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Tomorrow's a huge landmark for i as it reaches its 1,000th edition. So we thought we'd ask our readers: why i?


Tomorrow is i's 1,000th edition. So we asked our readers: Why i? What do you want us to improve? We have had about 500 responses so far via email and social media. Here's what a few of them had to say.


Straightforward. Apolitical. Broad spectrum. Interesting op-ed. Concise enough for you? Enough for me - Dr James Graham, Ormskirk

Since i was first published in 2010, I have all but been living and breathing the newspaper, which truly speaks for Britain's younger generation by giving us a voice and representing us as respectable people. Keep it coming! - Chloe Brewster, 15, Kent

Thank you for i’s price, conciseness, reasoned viewpoints and quirky snippets. Please tighten up grammar and forget showbiz - Rosemary Beecroft, 69, retired teacher, New Forest

Cannot believe i is approaching 1,000 editions, I have bought i from day one and immediately knew this was the paper for me, you have been a breath of fresh air amongst a plethora of jaded red tops, keep up the good work - Martin Knight, North Petherton, Somerset

i seems approachable, never lectures but informs, gives off friendly vibes, seems democratic and thereby fair. It made me wonder why I bought the Daily Mirror and Times for so long. i gives me hope! - Tricia Cooney

As a pensioner I like: the price, the tabloid format (with staples), the lack of unwanted supplements. I dislike: the small font on a grey background - Ben Ive, 89, Warsash, Hants

To the team at i, thank you very much for the brilliant newspaper you produce every day which I am able to read after school. You always give a great mix of stories to keep me informed, and try to keep your opinionated pieces contained in the ‘Voices’ section – unlike other newspapers on the market! Keep up the quality, and I will certainly be recommending the paper to peers at school - Ben Wardle, 14, i subscriber, Cheshire

After taking the Times for 50 years, I switched to i two years ago and like it well enough to carry on. Could we have a dedicated obituaries section? Might you replace one of the ordinary sudoku puzzles with a 'killer' sudoku? Keep up the quality and good work - Eddie A Elgar

After reading today’s Letter from the Editor I have been inspired to write to a newspaper for the first time in my life! You have missed a big potential demographic for the truly brilliant i paper. I am a full-time mum of two boys under 5. I used to work long hours in a business consultancy. My time is not my own now and it isn’t always possible to watch the news. I discovered i two years ago and buy it every day. I feel in contact with what is going on in the adult world: the shorter articles mean I can pick it up and put it down when my attention is needed elsewhere and the staples stop the pages going everywhere. You should give a free copy away with the pregnancy freebies you get from the hospital. Thank you for keeping my tired brain ticking over and facilitating intelligent conversation which is not child-focused - Lucy Roberts, 37

I have been reading i since launch. As a Scot, I have become increasingly frustrated by the fact that on devolved matters, eg health, education and justice, it is so often an English paper. Wouldn't take much to become British. Congrats on the 1,000th edition - Helen McCallum

In an era of unpaid internships, cuts to higher education and bleak prospects for graduate employment, i has given students a voice. It responds to us - without patronising us. I buy i because it has listened to me (and the small change rattling in my pocket!) - Rosie Collington, 20, Arabic and Politics student, Leeds

I read the Express for over 40 years until 18 months ago when I discovered i and have been very happy since. Disaster occurred this morning when I got to our village shop and discovered that several papers, including i, had not been delivered. I was compelled to buy the Express at 55p with less content and no staples and with all the old prejudices I had left behind. It takes a disaster of this kind to make one appreciate the finer things in life. Thank you so much - Dave Bradley, Godalming, Surrey

As an evangelical reader since issue one, I can confidently say that the best thing about i is the diversity of opinion expressed by its contributors. There's nothing worse than having one's own prejudices daily reinforced by journalists who share one's political leanings. I frequently disagree (sometimes strongly) with what I read, but this provides food for thought and even the odd change of mind, for which, many thanks - John Newman, High Coniscliffe

Affordable, unbiased news. The right-wing tosh or textbook liberal agenda of other papers prevents me from forming my own opinion on things. And as a student, I don't want to fork out a couple of quid every day for a long paper. i keeps growing and is popular among students for similar reasons. It can really become a voice for the new generation - Oliver Hughes, 20, English Literature student, Norwich

I find i a more digestible read than The Times: I simply don't have the time to spend all day reading a newspaper. I like i's style, openness to a range of views, conciseness - and, yes, the price. I'm sure that there are many readers of all ages who would like to see a regular Science/Technology page. You already provide regular sections for the arts, books, film, travel, fashion, food etc – but where is your regular coverage of cutting edge news about what's happening in computing, telecommunications, cosmology, medicine, quantum physics? In any event, congratulations for what you have done already - Gerald Murphy

I buy i almost every day. I like your pithy news reports – sharp and to the point, and in the evening I have the (simple) crossword and the idoku to relax with. How about choosing a social theme a week and each day delving deeply into the subject? There are far too many subjects mentioned in newspapers today that are one-off articles with little or no substance. Come 2pm in Birmingham it is very difficult to find i - Mary Sambrook, 74, Harborne, Birmingham

Perfect for dipping into the news and at such a beautiful price. Genius! - Rabiyah K Latif, 37, education project manager, Walsall

I buy i because it is a concise NEWS paper. I love the price! I love the concise crossword! I enjoy reading the editor’s comments. I love it all. Please don't change a thing! - Sarah Russell, late 40s, pharmacy technician, Norfolk

I love reading good quality, well-researched journalism, but I commute on the train for 14 minutes each way. Too long for a newspaper and the red-tops contain no news. So the i paper saved my commute - Neil Dance

Owen Jones makes me think and Mark Steel makes me laugh. Here’s to the next 1,000. Aye for i - Tom Gaunt, Milton Keynes

I watch Sky News’s press preview and was struck by the pertinent and non-sensational headlines in i, compared with most other  papers. This was my introduction and I have not been disappointed since. The paper covers national and international news succinctly and perceptively. How could i be improved for me? I am fascinated by obits and would appreciate greater coverage at the expense of society, style and fashion. Also, some Welsh issues slip under the radar - Frank Williams, 63, retired NHS hospital consultant, Crickhowell, Powys

I am a total fan of the paper for lots of reasons but there is one that perhaps you may not hear so often. My son, who is eight, has to read out loud for 10 minutes, five times a week. A challenge at the best of times. i, with its short, clear but not un-challenging stories, has ended up being the perfect '10' minute reading material. Who knew that I would be signing off his reading journal with an article on the closure of the Mary Portas-supported knicker factory! So, if there is one improvement that I would put forward for i it would be to include a page aimed at the younger reader. Whilst my son enjoys the articles he reads when they are put in front of him, it would be good if there was something in the paper that made him reach for it himself. Thank you to all the i team. And happy 1,000th anniversary - Alison Marino, Worthing, West Sussex

I buy i because it's easy to read and well priced. Arts and Entertainment stand out to me as I like to see what's going on – and Julia Buckley, as her columns apply to my course and I'm interested in travel - Alice Whelan, 20, student

You seem to have a good dialogue with your readers. There is a strong sense of being part of the larger world, with stories and articles from around the globe. The content is varied and covers pretty much every aspect of what I consider I need to know about, but, possibly more importantly, your paper contains things which I would not otherwise have sought out, and did not expect to see. Thus my general level of knowledge is enhanced along with my interest in subjects of which I had been previously unaware. I consider your journalists and your paper to be worthy of my understanding of the term “art form”. There is often a lively debate to be found – never “the party line”. I look forward to reading the experiences and opinions of your  journalists, even if I don’t necessarily agree with their observations. The tone of their articles is never sanctimonious or patronising, and does not seem to be controlled by some driving political agenda – unlike some other newspapers I could mention - Robert Graeme, Llanfairfechan, Conwy

I first started to read i when I ran out of cash in my local newsagents and had just enough to purchase it. Boy was that a stroke of luck! Another couple of purchases later just to check it out and I became a regular - James Irving, 65, Cumbria

We have been delighted with i which we have read, Monday to Friday, from almost the first edition. The Guardian, apart from the Saturday edition, has been discarded after 40 years. We like: the excellent, balanced news coverage; the opinion pieces especially Grace Dent, Owen Jones, Mark Steel; the compact size; the coverage of women’s issues; the layout; the reviews; 10 Best; Oliver Duff's editorials. We don't like: the excessive coverage of sport, especially football. Not everyone enjoys this wretched pastime. Very best wishes for the continuing success of your splendid publication - Peter McGuire and Jane Brignull

i could use infographics more often. On the front page, the large white text on black headline is old hat – the space could be used more creatively and still grab attention. Looking forward to the 1,000th edition - Roland Adams, 54, London

(To the tune of Old MacDonald)
All that's fit to be the news,
That's why I buy i,
And occasional car reviews,
That's why I buy i,
Simon Kelner's thought,
Just the right amount of sport,
OwenJones's view,
And a crossword I can do!
Celebrity nonsense limited too,
That's why I buy i.

Tony Perry, Bromsgrove

We would take i on Saturdays too if you had a column on Gardening and especially the Giant Crossword - David and Dianne Shearn, Midsomer Norton, Somerset

An exceptional read – but I wish for some conventional food recipes in Saturday editions, as none so far have appealed. Long may i continue - Sue Gee, Wokingham

Marvellous newspaper,  great value for money, to-the-point news. I read as much of i during lunchtime and evenings and finish them off at weekends. I would like two more pages of football and business news. A main comment from Hamish McRae - R Thandi, civil servant

I don’t have time to read a big newspaper every day – i gives me all the facts  concisely but stylishly. Like the varied selection of writers and the really good arts / review section. Also addicted to the crossword! - Jane Fraser, 62, arts researcher and retired teacher, West Midlands

Such a good read. Been with you since Day One and rewarded with a subscription for 2014 as a Christmas present from my family. Would love to have in the weekend edition details of TV sporting fixtures similar to those covered by your Monday to  Friday issues. Owen Jones is a revelation – a young man with very serious potential - Ken Mason, East Yorkshire

I have i delivered daily to my home. Cheap, concise and a great read which does not consume too much of my day. I particularly like the comment sections as hear the main news on radio and TV. My suggestion for improvement is for your journalists to be very wary of the Government spin against GPs which occasionally results in negative headlines against GPs - Dr Sally Ewings, GP, Exeter

My OU course recommends reading a newspaper every day – i is beautifully compact and structured. I like the Opinion Matrix and Life in Brief. Your intelligent and passionate coverage of the ivory crisis will stay with me forever - Karen Hewson, 51, OU student, Surrey

For a bargain price you get an almost celeb-free, interesting, concise, well-written view on all things that matter, perhaps a tad too much emphasis on politics, and the 10 Best sometimes smacks of elitism. My first port of call is the Editor’s letter, followed by the word wheel, then on to the news matrix, from which I determine where I want to go further. You have managed to improve the product, plus retained the staples to boot - Brian Davies, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

i lets me read about world affairs without burning a hole in my pocket - Beth Sharrock, 18, student, Lichfield

I buy i because I want a newspaper that doesn't yell at me, talk down to me, tell me what I'm supposed to think and doesn't assume that, just because I'm a man, I need to drool over half-naked women in the morning. It's fine as it is - Steve Butten, 63, operating theatre support worker, Margate, Kent

Congratulations! Something to cheer, annoy, puzzle and think about six days of the week. A reader since day 2 in Dover. Thanks to all staff, contributors and distributors for that something rare these days - value! - Keith Langford, 75, community volunteer with the deaf, Dover

I never have to be without knowing what is going on in the world. I always feel I've caught up without flocking through the paper for hours - Holly Maxwell-Stevenson, 19, student, Glasgow

I buy i for its economy of words, content, economy of paper and cost in that order - Joan Stuart, 80+, Bedford, retired local government officer

Concise and accurate reporting on pressing issues and newsworthy topics rather than celebrity - Matthew Jones, 20, student, Teesside

I changed from the Daily Mirror to i because I found a newspaper that treats its readers as intelligent people. I particularly like to read Owen Jones. I would like i to cover the National Pensioners Convention. Pensioners play a big part in society contributing £40 billion a year to the economy in voluntary work. Why not a pensioner page once a week? Everyone is buying the i - Dennis Brett, 82, retired welder, Milton Keynes

The i : compact, concise, complete - contentment! - Diana Hunt, Elley Green, Wiltshire

What a great achievement, everyone in your office should be proud, from the Editor, right down to the person who makes the (hopefully Fairtrade) tea. My polite comment is as follows: be more green! Green issues do not get much of a look-in in the other papers. My main other paper is the Daily Mail. It is fairly right-wing, believes in economic growth, and denies climate change. That is up to them, of course, but I really want to see a daily paper which is fair to the Green movement. I would like to see you greener than you are - Bill Robinson, Slough

The best news "non fluff/celebrity" paper we know. Great value and our daily choice. One suggestion: the need for the country to be less 'London-centric’ - John, 76, and Sally Edser, 71, Alsager, Cheshire

Get rid of cooking and recipes also puzzles and crosswords - is this a newspaper or a women’s weekly? More book and music reviews, especially as a large section of society can no longer afford cinema, exhibitions or the theatre. Apart from that I love your paper - favourite day is Fridays - Jan Harvey, Surrey

I like i because I don’t have time to trawl through broadsheets daily and it’s vital for my course that I’m knowledgeable on current affairs - Alannah Trew, 21, student, Liverpool

Congratulations on your Thousandth! You look well. I love the clear non-sensationalised stories and interactive crosswords in the iPad edition. I would really like the idoku to be interactive as well - Kathy Brodie, Handforth, Cheshire

I like i for the wide range of political views from journalists and contributors, the non-patronising Editor's letter, good coverage of arts and sports and the price. It would be good to see more family/personal finance articles - Bill Fleming, retired chartered librarian, Warwick

Great value, no nonsense - Alan Gell, Whitley Bay

I was finding the Guardian too predictable and I loved the photography in the Independent, but it was too much to read daily so I have bought i since the beginning. I like your balanced approach, the news, TV and I love the Agenda section. The recent reporting top British artists and designers has been brilliant – so good I've put it up in the Fashion bays at De Montford Uni were I'm a student. I particularly enjoy Stefano Hatfield, Simon Kelner and Owen Jones. I would like to see more women's sport.  Congratulations on an excellent affordable daily! - Pat Nimmo, student, Fleckney

i is very good value when compared to the rest of the serious press; brevity without losing detail. The weekly quiz is a welcome addition. I tend not to linger over Caught & Social, nor the fashion features, but I'm sure they bring pleasure to their target audiences. Keep it all going, I've recommended i to many friends and colleagues - Grant James

i: Incredibly intelligent, independently minded and informative. Here’s to its next millennium! - Kevin Hunt, Corsham, Wiltshire

We switched from The Guardian at their last price hike. We never read it all, so it was a waste of money and paper. We read ALL of i, like women’s sport, puzzles page - but cryptic crossword often defeats us - sometimes even when we see the solution! Especially like Kelner, Steel and Jones - Linda and Brian Sexton, local historian and retired chartered engineer, Ipswich

Can we have clothes for “normal” people on the fashion page? And the models look unhealthy. I always enjoyed an item in a paper I used to read - they called it minted and skinted - that would be good for i readers: bargain buys similar to outrageously priced designer items. Apart from the above, carry on as normal! - Elizabeth McLoughlin

i represents the best value in town. Extremely informative, yet well-balanced and concise, it also offers a searching crossword on the inside back cover which alone is worth the money. A better horse racing page wouldn't go amiss - Martin Lawrence, South Croydon

I love the i because it's affordable for me yet doesn't sacrifice the quality of its stories. I especially like the variety; you seem to have everything from porn to Harry Potter covered. Nice job - Clare Holloway, student, Exeter

A marvellous newspaper. Extraordinary value for money. Owen Jones’s contributions akin to having a blood transfusion. The Guardian used to have a “Face to Faith” column each Saturday. There must be those amongst the readership, even in a minority, who would appreciate something similar. I would. In your hands - David Brill, Merthyr Tydfil

Compact, so easy to handle, excellent reporting, balanced journalism, reader-friendly editorials, good games and puzzles and the best value for money available anywhere - Julia Forster, Gateshead

Many thanks and congratulations on producing such a brilliant paper. The best newspaper innovation since The Independent was launched. i provides an unmissable value-for-money package of news, sport, features and comment, catering for all age groups. It’s concise, but comprehensive and the columnists are a joy! Please, can we have a Sunday edition? - John Shone, 68, journalist, Ellesmere, Shropshire

Why do I buy i? For the clever puzzles, excellent value, writing of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Howard Jacobson, Owen Jones and Simon Kelner and for the unbiased coverage of news which is genuinely important and relevant - Steff Thomas, Swansea

The concept of the Matrix is great. I particularly like the 10 Best and the Puzzles page at the back. Do you think to include some horoscopes would lower the tone too much? Just a thought, I don’t want to dampen the seriousness of the paper. Well done on your 1,000th edition - Patsy, 60, Reading. payroll administrator

Referencing Ian Burell's work got me a 2:1 in a subject I'd never studied, the iQuiz isn't too challenging and it's completely changed my opinion of Neil Warnock - Jacob Cunningham, 20, student, Kent

Totally readable, sensible, honest, without hype or sensationalism. Pages 2 and 3 whet my appetite for the rest; "My View" is thought-provoking, the social, fashion and arts keep me up-to-date. Amazingly, I've had a relationship with i for almost three years: that is because you respect your readers - Susan Pettit, 69, Truro, Cornwall

For students, it’s hard to find the time to read a full newspaper but you need to keep to date with current events. The i is a perfect remedy because it’s concise but well written - Tria Lawrence, 20, student, Newcastle University

Very good value with no sleazy gossip. Balanced and comprehensive reporting. The front page isn't "shock horror" attention seeking. What could be improved: the grammar, spelling and punctuation - Anne Donovan, Merseyside

I am a newcomer to your newspaper, just a few months now. I had a stroke about 16 years ago, so your paper is ideal because it’s brief, concise and unbiased. Thank you - Adele Ball

Enjoy reading i, great value, well done. Can we have more realistic prices in the 10 Best? Thanks for reading this - Steve Roberts, 65

Why I buy i: 1. It is cheap - I am a pensioner on my own these days and have no spare money. 2. It is attractive, a good size, easy to hold and read. 3. Excellent arts coverage. 4. You cover tennis well. 5. I love the letters page. 6. Owen Jones is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being a highlight of my day - Rosemary Campbell

I stopped buying the Times and now buy i regularly – it gives me everything I need in digestible detail - Brian Squires, Nottingham

As one of your readers from the very first week can I just add that the free chocolate was also a great incentive - June MacFarlane, Shepton Mallet

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