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Business Connections

Market Report: It is hard to imagine what could prevent a test of the Footsie all-time highs

Mergers and takeover excitement on Wall Street pushed stocks up stateside helping the Footsie to a 14‑year high yesterday.

Small Talk: Long after the news cameras and politicians have moved on from the flood-hit areas many small businesses will still need help

For now, small businesses affected by flooding are getting plenty of help. A £10m scheme unveiled by the Government last week follows previous announcements of official support, ranging from business rates relief to extensions of the deadlines that normally apply for filing company accounts.

Small Talk: Memo to satirists of sexism - that joke isn’t funny. Consciously or unconsciously, female entrepreneurs are still being held back

Terry Simmonds of the UK Small Business Directory says he was misunderstood. He insists a recent online post was a spoof inspired by a conversation he’d had with another male website entrepreneur rather prone to sexism – and not the insult to female businesswomen it was widely interpreted as being.

Small Talk: The Prompt Payment Code is proving a case of too little, too late as large companies continue to play for time in settling invoices

New year, same old story. Despite endless government promises to crack down on late payments, it looks as if many small businesses will spend a good part of 2014 chasing larger businesses for money they are owed.

David Prosser: EU cash on the Horizon for innovators

The wheels of the European Commission sometimes grind slowly, but the Horizon 2020 project seems set to deliver valuable benefits to innovative small businesses in the technology and manufacturing sectors.

David Prosser: German lessons for British firms

Britain’s failure to build sufficient numbers of mid-sized businesses capable of matching Germany’s famous Mittelstand companies has been a long-held frustration for policymakers of all persuasions – it’s encouraging, therefore, to see them doing something about it.

David Prosser: The booming FinTech 50 businesses are exploring the use of new technologies – and many are British

Has Britain found its niche in the dotcom 2.0 boom? The growing number of financial technology businesses that are based in the UK but successful in the global marketplace suggests it just might have done – and rightly so, given its importance as a financial services hub.

SMEs ‘still not getting help’ on loan schemes

Lawrence Tomlinson’s report on RBS lending found there was evidence it had let some small businesses default

Small Talk: We need venture capitalists or a brave Business Bank to put up the money if Britain wants to have a Twitter of its very own

Last week’s Twitter IPO is yet another reminder that Britain isn’t producing technology businesses that are capable of reaching the same dizzying heights as the social media giants of California.

Small Talk: RBS let companies down on lending but so did most banks

The biggest lie is that lending at the bank disappointed as small firms didn’t want to borrow

Small Talk: We mustn’t let the FCA crowd out this new form of lending

‘It isn’t their job to tell people what they should or shouldn’t invest their money in’

Small Talk: Auto-enrolment could be a ticking timebomb for SMEs

Pension providers... have become  increasingly picky about whom they want to accept

Market Report: Red pen for RBS on profitability fears

The City withdrew funds from Royal Bank of Scotland yesterday on concerns it isn’t as profitable as some had hoped.Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch took the red pen to the taxpayer-owned bank on fears of falling margins on mortgages, dividend anxiety in relation to capital-ratio requirements, plus the possible issues of its government-enforced bad bank, US housing claims looming and EU Libor settlements.

Small Talk: Come on, banks – it’s time to start doing right by SMEs

There is reason to believe that demand for credit will once again begin to increase

Small Talk: Chance for small firms to win support on a special Saturday

Initiatives like these can sometimes feel gimmicky, but in  the US... the results have been tangible

New system means firms guilty of bribery or fraud will be able to do deals to avoid prosecution, Nick Kochan reports
Strong checks are needed to stop the City attracting fraudsters
Amid all its wealth, the City has become a global haven for hiding ill-gotten gains
Germany exemplifies economic virtue and we exemplify economic vice, says Hamish McRae
European Union flag
Political repression is generating a dangerously high democracy deficit, says Satyajit Das
The North is still not feeling this recovery – and the Conservatives are likely to pay for that at the polls, says David Blanchflower
Jan Koum chose to sign the Facebook deal near the Social Services office where he used to collect food stamps
The co-founder of WhatsApp is suddenly worth $6.8bn
It is hard not to conclude that the $19bn price is from another planet. That planet is called Silicon Valley, says Mark McSherry
Ravi Ruia (pictured) and his brother Shashi’s empire spans steel to shipping and energy and employs 73,000 worldwide
The backlash over the move has shone the spotlight on brothers who, despite their billionaire lifestyles, still share an office. Andrew Buncombe reports
Language learning, above, is part of the student visa process – and ETS was accused of fraud in its testing
In opposition, they attacked the failures of US giant ETS- but in Government, they kept faith with disastrous consequences, says Jim Armitage
Alex Salmond said the Chancellor's refusal to sharing the pound has backfired as a 'campaign tactic'
An independent Scotland may find it hard to enter the European Union and the pound but wouldn't it be better off without them? says Mitch Feierstein
Arts & Entertainment
Bill Nighy in spoof video in support of the Robin Hood tax. The actor plays British banking CEO 'John Bostock'
Actors star in satirical video supporting Robin Hood tax
A Co-op in east London in 1929: it wants to know how it can best serve its communities now
Bruised by an annus horribilis, the Co-op is polling customers and members to help it to get back on course, Nick Goodway
German court's ruling could trigger a legal crisis in the eurozone, says Satyajit Das
Biotech boom: Cambridge Science Park

New investment and a unique relationship between business and academia is transforming the Silicon Fen

The Bank of England is wrong to assume that falling unemployment signals rising wages, says David Blanchflower
Tenants of the Burj Khalifa fear they will be denied access to lifts in the world’s tallest building if landlords don’t pay maintenance fees
Burj Khalifa is turning into a huge let-down as spiralling service costs see landlords falling behind on their bills, Jim Armitage reports
The over-budget decontamination of Sellafield by the NMP consortium has been the subject of repeated criticism
To find someone ready to clean up Sellafield's mess, turn to the Lords, says Mark Leftly
...You're better off than the Chinese
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Day In a Page

Ticket to slide: How Team GB's skeleton women conquered the slopes at the Winter Olympics

Ticket to slide: How Team GB's skeleton

Tom Peck reveals how the team conquered the slopes at the Winter Olympics
Enemy within: The network of Britons who spied for Hitler during Second World War

Enemy within

The network of Britons who spied for Hitler during Second World War
Oscar Pistorius murder trial: what should we expect?

Oscar Pistorius trial: what should we expect?

The murder trial of the world's most famous disabled athlete begins in Pretoria next week
Non-Stop, film review: Liam Neeson's tough guy act is on target in this suspenseful drama

Neeson's tough guy act is on target in Non-Stop

Non-Stop is not a film that will appeal to the airline industry but, true to the title, it strikes a relentless narrative tempo
All the presidents' meals: A new memoir spills the beans on cooking at the White House

White House chef spills the beans

John Moeller cooked family meals for the Bushes and Clintons, and banquets for world leaders
Citizen clean: Campaigners frustrated with the Government's failure to cut the amount of air pollution are uniting to tackle 'invisible killer'

Citizen clean: Campaigners tackle air pollution

Campaigners frustrated with the Government’s failure to cut the amount of air pollution in our cities are uniting to tackle the ‘invisible killer’ themselves
Spritz promises to boost reading speeds to a breakneck 500 words a minute - will it enhance our enjoyment of literature?

Will Spritz enhance our enjoyment of literature?

The new app promises to boost reading speeds to a breakneck 500 words a minute
Wanderlust: 10 best Asia travel books

Wanderlust: 10 best Asia travel books

If you’re heading east or want to learn more about the continent, take a guided tour
Nicolas Anelka 'quenelle' gesture: Split second that changed everything

Split second that changed everything

Whatever he may have intended, English football now knows more than it would like about Dieudonné and his gesture
Dark shadow of Allen Stanford grips Antigua

Dark shadow of Allen Stanford grips Antigua

The ECB may have tried to quickly forget the 'Twenty20 for 20' but the fraudster's downfall cost thousands of jobs and left a giant hole in the island's economy
Stephen Roche: Ireland is ready for Giro d'Italia's grand start

Stephen Roche: Ireland is ready for Giro d'Italia's grand start

The cycling legend on how Belfast has geared up for May's big event
Mounting tension: Israel’s Knesset debates proposal to enforce its sovereignty at Al-Aqsa Mosque - a move seen as ‘an extreme provocation to Muslims worldwide’

Mounting tension in Israel

Knesset debates proposal to enforce its sovereignty at Al-Aqsa Mosque - a move seen as ‘an extreme provocation to Muslims worldwide’
Hindu nationalists are gaining power in India - and silencing enemies along the way

Hindu nationalists are gaining power in India...

... and silencing enemies along the way
Grow up, grandpa: Years after 'Sachsgate', Andrew Sachs reveals he is still not talking to his granddaughter

'Grow up, Andrew Sachs'

Years after 'Sachsgate', the Fawlty Towers star reveals he is still not talking to his granddaughter
Is it game over for Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda?

Is it game over for Nintendo?

The Japanese firm is in deep trouble with poor sales of its new Wii U console and sliding profits