you can submit an appeal.

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Last edited about 5 months ago
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For certain violations we may not issue a warning before disabling your account. Also note that we don't restore accounts that were disabled for severe violations of the Facebook Community Standards.
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To regain access to your account, follow the instructions you see when you try to log in. For more information about what's allowed on Facebook please review our Community Standards.
Last edited about 8 months ago
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My Friend or Child's Account is Disabled

If your friend's account is disabled, they'll need to submit an appeal using the email address that was connected to their Facebook account. Note that we can't release information about an account to anyone but the account holder and we won't take action on any appeals sent in on behalf of friends.

Learn more about our policies by reading our Community Standards.

Last edited about 8 months ago
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Your child can submit an appeal using the email address that was connected to their Facebook account. Note that, because Facebook members 13 and older are considered authorized account holders, we can't give you information about the account or take any action on the account at your request.

Learn more about our policies by reading the Facebook Community Standards.

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Last edited about 8 months ago
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If your friend can't get into their account because it was taken over by someone else, please tell them to go to the Hacked Accounts section to get immediate help.

Note that we can't release information about an account to anyone but the account holder.

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Last edited about 9 months ago
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It’s possible that bad software or an app was downloaded to their computer or that their login info was phished. Here's what you can do to help:

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Last edited about 2 weeks ago
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