Board of Permit and Handicapped Appeals Members

The Board of Permit Appeals consists of five members, two experienced in building construction and one member is a public member.

The Handicapped Access Appeals Board consists of five members as follows: two experienced in building construction and are appointed by the Board of Permit Appeals from among its members; one is a public member and appointed by the Board of Permit Appeals from among its members except in the event there is no public member on the Board of Permit Appeals, the member is appointed by the Council; two members shall be physically handicapped persons appointed by the Council.

Board members serve 4 year staggered terms.


Scott Baker - Handicap Rep
Alan "Pete" Hess - Community
Joanne Kinney Dickson - Handicap Rep
O'Rourke Swinney - Building
Nick Lucchesi - Engineer

Kash Boodjeh - Engineer

Staff Liaison: Dean Renfer
Department: Building Division



Board of Permit Appeals

The Board of Permit Appeals powers and duties are specified in the Arcata Municipal Code Sections 2223 - 2226. These powers and duties are outlined as follows:

A. To hear and act upon appeals and decisions made by the Building Official of the City of Arcata.

B. Meet as necessary and upon call of its Secretary.

C. Consist of five members appointed by the City Council. At least two of the five members shall be experienced in building construction and one member shall be a public member. It is not necessary that members of the Board of Permit Appeals live or work in the Arcata Planning Area.

D. The Director of Community Development, or his/her designee, shall be the Secretary to the Board.

Board of Handicapped Access Appeals

The Board of Handicapped Access Appeals powers and duties are specified in the Arcata Municipal Code Sections 2227 - 2230. These powers and duties are outlined as follows:

A. To hear appeals of decisions made by the Building Official concerning any matter for which an appeal is allowed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 19957.5.

B. In such appeals, the Handicapped Access Appeals Board shall act with the authority of and in the stead of the Board of Permit Appeals. The Handicapped Access Appeals Board shall be considered a sub-board of the Board of Permit Appeals; however, decisions of the Handicapped Access Appeals Board shall be final decisions and there shall not be right of further appeal therefrom.

C. Meet as necessary and upon the call of its Secretary.

D. Consist of five members as follows: two shall be experienced in building construction and shall be appointed by the Board of Permit Appeals from among its members; one shall be a public member and shall be appointed by the Board of Permit Appeals from among its members except that in the event there is no public member on the Board of Permit Appeals, such member shall be appointed by the Council; two members shall be physically handicapped persons appointed by the Council. It is not necessary that members of the Handicapped Access Appeals Board live or work in the Arcata Planning Area.

E. All rules of procedure established by the Board of Permit Appeals, and all other provisions of this Chapter except to the extent inconsistent with the express provisions of this Article or the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 19957.5, shall be deemed to refer to and shall apply to the Handicapped Access Appeals Board.