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Feminist tag not essential: women's minister

JUDITH IRELAND 5:17pm The federal minister responsible for women says it is "ridiculous" that identifying as a feminist should be a prerequisite for her job.

Latest political news

Abetz promises no penalty rate changes

Senator Eric Abetz

Jonathan Swan, Anna Patty, James Massola 8:18pm The Abbott government has said it will not meddle with workers' penalty rates during this electoral term, with Minister Eric Abetz saying the matter would be dealt with by the Fair Work umpire.

Workplace review: nothing is off the table

Construction workers

JAMES MASSOLA The federal government's sweeping review of Australia's workplace laws will put penalty rates, pay and conditions, union militancy and flexibility under the microscope.

Comments 599

Malcolm Turnbull starts fifth NBN audit

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbul.

LIA TIMSON 5:32pm Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has commissioned a fifth audit of the national broadband network since coming to office in September.

Comments 122

Direct action like a 'Martian beauty contest'

Climate economist Ross Garnaut.

Peter Hannam, Jonathan Swan 10:48am Abolishing carbon pricing could cost the federal budget at least $4 billion a year within five years, says economist Ross Garnaut.

RBA warning for homebuyers

STEVENS AFR PHOTOGRAPH BY GLENN HUNT 3rd July 2013. NEWS - Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens speaking at an Economic Society of Australia Business Luncheon in Brisbane.

1:49pm The Reserve Bank has warned home owners to be wary of taking on too much debt to buy property.

Welfare advocates call for transparent review

Kevin Andrews

JUDITH IRELAND 4:11pm Disability and welfare advocates have met at Parliament House in Canberra amid fears that May budget will see cuts to people receiving disability support.

Qantas 'pressured on carbon tax'

Qantas t

MARK KENNY Qantas felt it was urged to complain more loudly about the carbon tax to rebuild its damaged relationship with the Abbott government, according to a Qantas source.

Comments 126

PNG may not allow Manus probe on its soil

Manus death inquiry could take months (Thumbnail)

SARAH WHYTE Asylum seekers and workers at the Manus Island detention centre should be flown to Australia to give their evidence to the newly established Senate inquiry, a spokesman for the PNG PM says.

Comments 64

Palmer angry over election ad robbery

Clive Palmer member for Fairfax seeks the call during question time in the House of Representatives as Parliament resumes on Tuesday 11 February 2014 Photo: Andrew Meares

9:38am Clive Palmer is furious thieves have stolen his party's election advertisements in a Brisbane robbery.

My School 'should be scrapped'


ALEXANDRA SMITH NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli wants the controversial My School website scrapped, arguing it is a waste of money that could be better spent on improving teacher quality.

Comments 60

Government unmoved by Apple revelations

Customers wait in line to purchase new iPhones at the Apple in store in Canberra.
Filed: Friday, 20 September 2013 9:17:08 AM 
Photo by Rohan Thomson, The Canberra Times


GARETH HUTCHENS The Abbott government remains unmoved by reports that the US tech giant Apple has shifted billions of dollars from Australia in untaxed profits over the last decade.

Plea to Labor to preference Greens

Christine Milne

HEATH ASTON Greens leader Christine Milne has appealed to the Labor Party to abandon a plan to ''shut the Greens out of the Senate'' at the election replay in Western Australia.

Navy's destroyer project blows out

Air Warfare Destroyer

DAVID WROE The cost of building Australia's most powerful warships has blown out by $300 million - a figure likely to rise sharply - amid management problems and poor productivity, an auditor's report has found.

China sparks push for defence spend rise

Peter Jennings.

David Wroe, Philip Wen China's sharp military rise underscores the need for Australia to bolster its own defence spending and in particular improve its spying capabilities, an adviser to the government's next defence blueprint says.

'Flawed' science ignored in cattle approval

On a high: Mountain Cattlemen's Association of Victoria president Charlie Lovick is thrilled cattle grazing is going ahead.

Darren Gray and Tom Arup The Australian Academy of Science has damned the science around alpine cattle grazing as federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt approves a controversial grazing trial.

Abbott 'deeply concerned' by Greste charges

Peter Greste

DAN HARRISON The Prime Minister is ''deeply concerned'' about Australian journalist Peter Greste, now jailed in Egypt.

PM's speech splits forest deal brokers

Garrett to front insulation scheme inquiry

Journalist has early win against ABC

Hockey to go slow on cuts

Slipper may take Ashby fight to High Court

Government 'moving on global tax avoidance'

Beazley visit fuels talk on replacement

Censured Nash denies wrongdoing

Visa freeze reinstated for boat arrivals

Labor unlikely to back Greens in WA

Refusal to release ABC funds report

Hunt approves cattle grazing trial

Reef faced with irreversible damage

Environment commissioner drops bucket

PM, Treasurer deny pressuring Qantas

UN to call for review of PNG processing

Loggers 'ultimate conservationists': PM

GDP figures beat expectations

'Not enough' to do: Palmer defends absence

Art by child sex offender in Parliament House

Lost votes continue to worry investigator

Comment & Analysis

Manus Island: Inside the horror


Rod St George Like many, I watched with horror as the recent violence at Manus Island unfolded. But not with surprise.

Comments 284

Glass ceiling scratched, not broken

Adele Ferguson dinkus

ADELE FERGUSON Few Australians have played the Hollywood game with as much success as Cate Blanchett.

Refugees, stop the boats - join the dots

A girl cries near a damaged car at a site hit by what activists said were barrel bombs dropped by government forces in Aleppo's Dahret Awwad neighbourhood.

Susan Metcalfe We need to look more closely at displacement when considering refugee policy.

Unease over Napthine as voting season looms

Josh Gordon dinkus.

JOSH GORDON The Premier is in strife, negativity is building and the Opposition Leader may just be his best hope.

Comments 18

Much at stake in WA senate election

John Warhurst Dinkus

John Warhurst Opinion There has never been anything like it in Australian political history.

Sorry hardest word for ABC

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN It has been a week of discreet pain for the ABC, unfolding on the 11th floor of the Supreme Court of NSW, first in court 11E on Tuesday, then down the corridor in court 11A on Wednesday.

Comments 237

Joyce may benefit from false move

Malcolm Maiden dinkus

MALCOLM MAIDEN Qantas' big shareholders allowed the current guard to defend market share at the cost of profits.

Six months on, it's time Labor got off the floor


JACK WATERFORD Opinion Six months on, Shorten shows no strategy, won't defend Labor's record and offers no alternative vision.

Comments 85

More spin doctors means more to hide


Sharon Beder The further that policies are from serving the public interest, the more the public needs to be manipulated and deceived.

Special features

There's a message there somewhere

Rocco Fazzari Good old-fashioned spin doesn't work any more – what's needed is more mumbles and less cohesion.

Comments 20

Penalty rates on chopping block?

Liberal Wyatt Roy says current workplace laws are too inflexible, but Labor's Amanda Rishworth says the government is gearing up to revive WorkChoices.

Not a tweet out of the freedom czar

Richard Ackland Tim Wilson, human rights and free speech champion, surely should have something to say about the lad who has been lumbered with a $105,000 damages verdict for speaking his mind, via Twitter and Facebook, about a music teacher at Orange High School?

Comments 50

Results show public versus private gulf

The difference in academic performance between state and independent schools grows wider as students progress into high school, a Fairfax Media analysis shows.

Senator's blunt advice for PM goes viral

It was Sunday night and Western Australia Greens Senator Scott Ludlam was on another four hour flight from Perth to Canberra.

Comments 315

Labor plays Qantas safety card

Labor uses question time to raise the spectre that foreign ownership of Qantas could threaten the airline's flawless safety record.

Qantas: why nobody in Canberra has a plan B

Mark Kenny The Labor leader is up in the air on to how to deal with the crisis of the Flying Kangaroo.

Comments 76

Abbott carves out new friendship

Tony Wright The classic upbringing in a dirt-floor log cabin has been in lamentably short supply among the political class since Abe Lincoln, but when you're wooing foresters, a prime minister could barely do better than a folksy tale about a carpentering childhood.

Comments 80

Kev's almost in Kiev and here to help

Jacqueline Maley He always said he was here to help, but former prime minister Kevin Rudd never said his capacity to render aid was confined to national borders.

Battle for Kew: Liberal infighting threatens to tear party apart

Old tensions have reared their head in the Liberal Party, Mark Hawthorne reports.

Comments 29

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Political pics of the year

Three Prime Minister, two leadership ballots and an election campaign for 2013. The best photos from a tumultuous year.

Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

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Penalty rates


Pay and conditions


Union influence


Employee flexibility


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