Campbell Creek

Campbell Creek Improvements / Community Center Mitigation Project

Campbell Creek mitigation wetland creation project was completed in the year 2000. Located adjacent to the Community Center (Apn: 503-202-004), this project included channel widening, revegetation (Dogwood, Willow, Cedar, Sitka Spruce, Maple, Alder, Spirea, Lily, Pond Weed, Bulrushes, Cattail, Soft Rushes, Lyunby Sedge and Red Fescue) and structure installation for fish passage and spawning. The $10,000 project, removed over 4000 cu.yds. of fill over a 90,840 sq.ft. area and stalled a 24in. culvert. Plantings were completed by students of Equinox school.

Campbell Creek     Campbell Creek

Gannon Slough Fencing

This project completed in 2003 east of Hwy 101 and South of SR 255 (Apn: 501-042-007, 501-042-014) was designed for riparian and instream habitat enhancement. Funded by the California Department of Fish and Game ($27,820) and the City of Arcata ($20,250) this project that spanned 850 feet and 2,537 sq.ft, included revegetation (Willow, Alder, Sitka Spruce, Maple, Red Flowering Currant, Twinberry and Wax Myrtle) structure installation, fencing, and a culvert upgrade. This project was completed with volunteers from Arcata High School's Natural Resource Club, HSU and Fish and Game.

Gannon Slough of Campbell Creek