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The Guided Fate Paradox, Part 2 Congratulations on becoming God! Try not to let it go to your head. Watch Video">
Unskippable: The Guided Fate Paradox, Part 2

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The Guided Fate Paradox, Part 2

Congratulations on becoming God! Try not to let it go to your head.

Watch Video

Celestia, huh? Gee...I WONDER what sort of references the posters are going to make? [/sarcasm over 9000]

If I was that guy, I'd be asking questions like, "Why did you hit me with that club?" and "Why do you keep laughing all evil-like?" Not "How can an angel have a Japanese name?" This guy is really blinded by the boo- I mean, hair.

that laugh, sent shivers of cringe down my spine

I think he should of been less concerned with the angels boobs er hair and more concerned with why she tried to smash his brains out.

I think the first thing I would have done is order her to whack herself on the head with that club at least a thousand times and make sure it hurts. After that I might have been more inclined to hear her explanation as to why she drafted me into this against my will.

Wow that is a lot of assigning roles. Heaven sounds like bureaucratic nightmare, which could explain a lot actually.

Also way does the angel keep laughing like a cartoon villain?

Thunderous Cacophony:
If I was that guy, I'd be asking questions like, "Why did you hit me with that club?" and "Why do you keep laughing all evil-like?" Not "How can an angel have a Japanese name?" This guy is really blinded by the boo- I mean, hair.

What can I say. God saw her... er, hair and it was good :P

"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES'!"

Who knew the process for becoming a god was so similar to a simple, textbook kidnapping?

I admit calling out the protagonist being racist did make me laugh alot! Knowing that angel has a Japanese names would be the least of my worries.

Would it be a waste of my energy to hope that the plot of this game turns out like the lyrics to Avantasia's "Seven Angels"?

Flonne...? Is that you?

What did you do to your hair?

Who actually plays these games?

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

Who actually plays these games?

Fans of nippon ichi roguelikes/jrpgs. There aren't many of us, but we're a niche. XD

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

The story is framed episodically, with the big god machine selecting a prayer for god to grant, and then solving as many dungeons as necessary to grant it. as the game progresses it gradually resolves the more central plot, the war between celestia and the netherworld, and what "god" really is in relation to it.

Not the greatest story ever told, but certainly unique enough to keep one interested through the playthrough.

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

No, the Lottery Machine (of Destiny?) made him God...
So there, that explains EVERYTHING! :P

I requested part two of this, and MAN, am I not dissapointed ;)


Who actually plays these games?

Fans of nippon ichi roguelikes/jrpgs. There aren't many of us, but we're a niche. XD

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

The story is framed episodically, with the big god machine selecting a prayer for god to grant, and then solving as many dungeons as necessary to grant it. as the game progresses it gradually resolves the more central plot, the war between celestia and the netherworld, and what "god" really is in relation to it.

Not the greatest story ever told, but certainly unique enough to keep one interested through the playthrough.

I am negatively judging anyone who plays these games.

The Artificially Prolonged:
Wow that is a lot of assigning roles. Heaven sounds like bureaucratic nightmare, which could explain a lot actually.

Yeah, and doesn't the fact that someone is "assigning" things imply that someone is more powerful than God?

Theologically, this game is a mess.

Though I can't help but wonder if the plot point "teenage nebbish gets made God, still can't competently flirt with cute girl", isn't the game rather viciously satirizing its own genre.

Who's up for a part three?

I want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes.


I am negatively judging anyone who plays these games.

*shrug* your prerogative, I guess.


The Artificially Prolonged:
Wow that is a lot of assigning roles. Heaven sounds like bureaucratic nightmare, which could explain a lot actually.

Yeah, and doesn't the fact that someone is "assigning" things imply that someone is more powerful than God?

Theologically, this game is a mess.

Though I can't help but wonder if the plot point "teenage nebbish gets made God, still can't competently flirt with cute girl", isn't the game rather viciously satirizing its own genre.

nah, the game is aware of its own premise, and addressing why the guy called "God" seems to be the number one lackey of everyone is actually a plot point.

I was so glad for a part 2 because I really wanted to know what was going on... I was clearly foolish in my youth.

The only thing to do is make a part 3

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

Yes. Which makes this entire premise absolutely bonkers beyond imagination from the get-go. I'm having a tough time figuring out who this game would even appeal to. It's like it was made solely for them to Unskippable it :P


as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

Yes. Which makes this entire premise absolutely bonkers beyond imagination from the get-go. I'm having a tough time figuring out who this game would even appeal to. It's like it was made solely for them to Unskippable it :P

That's what I'm thinking. Most recent JRPG's are made just to screw with Graham and Paul, since their earlier videos ripped on JRPG's. We're getting a 3rd part to this, aren't we?

I say he is locked in her basement tripping out on some home-made hallucinogens being dripped right into his vein.

wow is it bad that the more I see of this game the more I think it would be great for a GPLP? of course I have no clue of what the game-play of this game actually is.

First order as god that angel will now need written approval for any maniacal laughter.

Okay. This is so bizarre, I wanna see a part 3 now. Is it going to happen?



Who actually plays these games?

Fans of nippon ichi roguelikes/jrpgs. There aren't many of us, but we're a niche. XD

as entertaining as this intro is it tells you nothing at all about what the actuall game is about. I mean, what do you even do? Also, if that girl has the power to let others become God wouldn't that make her more powerful than God?

The story is framed episodically, with the big god machine selecting a prayer for god to grant, and then solving as many dungeons as necessary to grant it. as the game progresses it gradually resolves the more central plot, the war between celestia and the netherworld, and what "god" really is in relation to it.

Not the greatest story ever told, but certainly unique enough to keep one interested through the playthrough.

I am negatively judging anyone who plays these games.

You say that as if they should care of your opinion of them.

did he really just say that becoming god was the worst thing ever?
is he high? that sounds great you do whatever you want you are god literally anything you can imagine is now law
make antigravity friday or advance the human race so we now have jetpacks! the possibilites are endless and you complain? what a prick

Part 3!

I am really looking forward to something actually happening. Please gods.

Got to say, some pics I found make the game look good:


So if this guy was made a god by that Lottery of Destiny doohickey...does that mean he's literally a deus ex machina? He's a god, he's come from a machine...

I don't know, I'd be pretty delighted if I got to become God.

Elf Defiler Korgan:
Part 3!

I am really looking forward to something actually happening. Please gods.

given the god we're getting .... might be better asking the angels ...

but i agree

part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3! part 3!

So... please tell me this isn't a dating sim, this weird concept should not be wasted on a dating sim.

First order as god that angel will now need written approval for any maniacal laughter.

In 3 triplicates 6 months in advance

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