Energy Program

The City’s Energy Program has been active in energy- and climate change-related activities since 2000. One of the main tasks of the Energy Program is to assist with the implementation of the goals and strategies outlined in the Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. The Energy Program promotes energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, water-use efficiency, and sustainability through outreach and education and through the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects around the community. The Energy Program also serves as an informational resource for residents and business owners interested in seeking ways to include energy efficient practices in their daily lives. For more information please contact the Energy Program Specialist at (707) 825-2168. 

A Special Report from the Arcata Green Team
The Case of the Phantom Menace
and His Energy Wasting Goons

Creative Commons License

Arcata Green Team: The Case of the Phantom Menace and His Gang of Energy Wasting Goons by City of Arcata, Humboldt State University, Redwood Coast Energy Authority is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Appropedia page for The Arcata Green Team


Learn energy efficient building operator and maintenance practices
Building Operator Certification classes begin Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Northeast Energy Efficiency Council and PG&E are sponsoring Level I Building Operator Certification (BOC) classes in Eureka starting on April 23, 2013. These classes are geared toward building engineers, building service managers, maintenance supervisors, O&M technicians, electricians, skilled trades and facilities specialists and are a way to gain credentials for professional development. Call 1-877-850-4793 for more information. Space is limited so sign up today.