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Data Quality

Solutions and Services for Data Quality include Master Data Management, Data Cleansing, Data Deduplication, Address Verification, Customer Contact Data Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Golden Record Creation, Geocoding, Data Integration, Data Management, and Mailing Software for Adherence to U.S. Postal Regulations.

Data Quality Articles

In today's business landscape, organizations are increasingly focusing on improving the customer experience to ensure that they're staying with, or ahead of, the competition. It's widely understood that in order to improve the customer experience, it's imperative that organizations understand the customer and tailor their services or products to each demographic and customer segment. However, two major developments are bringing about a marked change to this tried-and-true customer experience strategy: the proliferation of big data and the shrinking size of customer segments.

Posted January 20, 2014

While mobile healthcare, connected pharmacy applications and electronic medical records represent advancements in healthcare accessibility, they also increase the complexity of data management in the context of HIPAA confidentiality and other industry standards. Addressing the data management challenges in healthcare markets, Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and integration solutions has formed a strategic alliance with Blu Sky.

Posted January 17, 2014

Advancing its global sales and support initiatives, Melissa Data, a provider of data quality and address management solutions, has announced the opening of a new London office. Melissa Data wants to expand its presence globally to reach more companies that are struggling with data quality issues - not only in the U.S. - but in Canada, the U.K. now, as well as Germany and India.

Posted January 13, 2014

The data-driven demands on organizations have never been greater. Two of the most pressing concerns that organizations face today are the need to provide analytic access to newer data types such as machine-generated data, documents and graphics, and the need to control the cost of information management for growing data stores. DBTA's new list of Trend-Setting Products in Data for 2014 highlights the products, platforms, and services that seek to provide organizations with the tools necessary to address rapidly changing market requirements.

Posted December 20, 2013

Melissa Data has introduced a new Move Update function for Listware for Excel, the company's data enrichment tool that integrates directly into Microsoft Excel. According to Melissa Data, Listware for Excel enables real-time contact data quality in a simple Excel interface making it well suited for anyone using Excel to manage contact data, and providing a data quality option for mailers challenged by the licensing costs or volume mailing requirements of the U.S Post Office's national change-of-address product. The newest update to Listware for Excel, the Move Update option, is a proprietary change-of-address service, providing access to millions of U.S. address records.

Posted December 10, 2013

Survivorship, known as the Golden Record in data terms, allows for the creation of a single, accurate and complete version of a customer record. A new technique for Golden Record selection offers a much more effective and logical approach when it comes to record survivorship. The most powerful future for data quality lies in the new and unique ability to discern contact data quality information and select the surviving record based on the level of quality of the information provided.

Posted November 12, 2013

Melissa Data has announced that MD Property, its cloud-based data solution, now integrates with Saleforce.com's CRM software to enable users to enhance their information with up-to-date property and mortgage information.

Posted October 29, 2013

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and integration solutions, announced availability of Community Editions of selected Data Quality Components for SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), including Contact Verify and MatchUp components. Melissa Data has chosen to make the community editions available for two reasons, Greg Brown, vice president of marketing at Melissa Data, said in an interview.

Posted September 12, 2013

AddressDoctor, a provider of certified address verification and correction solutions, today announced the availability of its Software Library version 5.4.0. The latest release provides Point Address Geocoding for the United States and Canada.

Posted August 13, 2013

Database Trends and Applications introduces the inaugural "DBTA 100," a list of the companies that matter most in data. The past several years have transformed enterprise information management, creating challenges and opportunities for companies seeking to extract value from a sea of data assets. In response to this, established IT vendors as well as legions of newer solution providers have rushed to create the tools to do just that.

Posted June 27, 2013

Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) magazine has announced the inaugural "DBTA 100: The Companies That Matter Most in Data," a list saluting this year's companies in data and enterprise information management—from long-standing industry veterans to fast-growing startups tackling big data. "Beyond the explosion of interest surrounding big data, the past several years have transformed enterprise information management, creating both challenges and opportunities for companies seeking to protect, optimize, integrate, and extract actionable insight from a sea of data assets," remarked Thomas Hogan, group publisher of Database Trends and Applications.

Posted June 26, 2013

These are heady times for data products vendors and their enterprise customers. When business leaders talk about success these days, they often are alluding to a new-found appreciation for their data environments. It can even be said that the tech vendors that are making the biggest difference in today's business world are no longer software companies at all; rather, they are "data" companies, with all that implies. Enterprises are reaching out to vendors for help in navigating through the fast-moving, and often unforgiving, digital realm. The data vendors that are leading their respective markets are those that know how to provide the tools, techniques, and hand-holding needed to manage and sift through gigabytes', terabytes', and petabytes' worth of data to extract tiny but valuable nuggets of information to guide business leaders as to what they should do next.

Posted June 19, 2013

There is an emerging field of companies looking to take on the challenges presented by the roiling tide of big data. While their visions vary, each has identified a market need that it believes its technology uniquely addresses. Here, DBTA highlights the approaches of 10 companies we think are worth watching.

Posted June 13, 2013

Trillium Software, a provider of enterprise data quality software and services, and Collibra, a provider of data governance software, have formed an alliance to address the demand for data governance initiatives and enable customers to leverage data as a strategic asset.

Posted June 04, 2013

The success of major IT trends including Big Data, Cloud and Social Media depends on high quality customer data. One crucial part of every data quality strategy is address validation. AddressDoctor significantly improves your global address quality in order to reduce costs, increase productivity and streamline your business processes. Our address validation software automatically corrects and standardizes postal addresses worldwide—no matter if your data is captured in a CRM or online shop, or stored in a database.

Posted June 03, 2013

UnboundID, a platform provider for identity data, has released Version 4.0 of the UnboundID Identity Data Platform, providing data unification, greater security, and real-time scalability to manage the rapidly growing volume and transactions of identity data. The new release expands the UnboundID solution for helping some of the world's largest telecommunications, financial services, enterprise, mobile, and cloud services companies manage their core asset in the identity economy: customer identity data. UnboundID is a privately held company based in Austin, Texas, and is funded by Silverton Partners and OpenView Venture Partners.

Posted January 31, 2013

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and direct marketing solutions, has unveiled a new program to increase access to Melissa Data's products, training and expertise, and help share information about data quality tools for Oracle deployments. The MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Program is specifically geared to Oracle ACEs and other credentialed industry experts and community leaders, and provides full access to Melissa Data core data quality tools for Oracle technologies.

Posted January 23, 2013

The Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) has announced the associate member organizations participating in the 2013 OAUG Star Partner Program, which connects providers of related products and solutions with Oracle Applications users throughout the year.

Posted January 15, 2013

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and direct marketing solutions, announced expanded access to its collection of data quality tools for all editions of SQL Server 2012, including Enterprise, Business Intelligence and Standard, via SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) as well as the SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition's Data Quality Services. Melissa Data solutions include tools to profile, cleanse, verify, and match contact data, including address, name, phone and email.

Posted November 15, 2012

Contact data quality and direct marketing solution provider Melissa Data is making its Address Check and IP Check product offerings available via the Windows Azure Store - a subset of Melissa Data offerings available in the Windows Azure Marketplace. Windows Azure developers can access the new store from the Windows Azure Management Portal and browse and purchase products and services representing a cross-section of functionality from a premium selection of vendors.

Posted November 05, 2012

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and direct marketing solutions, has announced Personator, an integrated data quality web service designed to provide identity verification and fraud prevention for e-commerce applications. Personator offers the ability to determine whether associations between different elements, such as name and address, are correct, thereby increasing accuracy by ensuring a valid and correct link between the data and identity of individual customer contacts.

Posted October 24, 2012

Address data quality is at the heart of all business operations. Inaccurate addresses can cost businesses anywhere between a few cents to many dollars per customer interaction. Undelivered products or information could result in dissatisfied or even lost customers, a cost that is far greater than the fee to implement an automated address check. Here, a list of the top 10 tips to select the right address data quality provider.

Posted September 25, 2012

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and integration solutions, has announced the availability of Contact Zone, an open source data integration software optimized for sophisticated contact data quality. Contact Zone incorporates a streamlined graphical user interface enabling data transformations mapped from any type of source database to any type of data warehouse. According to Melissa Data, as organizations increasingly work to improve their operational costs, increase revenues and manage risks by capitalizing on their return on data, they are recognizing that the quality of the data itself is essential to making achieving those objectives.

Posted April 30, 2012

Business analytics provider Pentaho has partnered with Human Inference to deliver improved data quality for Pentaho Business Analytics. The combination of the two open source products is intended to provide highly accurate and consistent data to business applications for enterprises on-premise and in the cloud. According to the vendors, the new integration with Human Inference technology will enable Pentaho Business Analytics customers to rapidly create business intelligence applications with higher quality data, allowing for better and quicker decision making.

Posted April 24, 2012

Talend, a provider of open source integration software, has announced the availability of Talend Open Studio for Big Data, to be released under the Apache Software License. Talend Open Studio for Big Data is based on Talend Open Studio, augmented with native support for Apache Hadoop. In addition, Talend Open Studio for Big Data will be bundled in Hortonworks' Apache Hadoop distribution, Hortonworks Data Platform, constituting a key integration component of Hortonworks Data Platform.

Posted March 13, 2012

Melissa Data Corp., a developer of high performance data quality and address management solutions, has announced a corporate initiative evolving its solutions structure. The company is forming two distinct business divisions - the Data Quality division, which will include developer tools and enterprise plug-ins dedicated to helping customers clean and maintain high quality U.S., Canadian, and international contact data; and the Mailers Software division, which will focus on the needs of the direct marketer, with an emphasis on the company's flagship MAILERS+4 bulk mail software, mailing lists and sales leads, change-of-address processing, and data appending services.

Posted February 13, 2012

Melissa Data, a provider of contact data quality and integration solutions, today announced Contact Zone, its open source data integration software optimized for sophisticated contact data quality. Contact Zone provides a simple approach to data quality, using a streamlined graphical user interface to map data transformations from any type of source database to any type of data warehouse.

Posted January 17, 2012

The latest version of expressor software's flagship data integration platform, expressor 3.5, features cloud integration with Melissa Data's Data Quality Tools and Salesforce.com to provide comprehensive BI reporting and CRM integration with on premises applications. The new Salesforce.com and Melissa Data capabilities ship with expressor 3.5 Desktop Edition and Standard Edition.

Posted January 10, 2012

In this, our last E-Edition of Database Trends and Applications for 2011, we're taking a look back at some of the most widely read articles of the past year. These articles cover a range of topics. Some provide an examination of just-emerging or quickly evolving technologies, others highlight best practices in a specific discipline, while others comment on trends observed by industry experts. Click on the "December 2011 E-Edition UPDATE" headline above to access the articles. If you missed one earlier in the year, here's your second chance. All DBTA E-Editions are archived by month on the DBTA website.

Posted December 16, 2011

At IBM's 2011 Business Analytics Forum, IBM unveiled new software that brings the power of managing and analyzing big data to the workplace. The new offerings span a variety of big data and business analytics technologies across multiple platforms from mobile devices to the data center to IBM's SmartCloud, enabling employees from any department inside an organization to explore unstructured data such as Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, weather data, log files, genomic data and video, as part of their everyday work experience.

Posted October 24, 2011

Talend, an open source software provider, has announced an expansion of its "Powered by Talend" OEM Partner Program designed to help software vendors and SaaS providers embed its enterprise-grade open source integration technologies in their offerings. With the program, partners can leverage all components of the Talend Unified Platform, a set of data management and application integration technologies that Talend says can deliver core functionality at a fraction of the cost of custom development.

Posted October 20, 2011

Melissa Data Corp, a provider of contact data quality and integration solutions, introduced its SmartMover Component for Microsoft's SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) at the PASS Summit 2011. SmartMover allows users to update U.S. and Canadian customer records with new move updated addresses, helping businesses stay in contact with their customers, while reducing wasted time, money, and postage on undeliverable-as-addressed mail. SmartMover is a "unique component for SSIS," Greg Brown, director of marketing for Melissa Data, tells 5 Minute Briefing.

Posted October 18, 2011

As companies learn to embrace "big data" - terabytes and gigabytes of bits and bytes, strung across constellations of databases - they face a new challenge: making the data valuable to the business. To accomplish this, data needs to be brought together to give decision makers a more accurate view of the business.

Posted September 21, 2011

HP is offering a series of new software solutions designed to improve collaboration among application development and delivery teams. The new HP ALM software solutions include HP Service Virtualization 1.0, HP Application Lifecycle Intelligence (ALI), and HP Agile Accelerator 5.0. "Without a performance management system, it's difficult to measure success," Matthew Morgan, senior director of worldwide product marketing at HP Software, said at a press and blogger briefing at launch day for the product line. Application metrics "should be digitized and automated, and not sit on an Excel desktop."

Posted July 25, 2011

BackOffice Associates, LLC, a provider of ERP data migration, data governance and master data management solutions for SAP, Oracle and other ERP vendors, announced the release of a new data quality as a service offering, QCloud.

Posted July 19, 2011
