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AIDSTAR-One/Brazil implemented the Brazil Social Tech project in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District of Brasilia. The goal of the Social Tech project was to create sustainable access to tuberculosis (TB) control and HIV programming for populations at risk for HIV/TB co-infection. The program used social technologies—i.e., behavior change communication, social marketing, social mobilization, and social research—to increase awareness of HIV/TB co-infection risk, encourage health seeking behaviors, and support adherence to directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS). Project highlights included:

  • Designed and rolled out the “De Peito Aberto” (With Open Arms) communications campaign in collaboration with government counterparts and with input from civil society leaders in TB control and HIV and the State Penitentiary System Health Departments.
  • Led capacity building, training, and intervention strategy development with key stakeholders in the TB control programs in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro at the national, state and municipal levels, state penitentiary systems, civil society leaders, and other local partners working in TB control, HIV, and co-infection.
  • Awarded small grants to community nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro—Arco Íris (Rainbow), Rede de Controle Social de TB de Sao Paulo (Network for Social Control of TB in São Paulo), Espaço de Prevenção e Atenção Humanizada (Space for Prevention and Humanized Attention; EPAH) and the Forum NGO on Tuberculosis Control Rio de Janeiro—to roll out the De Peito Aberto campaign and social mobilization. Grantees distributed printed campaign materials, hosted events, and conducted peer-to-peer outreach in health centers, slums, nightclubs, and prisons and at lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride events. Grantees that traditionally worked with HIV or TB alone built their capacity to address issues of HIV/TB co-infection in their communities. Through the grantees’ efforts, over 57,000 communication materials were distributed.
  • Developed and implemented an innovative knowledge, attitude, behavior, and practice (KABP) survey and scales, led by local partner John Snow Brasil Consultoria. The survey evaluated the impact of the campaign in the prisons and showed statistically significant positive results.


Related AIDSTAR-One/Brazil IEC materials