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Routledge provides high quality books, Journals, eProducts, Resources and Information for both the professional and student markets in the subject of Energy. Explore the breadth and depth of our publishing program, which offers books for researchers, professionals, lecturers, and students; as well as access to our online catalog and contact information.

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Featured news and products from Routledge Energy


  1. Energy Security, Equality and Justice

    This book applies concepts from ethics, justice, and political philosophy to five sets of contemporary energy problems cutting across time, economics, politics, geography, and technology.

  2. Energy and Electricity in Industrial Nations

    In this book, Allan Mazur, an engineer and a sociologist, explains energy technologies for nontechnical readers and analyses the sociology of energy. The book gives an overview of energy policy in industrialised countries including analysis of climate change, the development of electricity, forms of renewable energy and public perception of the issues.

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New Titles

  1. Publishing Highlights March 2014

    With so many great titles publishing this month it has been impossible to give them all the justice they deserve in our March eBulletin, so to be sure you don't miss out you can find them all here.

  2. Publishing Highlights February 2014

    With so many great titles publishing this month it has been impossible to give them all the justice they deserve in our February eBulletin, so to be sure you don't miss out you can find them all here.

Learn more about New Titles


  1. American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) and Routledge

    ACORE is an organization dedicated to building a secure and prosperous America with clean, renewable energy. ACORE provides a common educational platform for a wide range of interests in the renewable energy community, focusing on technology, finance and policy and convenes thought leadership forums and create energy industry partnerships to communicate the economic, security and environmental benefits of renewable energy.

    Routledge is proud to partner with ACORE and help to provide their members with essential resources for renewable energy professionals. Our current publishing program supports books across a wide range of types of publication – from engaging textbooks, to practical resources for faculty and professionals, to cutting edge research.

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  1. Pico-solar Electric Systems

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technology behind the pico-solar revolution and offers guidance on how to test and choose quality products. The book also discusses how pioneering companies and initiatives are overcoming challenges to reach scale in the marketplace, from innovative distribution strategies to reach customers in rural India and Tanzania, to product development in Cambodia, product assembly in Mozambique and the introduction of ‘pay as you go’ technology in Kenya.

  2. Biofuel Cropping Systems

    Choosing appropriate practices and policies for biofuel production requires an understanding of how soils, climate, farm types, infrastructure, markets and social organization affect the establishment and performance of these crops. The book highlights land use dynamics, cultivation practices related to conversion and wider impacts. It explores how biofuel production chain development is steered by emerging technologies and management practices and how both can be influenced by effective policies designed to encourage sustainable biofuel production.

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Research & Reference

  1. Renewable Energy Resources Collection from T&F eBooks

    Special price for full collection now available.

    Please get in touch today to find out more and benefit from this exclusive offer!

  2. Renewable Energy Technology Collection from T&F eBooks

    Special price for full collection now available.

    Please get in touch today to find out more and benefit from this exclusive offer!

Learn more about Research & Reference

General Interest

  1. Short interview with Jeremy Leggett, author of bestseller The Energy of Nations

    Jeremy Leggett, bestselling author of The Energy of Nations, social entrepreneur, founder and Chairman of Solarcentury and SolarAid, a charity set up with Solarcentury profits.  We ask him why he wrote this book and what he hopes his book can acheive.

  2. The Energy of Nations, by Jeremy Leggett

    We are pleased to present a new Earthscan from Routledge blog post written by Jeremy Leggett, author of The Energy of Nations.

    With a new entry every fortnight, blog posts written by various Earthscan from Routledge authors will be displayed both on the Routledge website and on the Earthscan from Routledge Facebook page. Each post within Facebook will be open to comments so please feel free to voice your thoughts!

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  1. Refurbishment and Renovation Catalog Now Online

    Our new Refurbishment and Renovation 2013-2014 online catalog is now online and available to browse.

  2. Congratulations to Kozo Mayumi, Winner of the TERI Georgescu-Roegen Award, Unconventional Thinking!

    Kozo Mayumi, author of various Earthscan from Routledge titles, is the winner of the TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Georgescu-Roegen Award, Unconventional Thinking. The award will be presented at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2013.

    To find out more about the Georgescu-Roegen Award, click here.

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New textbooks in established subject areas for students at all stages of their degree

Course Guides

The courses below offer a listing of the most current textbooks from Routledge Energy. You can also continue browsing our complete catalog of textbook options. If you'd like to consult with one of our representatives, browse our contact listings.

Companion Websites

Many of our key textbooks and course books have companion websites that provide additional resources to educators and students such as; information, downloads, tools and supplemental materials for the books they accompany.
= eResources

Browse and download our Catalogs, brochures and leaflets

  1. Climate Change

    New Titles and Key Backlist

    Online Catalog

  2. Energy

    New and Key titles 2014

    Online Catalog or Download PDF

  3. Refurbishment and Renovation

    New Titles and Key Backlist 2013-2014

    Online Catalog

Conferences, exhibits and events we will be attending in the near future

June 2014

Jun 4 ~ Intersolar Europe (INTER) 2014
Jun 4 ~ Renewable Energy World Europe 2014

July 2014

Jul 8 ~ Intersolar North America (ISNA) 2014

August 2014

Aug 3 ~ World Renewable Energy Network/Congress (WREC) 2014

September 2014

Sep 23 ~ 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) 2014

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