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Heating up: British Gas is said to be the best for small businesses
Recent calls for the break-up of highly-profitable British Gas may not be in the interests of small businesses – independent research suggests the...
BC exclusive
Reach for the sky: Andy Yates on how to get the best people
Job vacancies are rising, more businesses are hiring, the economy is looking rosier. So how do you find the right staff? Here are some killer...
BC exclusive
No longer a last resort: FundingCircle chief executive Samir Desai
Funding Circle, the crowdfunding platform that provides loans to small businesses, has won another £40m of government cash to distribute. The money...
Cable guy: Niall Holden realised that reliability is fundamental to his business. Pic: Nigel Howard
Persuading a bank to lend you cash has not always been like squeezing blood from a stone. Back in Thatcher’s Eighties things were easier, as Niall...
Richard Reed
INNOCENT smoothie tycoon Richard Reed last night urged budding entrepreneurs to put team work at the heart of their activities.
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Photos of Richard Reed and our members at February's event
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Dominic Hiatt: "Some of the companies I have come across over the years are obsessed with links to the point of myopia"
Just In Time PR chief executive Dominic Hiatt has a confession - link requests drive him insane.
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Digitally savy: Robert Hoffmann is chief executive of hosting at domain name registrar 1&1 Internet
Find out how your business could benefit release of 1000 new domains giving eateries, for example, the chance to use a .restaurant, .pizza, .pub or ....
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A podcast for February's Business Connections event - 'Richard Reed: The Ups and Downs in the Making of Innocent'
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This weekend saw the first Small Business Saturday in the UK. A runaway success in the US, Small Business Saturday has grown in popularity to help...
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Top tips for any budding entrepreneur from Dominic Joseph and Adam Ludwin, co-founders of advertising startup, Captify.

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Invite your business manager to spend an hour or two at the office every few months. Lay on some sandwiches and go through the books - that way,...