Nedahl Stelio

Nedahl Stelio

Hollywood's not-so-stylish leading men

Jared Leto

Nedahl Stelio Awards season is well and truly upon us and with the Oscars screening on Monday, the focus is typically concentrated on the women.

Oh no

Oh no, the high-cut swimsuit is back

Minimale Animale

Nedahl Stelio It started with an Instagram photo slipping innocently into my stream. Only this was no innocent picture. It was an enormously high-cut one-piece swimsuit with short sleeves to boot.

Comments 79

Fashion face-off

Is Sydney more fashionable than Melbourne?


Nedahl Stelio It's official. Sydney beats Melbourne as the most fashionable city in Australia. According to a Global Language Monitor survey, Sydney sits comfortably at number 8 in the global fashion capital...

Comments 16

E-decorating service

Gwyneth Paltrow thinks inside the box for interior design

Gwyneth Paltrow

Nedahl Stelio What would we do without Gwyneth Paltrow? First she tells us how she manages her busy day, what with dropping two kids off at school and a singing lesson.