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On The Books: 'Inferno' tops 2013 best seller list


Based on data from USA Today‘s best-seller list, Dan Brown’s Inferno topped the charts for all book sales in 2013. The Da Vinci Code, Brown’s first big hit, was No. 1 in both 2004 (when it was first released) and 2006, when the movie debuted. (And yes, a film version of Inferno is in the works and is set to hit theaters in 2015.) [USA Today]

Yesterday, the world celebrated Martin Luther King Day, but we can continue the celebrations today by looking at a report that The New Yorker unearthed from Renata Adler. The 1965 account captures the march from Selma to Montgomery.

Former U.S. poet laureate Billy Collins has sold his papers to The University of Texas’ Ransom Center. Collins’ trove of manuscripts includes doodles, drafts of poems, diaries, observations, and notes. “It is a great pleasure to extend the Center’s holdings in this way, with the archive of a poet beloved by readers everywhere,” Ransom Center director Stephen Enniss said in a press release.

Admittedly light book news on a snowy day after a holiday weekend, but what’s got you talking in the book universe?

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