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IMDb Video Top Frequently Asked Questions

This page includes answers to the most common feedback, complaints and frequently asked questions about video content on the Internet Movie Database. Please read these notes carefully before contacting us: due to the volume of help requests we receive we can't respond to questions or complaints that are already addressed here.

  • How do I watch a film or TV show on IMDb?
    Many films and TV episodes listed in the Internet Movie Database can be watched online. When a title has video available for online streaming, "Watch Now" links to the video content will appear in the right hand side column on the page. Also look for thumbnails under the heading "Related Videos" linking to specific content (e.g. "Full Movie", "Trailer", "Clip" etc.). For an example title featuring online video, see here.

  • Do I need to download something to watch video on IMDb?
    Our video content is in Adobe Flash format, the standard for video on the Internet. This is the same technology used by YouTube, Google Video, LiveLeak and practically all other video content providers. The Flash plugin is available for all major browsers and operating system. Version 9.0 or higher of the Flash plugin is required to watch videos on IMDb.com. If you do not already have it installed, you can download the latest version at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.

  • I am having problems watching video on your site. Can you help me?
    Unless you have a very uncommong software/hardware configuration, you should be able to watch videos on IMDb.com without problems. Some troubleshooting information and a list of known issues can be found here.

  • How do I find a list of videos available for online viewing?
    A good place to start is our Featured Video page. Also, our homepage will always point to the most recent/interesting video content.

  • I could swear that a film was available for viewing on your site a few days ago, but I don't see videos for it anymore. What happened?
    Some of our video content is made available to us by external content partners, which may impose restrictions on when a title can be streamed to our users and for how long. Typically, many TV episodes and movies have an window during which they remain available for online viewing. When this window closes, the film is removed from the site.
    This window varies from a few weeks to several months. If a title doesn't have a 'watch' option now, it's not available anymore, sorry.

  • Is your video content available to all users?
    See previous question. The availability of content is dictated by the copyright owners. Due to licensing restrictions, some films and TV titles are available only to Internet users located within the United States.
    Many titles supplied to IMDb.com directly by filmmakers, however, are viewable without any geographical restrictions.

  • I just watched a film that featured nudity and other offensive content! Is this allowed?
    Some videos may feature content (e.g. language or violence) meant for a mature audience. This is the case, for example, with R-rated films. This content is only meant to be available to registered users aged 18 or older. You will have to be logged in and specifically opt to watch this content.
    If you have noticed content that you believe to be objectionable and did not see a warning or a request to login first, please report this to our staff via the 'Report' link located at the bottom of the video and we will take care of the problem.

  • I watched a trailer that belonged to a different film than the one I was expecting. What's going on?
    Titles and videos are automatically matched by our software. This is usually accurate in 99% of cases, but mistakes are always possible, particularly when two films have the same (or very similar) titles. If you have found video content that is linked to the incorrect title or name, please use the 'Report' link and our moderators will delete it or move it to the correct location.

  • I am a filmmaker and I would like to make my film or trailer available to IMDb.com users. How do I upload it?
    For instructions on how to supply videos to the Internet Movie Database, please go to our Upload Video page.

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