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Who Are The Guardians of the Galaxy? MovieBob takes a close look at the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. Watch Video">
The Big Picture: Who Are The Guardians of the Galaxy?

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Who Are The Guardians of the Galaxy?

MovieBob takes a close look at the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer.

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Looks extremely interesting, should be a fun side of the marvel universe to see.

This looks fun. That's about all I can say, it's awesome that their tie-ins are starting to spiral into weirder places, but feels right doing so. Also, awesome seeing Chris Pratt be a lead, he seems to have gotten himself fit since Parks & Rec.
Edit: Also... speaking of Parks & Rec, DAMN do I want Disney to just go with the Patton Oswald Filibuster idea for the Marvel / Star Wars movies.

in the last version of the comics, star lord si the son of,j'son ,jason of spartax, the king of the spartax empire. when his spaceship crashed on earth,he fell in love with a woman and had a child, peter. i am guessing that is the origin they will go for. but we will find out for sure in august

Glad we're doing a Let's Watch the Trailer in a Big Picture show. Very refreshing.

Movie looks good. Can't wait.

We already know that Disney/Marvel have a long-term strategy in mind, but this is getting ridiculously weird. I did not expect it to get this weird and to branch out into god knows how many other movies. Not even after the Avengers credits.

I'm really liking this because it looks like a comic book movie that isn't afraid of it's own weirdness. Refreshing because of Man of Steel, Dark Knight, first few X-men movies...

CAPTCHA: willy nilly

I think the Captcha's got this trailer in a nutshell. Mind you, it's willy nilly in a good way. I think someone was having way too much fun with this particular movie and just how random the material is...and that usually ends up being a good thing. Just look at how well the Lego Movie ended up with a similar "it's random but let's have fun with it" concept. Definitely looking forward to this.

I have to admit, I had a hard time explaining to my family who the Guardians of the Galaxy were... ALL of them had a hard time grasping that Bradley Cooper is going to play a raccoon.

Ooooh look, more Nine inch Nails in a trailer for something. I need to get some kind of Trent Reznor counter at this point. I've listened to "With Teeth" enough to recognize "Love is not enough" when i hear it.

Wasn't Starlord also Cyclops's dad?

Wasn't Starlord also Cyclops's dad?

You're thinking of Corsair. He's the father of Cyclops and Havok.

Cool rundown. It's rare I am more knowledgeable on a comic book topic than Bob is, but he still hit all the important points. I actually didn't know Riley was playing Dey. I hope that means Richard Rider gets an awesome appearance on the silver screen at some point as well. Rider's one of my all-time favorite Marvel characters.

The chunks of setting they show look quite interesting. And it's good to see a sci-fi movie that's not afraid to be colourful.

The clumsy humour, though? That leaves me unimpressed.

Totally forgot to see the teaser but thanks for this Bob. Between you and Linkara, I know more about the DC and Marvel universes then I ever wanted or needed to know. Not that, that is a bad thing.

I got to say, I LOVE how these Marvel movies are going all out and having fun with their source materials.

holy crap I wasn't expecting that at all.

That's pretty awesome, Bob, but don't you usually write a column about this sort of thing instead of devoting a Big Picture episode to it? Not really complaining, just curious as to why. I assume there simply isn't that much to talk about lately?

On topic: I still have no f***ing idea who these people are. The movie looks neat, but the shifting and contrasting tone of the trailer feels odd. It's hard to tell if they're going for a full-on, Avengers-styled action movie (evocative of Thor, specifically) with some humor, or a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy styled lampoon with some action... or both at once, somehow. I feel like either would be insufficient, given what I "understand" about the material, but doing justice to both is exceedingly difficult. (see: Bay's Transformers) Come to think of it, this movie has similar smell to the "Bayformers" all over it... minus the alien robots, of course. (...having designs that look like someone tossed pieces of scrap metal in the air and sketched how they landed into humanoid form, like some sort of bizarre combination of oracle bones and Rorshach tests, but that's a whole other rant.) Point being: There's a very thin line here between "pretty good" and "complete shit"; between Firefly and Star Trek: Enterprise. A single movie just doesn't have the scope to cover everything that's important, and the material is too obscure, for lack of a better word, to launch a trilogy or support a series. (see: The Last Airbender).

Still... like most of the other movies I mentioned, I will approach this with cautious optimism. In the worst-case scenario, I continue not caring about the Guardians of the Galaxy, so I have nothing to lose here. (Maybe that's what Disney/Marvel is banking on?)

I love the look of this movie. It looks like it'll be a good contrast to Winter Soldier(which also looks amazing). This was a great breakdown, I knew some of it from wandering various wikis, but a lot of the tidbits were new to me. I didn't know the gray guys were supposed to be Sakaarans. I wonder if that's because they're known to work with the Nova Corps or if there'll be a Planet Hulk somewhere down the line.

I have to Be Honest, off the Top of it, the only Reason id watch this movie is Rocket Raccoon, im sure i will like the rest of bit, but a Raccoon with a Gun kinda is a good Draw for me, says the Bird with a Grenade

That's pretty awesome, Bob, but don't you usually write a column about this sort of thing instead of devoting a Big Picture episode to it? Not really complaining, just curious as to why. I assume there simply isn't that much to talk about lately?

My guess is that he finally realized how much better this works as a video instead of a column. It's really awkward to keep switching between the trailer in one tab and the column in the other.

Oh god yes, this makes me so happy.

It's pretty incredible the amount of effort these guys put into these scenes when you can pick out gloves and whatnot and identify entire characters and stories.

Also, can we circlejerk about The Ice Pirates some more? Because that movie is great and it was really fun last time.

That's pretty awesome, Bob, but don't you usually write a column about this sort of thing instead of devoting a Big Picture episode to it? Not really complaining, just curious as to why.

I imagine there are two reasons.

1) GotG currently has a lot of buzz and making a video about it could possibly result in a decent amount of hits.
2) Bob probably really wants this movie to succeed and since most people don't know what the Hell this movie even is, he knows there's a fair chance that it won't succeed. So he probably doesn't mind adding to this particular film's hype machine as much as he can.

cant believe i have to wait till august for this and they are starting the hype now. the had better not blow this.

Whoever made the inspired decision to use "Hooked on a Feeling" for this movie is a genius who deserves giant bags of money. I cannot watch the trailer without a big grin on my face as a result of the juxtaposition and camp of the whole situation.

seems very interesting if completely insane, i do think the movie could end up being a box office bomb even if it is good.

Andrew Siribohdi:
Glad we're doing a Let's Watch the Trailer in a Big Picture show. Very refreshing.

Movie looks good. Can't wait.

Couldn't agree more. Beats having to constantly pause and unpause or switch tabs or whatever. Hope you do more of these instead of or in addition to the Intermission article versions.

If you've stayed to the mid-credit tease of Thor the Dark World, you've already met him, and forgot about him, since pretty much everything else in that movie was completely generic, flatly acted, eye-rollingly drab, and all-around shit.

Fixed that for you, Bob.

I just wish marvel would get back control of the xmen and fantastic four franchise.

Great breakdown of the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, Bob. Definitely covered a lot of the major questions in regards to this movie and its ties to the Marvel Universe and its cinematic equivalent. I hope you'll consider doing more of these "Let's Watch the Trailer" episodes on The Big Picture. Also, nice nod to The Ice Pirates. That is the second time I've heard someone mention that movie on The Escapist.

So far, the trailer has a lot going for it but it also contains the most risk. While Iron Man and Thor were relatively unknown to the public eye, they have appeared on other aspects of pop culture (toy lines and cartoons to name a few). However, very little is known about this team unless you count the recent episodes from Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Ultimate Spider-Man. Plus, while he's gained a cult following with his films, this is perhaps the first major movie project James Gunn has ever landed. However, the same could be said about Joss Whedon and his TV/film track record. If this movie lives up to its hype, then this could lead to other lesser known characters getting their shot at the big screen.

The cast looks very promising. I'm surprised to see Chris Pratt looking ripped and landing a major leading role. It is a far cry from his role in Parks & Recreations. It will be interesting to see Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel pull off their voice acting roles, especially Diesel's Groot. Oddly enough, Groot is way more intelligent than what we've seen (recently proven in The Trial of Jean Grey story going on in All-New X-Men). He just can't express himself beyond those three words. Dave Bastista will be the one to watch since I've only seen him in The Man With The Iron Fists. Personally, I wish he would stick with acting since a lot of wrestling fans are not digging his return to the WWE. Mostly because its overshadowing much better talent like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. But that is less his fault and more of the higher ups. Finally, Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillan seem to be making a name for themselves in the Sci-Fi genre with their latest roles in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Overall, I cannot wait for this one to hit theaters in August.

Good feature, Bob. From the moment I saw the trailer I was waiting for you to clear out some of the most obscure references in it. You were really helpful since I didn't knew/noticed about 90% of what you said.

That's pretty awesome, Bob, but don't you usually write a column about this sort of thing instead of devoting a Big Picture episode to it? Not really complaining, just curious as to why. I assume there simply isn't that much to talk about lately?

On topic: I still have no f***ing idea who these people are. The movie looks neat, but the shifting and contrasting tone of the trailer feels odd. It's hard to tell if they're going for a full-on, Avengers-styled action movie (evocative of Thor, specifically) with some humor, or a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy styled lampoon with some action... or both at once, somehow. I feel like either would be insufficient, given what I "understand" about the material, but doing justice to both is exceedingly difficult. (see: Bay's Transformers)...

I believe the best we can hope for is a good sci-fi action/comedy movie. Think Men in Black (hopefully 1, not so much 2 or 3), or The Fifth Element. If it holds to that level, I can't really complain.

I was picking out my wallet when I saw the first picture with all the guardians. This trailer makes me almost book a seat in the cinema and pay 5 times extra to convince them I need it, cus I'm sure as hell going to see it.
Why? Marvell, Raccoon, action, the collector, loads of money been thrown at it.... If it fails and turns out to be bad well still going to be worth seeing something so promising...

I'm so happy living with these movies considering before Iron Man etc, most fantasy/scifi/action did not involve neither big budgets nor comedy...
And yes not all Marvell movies has been great, like the latest Thor where a bit underwhelming, but it's good enough for me to have my scifi&fantasy;/action need settled a bit...

Let me just say that this video was immeasurably better than his previous text commentaries of movie trailers. It was a pain in the ass switching back and forth between two tabs and constantly pausing the trailer myself.

I'm really looking forward to this movie.

The bit about Starlord's walkman stood out to me, because that was one of the parts of the trailer that made me raise an eyebrow. It seemed like it was supposed to be funny, but he just came across as dumb and arbitrary. If he really holds some nostalgia for his time on earth and hates having an artifact like that taken away from him, it would make sense as a character moment (and it might in the final movie). As something funny, it just made him look dumb.

As a whole, I'm really not sure what to think of this movie. I don't want it to be too dumb, but at the very least it looks way different than all the other superhero movies coming out. I was let down by Thor 2, but I'm way more interested in GotG than Captain America 2 or Avengers 2.

For anyone who doesn't know who these people are, or what the comics are about, let me sum it up in only three words.

Weird. Funny. Awesome.

Guardians of the Galaxy (and Marvel's stellar "Annihilation" cosmic event) was the best book Marvel was putting out during the Civil War era (largely because it eschewed and even mocked that whole crossover event), rejuvenated a bunch of B and C-listers, and catapulted these obscure characters into the cosmos (pun intended) with insanely well-characterized, well-written, well-executed books and storylines that made fans everywhere go from ambivalence towards characters like Drax and Groot and Nova and Starlord and turned them into THE best thing to happen to Marvel since Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider.

So, my statement is two fold: 1) Track down the comics. They're amazing. 2) If this movie is anything like the comics, and it appears to be, the movie will incredible.

Now bring on a talking raccoon with a machine gun riding a sentient alien tree blowing away baddies to the tune of "Hooked On A Feeling".

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