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World Health Organization


According to preliminary results more than 2 million children were immunized against #polio across #Syria last week during a third round of vaccination in response to a polio outbreak in the country.
“We are seeing high demand for immunization among the population. This reflects the increasing public awareness of the risks of polio, which until this past autumn had not been seen in Syria since 1999,” says Chris Maher, a WHO epidemiologist and senior adviser on polio eradication.
“When families know that immunization is offered, they make a great effort to get their children vaccinated.”
Ivonne Valverde's profile photoRosemary Lebbie's profile photoMonika Sadowska's profile photoLeslie L's profile photo
You people are trying 
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This image is a painting by a migrant living at the Salina Grande Centre for Asylum Seekers in Trapani, Sicily, which hosts hundreds of people waiting for responses to their asylum applications. Most migrants arrive from North Africa and the Middle East. How fit is the health sector in Italy, Malta and Portugal to receive migrants? 

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Ivonne Valverde's profile photoGeorge Chen's profile photoMarcus Dean Grossenbach's profile photoSsz Silvercreek's profile photo
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“If I had the chance to go back to the past, I would stay in Africa”. After three years living in Italy, Omar does not hesitate. “I came looking for a better life, but I only found problems, poverty and sickness”. Omar is one of the million migrants who have left their countries in North Africa and the Middle East since the revolutions began in 2010. He spent two days on a boat, surviving a storm at sea before stepping on to the Sicilian island of Lampedusa, Italy.


Photo: WHO
juwel hossain's profile photomohammad yousuf's profile photoTerry Shen's profile photoLejla Spahovic's profile photo
Ar ron
So happy
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Dr Lee Lior from the Public Health Agency of Canada is currently in the Philippines as a “disease detective” - to boost the Department of Health’s capacity to identify emerging infectious diseases after #Haiyan
Dr Lior is a part of the WHO-coordinated Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)—a network of institutions and individuals with particular expertise who are ready to deploy in response to natural disasters or disease outbreaks #YolandaPH  
austingiggq mandala's profile photoMohamed Benizi's profile photoVithal Bansode's profile photoKin Bunda's profile photo
thanks alot but if you sir mind Kenya let me know advanced 
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On International Human Rights Day, 10 December, WHO Headquarters staff are invited to pour water into 365 glasses – representing 365 days of the year.

Each glass contains different words representing the many #humanrights issues that affect #health, such as rape, lack of essential medicines, child marriage – written in six different UN languages with water-soluble ink. During the day, the words will be dissolved into water – representing an attempt to make all kinds of violation of many human rights issues that affect health disappear on earth.

This is an #art installation by artist Mona Nicole Sfeir.
isabelle SAIBI's profile photoIvonne Valverde's profile photoSusanne Pote's profile photoNaser Heidari's profile photo
its interesting...
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Have them in circles
442,804 people
Over the past two weeks, WHO has delivered surgical materials, medicines to treat chronic and infectious diseases, infant incubators, ventilators and intensive care unit beds to health providers in #Aleppo , #Syria – in both government-controlled and in opposition-controlled areas.
The medical supplies have been delivered to the Aleppo Teaching Hospital, NGOs, local health authorities, the Syrian Red Crescent Society and the Syrian Ministry of Health in Aleppo.

Read more: 

Photo: WHO/T. Jasarevic [file photo]
Hassene Yahiaoui's profile photoThe Medicine Box's profile photochinyere Anozie's profile photoNew York Doctors Urgent Care's profile photo
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Let us not forget. As communities continue to build their lives devastated by Typhoon Haiyan, more needs arise. They need us now more than ever. Our work is far from over. WHO is still here.
nena sarah julaton's profile photoKiran Kaur's profile photoPaula Cox's profile photo孙蔚云's profile photo
Good health ogr
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In many places affected by Typhoon Haiyan, children are returning to their schools to seek normalcy and comfort. “The best ways for families and communities to help children are to keep them safe, speak kindly to them, ask them to share their concerns and listen to them, according to Dr Mark van Ommeren, a WHO specialist in mental health after emergencies. “They should have time to play and return to the normal activities of daily life, including going to school.”

More about psychological first aid in emergencies, a WHO-recommended approach:

Photo: WHO/A. Bhatiasevi
mario mikulandra's profile photoaungzaw myo's profile photomuhammed sahlan's profile photolameed Abideen's profile photo
so good to help children
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Using a train-the-trainer approach, Filipino health professionals took part in a one-day workshop to learn how teach others in their communities to provide psychological first aid to typhoon survivors 
"During one simulation, participants became tearful," says Mark van Ommeren, a WHO #mentalhealth expert. "They had just come back from the field and were reminded of how much grief and suffering there is in the affected population."
Photo: WHO #Haiyan #YolandaPH
adison j kheesa's profile photonedal oklla's profile photonur ay's profile photoarnaud faille's profile photo
i just really like what you are doing.... it is for a cause....a great reason........ IT IS WORTH IT!
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Introducing #MiNDbank, a new WHO database with a wealth of info on #mentalhealth, substance abuse, disability, human rights and the different policies, strategies, laws and service standards being implemented in different countries

160 countries are sharing key mental health information through the database and updates will be provided on a regular basis.

MiNDbank is part of WHO’s QualityRights initiative, aiming to end human rights violations against people with mental health conditions.
Christopher Sheldrake's profile photoIbniyah pk's profile photoIvonne Valverde's profile photoSusanne Pote's profile photo
God bless u..
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