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Afghan 'insider' attack marks grim milestone for US troop deaths

In light of recent attacks, troops are told to "build trust, but make sure you have a bodyguard present." NBC's Richard Engel reports.

Updated at 5:54 p.m. ET: An apparent insider attack by Afghan forces has killed a U.S. service member and a contractor, officials said Sunday – bringing the total number of U.S. troops killed inside Afghanistan to 2,000 according to some measures.

A U.S. official confirmed the latest death in the 11-year-old conflict on Sunday.

The American service member killed was a soldier. The American contractor was working as a trainer for either the Afghan army or police, according to NBC News.

On Saturday night, an Afghan soldier approached Americans, killing a soldier and a contractor; with that, the number of soldiers killed in Afghanistan is around 2,100 in the United States' 11-year-war in the country. Insider attacks have become increasingly common – and no one seems to have a good answer about how to stop them. NBC's Lester Holt and Richard Engel report from Kabul.

The attack happened Saturday at a checkpoint on a highway in Wardak Province, a defense official said. Two Afghan National Army soldiers approached the checkpoint and had a brief conversation with the troops there. One of the ANA soldiers then shot and killed the American service members and the contractor, officials told NBC News.

With a suspected "insider" attack at a checkpoint. the US military has suffered its 2,000th death in the war in Afghanistan.  NBC's Atia Abawi and Mike Viqueira report.

A brief firefight ensued, and left at least three Afghan Army soldiers dead - including the initial shooter, officials said.

The Afghan military claimed the Americans were killed by a mortar attack, but the American military insisted that is not true, that the Afghan soldier opened fire and they returned fire.

The dead U.S. soldier was identified as Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas. Stephens was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based at Fort Bragg, N.C.


The U.S. toll in Afghanistan has climbed steadily in recent months with a spate of attacks by Afghan army and police against American and NATO troops, and questions about whether allied countries will achieve their aim of helping the Afghan government and its forces stand on their own after most foreign troops depart in little more than two years. The U.S. is preparing to withdraw most of its combat forces by the end of 2014.

The Associated Press reported Sunday that the latest death was the 2,000th member of the U.S. armed services killed inside Afghanistan since the U.S.-led invasion on Oct. 7, 2001.  However, that AP figure did not include those who died after sustaining injuries in Afghanistan or those killed in other countries as part of the same campaign against al-Qaida and the Taliban.

TODAY's Lester Holt heads down the road to Sangasar, the physical and spiritual heart of the Taliban. He speaks with American and Afghan soldiers along the way.

According to icasualties.org, an independent monitoring organization which uses the wider definition, the latest death brings the toll of U.S. service members to 2035. At least a further 1,190 coalition troops have also died in the Afghanistan war, it says.

The Brookings Institution, a Washington-based research center, said 40.2 percent of the deaths were caused by improvised explosive devices, with the majority of those after 2009 when President Barack Obama ordered a surge of 33,000 troops to combat heightened Taliban activity. According to the Washington-based research center, the second highest cause, 30.6 percent, was hostile fire.

Tracking civilian deaths is much more difficult. According to the U.N., 13,431 civilians were killed in the Afghan conflict between 2007, when the U.N. began keeping statistics, and the end of August. Going back to the U.S.-led invasion in 2001, most estimates put the number of Afghan deaths in the war at more than 20,000.

The 2001 invasion targeted al-Qaida and its Taliban allies after the Sept. 11 attacks, which claimed nearly 3,000 lives in the United States.

"The tally is modest by the standards of war historically, but every fatality is a tragedy and 11 years is too long," Michael O'Hanlon, a fellow at the Brookings, told the AP. "All that is internalized, however, in an American public that has been watching this campaign for a long time. More newsworthy right now are the insider attacks and the sense of hopelessness they convey to many. "

Attacks by Afghan soldiers or police — or insurgents disguised in their uniforms — have killed 52 American and other NATO troops so far this year.

The so-called insider attacks are considered one of the most serious threats to the U.S. exit strategy from the country. In its latest incarnation, that strategy has focused on training Afghan forces to take over security nationwide — allowing most foreign troops to go home by the end of 2014.

As American troops draw out of Afghanistan, officials say the removal plan is on track but that time is precious and the Taliban threat is worrisome. NBC's Lester Holt reports.

Although Obama has pledged that most U.S. combat troops will leave by the end of 2014, American, NATO and allied troops are still dying in Afghanistan at a rate of one a day.

Even with 33,000 American troops back home, the U.S.-led coalition will still have 108,000 troops — including 68,000 from the U.S. — fighting in Afghanistan at the end of this year. Many of those will be training the Afghan National Security Forces that are to replace them.

"There is a challenge for the administration," O'Hanlon said, "to remind people in the face of such bad news why this campaign requires more perseverance."

The Associated Press and NBC News' Courtney Kube and Atia Abawi, in Kabul, contributed to this report.

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Comment author avatarJeffrey D ParksExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

The war in Afghanistan is about taking control of the poppy fields and oil lines in Afghanistan.

Heroin production is at an all time high in Afghanistan.

The Marines guard the poppy fields. The CIA distributes the heroin. England gets a percentage of the profits.

End Game.

Millions of peoples lives are destroyed from the heroin addiction.

American soldiers are being used for illegal drug production.

American soldiers are being killed or maned for a worthless cause.

  • 14 votes
#1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:01 AM EDT

Please convince me once more. Why are we there again?

  • 33 votes
#1.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:16 AM EDT

Jeffery....you taking H...would seem like your on something...the line of BS you posted is just that...

  • 14 votes
#1.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:20 AM EDT

11 years is 11 years too long. Enough deaths, enough casualties, enough maiming. Bring them home.

Stan, while I can't vouch for Jeffery's other information, Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of Opium and it has been steadily increasing in the illicit production of opium since U.S. occupation started in 2001. Please do the research. This happened while we were in Vietnam and Air America was real and there is evidence to back that up.

  • 19 votes
#1.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:21 AM EDT

Obama wants Americans to keep dying for some reason. His skills as Commander in Chief aren't very good. He has doubled the American deaths and American wounded in half the time Bush did.

We need a new Commander in Cheif for a lot of reasons. This is just 1 of them.

NoBama 2012

  • 23 votes
#1.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:23 AM EDT

Shelly your right about the Herion coming from there, but the rest of his statement? Give me a break

  • 6 votes
#1.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:36 AM EDT

Has nothing to do with drugs. Drugs are a by-product of this war based on lies. We have all been duped. America's war machine is there to protect the TAPI pipeline from being destroyed by those not being allowed to participate. Turkmenistan gas fields controlled by Israel needs to be delivered to gas hungry India. The route goes through AfPak. That is why we are there. Once complete, drones will patrol the line. We the public are paying the price for protecting the building and maintenance of a private pipeline. Can you say WE ARE STUPID?????

  • 9 votes
#1.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:44 AM EDT

The CIA was the largest distributor of drugs during Viet Nam.

Bring them home now!

  • 11 votes
#1.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:23 AM EDT

Peter Jacobs - Please convince me once more. Why are we there again?

Why should you be concerned are you the 1% of US Citizens of the US Military. Or are you the 92% of US Citizens that have Never Served in the US Military.

Reason #1. As not to Repeat the Same Mistakes and Expect a Different Result. From the 1950s to 1979 the US Built up US Ally Afghanistan into a 20th Century Nation "Little America". After Operation Cyclone instead of helping US Ally Afghanistan, the US Abandoned US Ally Afghanistan. This allowed the 1990s Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban with the Full Support of USSR Backed Fundamentalist Islamic Shia Republic of Iran to massacre the Afghan Population as Collaborators to the Christians, Jews, Unbelievers, especially the 1980s Pro US Afghan Muhajeen.

After the 1993 First World Trade Center Bombing the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban gave Fundamentalist Islamic Osama Bin Laden and his Fundamentalist Islamic Al Quada International Franchise Fundamentalist Islamic Sanctuary. This gave Fundamentalist Islamic Osama Bin Laden, and Fundamentalist islamic Al Quada a Safe Haven to start the planning of the 9/11 2001 Attacks.

Reason #2. The 9/11 2001 Attacks. Due to President Clinton's previous Gutting of the US Intelligence Agencies, Cut to the Bone Reduction In Forces of the US Miltiary, US Defense Budget Cuts, etc. according to the US Congressional 9/11 Committee Investigations, Findings, and Recommendation the US was Blind and Deaf to the Events leading to the 9/11 2001 Attacks, with former President Clinton saying, "I'm so sorry". In September of 2001 the CIA goes into Afghanistan to Overthrow the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban Government and fails. The CIA then sends in their SAD/SOG, and still fail. October 2001 the US Military Asymmetric Warfare Forces are then attached to the CIA's SAD/SOG, to Overthrow the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban, Fundamentalist Islamic Al Quada, and the Islamic Jihadists at the Training Camps:


The Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban, Fundamentalist Islamic Al Quada, Fundamentalist Islamic Jihadists escaped to Northern Iraq from Afghanistan on the Old Silk Road. They are given Fundamentalist Islamic Sanctuary by the Fundamentalist Islamic Kurdistanis. Many Islamic Jihadists from Worldwide then gather at Northern Iraq, and are being fully supported, trained, armed, funded by the Fundamentalist Islamic Shia Republic of Iran, combined together they become Ansar Al Islam.

The survivors of Afghanistan October 2001 attached to the CIA's SAD/SOG are augmented by the US Army 10th Special Forces Group to go after Ansar Al Islam, as Operation Viking Hammer. At the last moment before Ansar Al Islam can be eliminated they are given Fundamentalist Islamic Sanctuary by the Fundamentalist Islamic Shia Republic of Iran and later they go back to US Ally Afghanistan.

Being an International Mission (UN Nation Building). 2001 someone appoints British General McColl as the Commander Afghanistan and all the previous gains are lost.

So do you want to abandon a US Ally, one of the few we have left, again with most of the Civilian Population to be massacred again.

Vengence against those that attacked the US, the 9/11 2001 Attacks.

Of course there are also the almost hundred million US Civilians employed directly and indirectly by the US Military that benefit from War. The US Military Personnel do not benefit and only have the opportunity to get killed, severly wounded.

  • 8 votes
#1.8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:23 AM EDT

Jeffrey are you really that stupid.....wow

  • 7 votes
#1.9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:44 AM EDT

In the movie Soyen Green, Big Brother encourages elderly Americans living in the crowded slums to submit to euthanasia, rewarding and entertaining them with feelings of freedom and beautiful images of nature during the whole evening even just seconds before the final curtain descends.

Today, Big Brother encourages the youngmen from the low class America, who are desperate for a job and life's meaning, to join the army to kill or be killed. In preparation for the possibility of death, Big Brother propaganda has promoted the feel-good of wearing a military uniform and a soldier as being a special person.

In Soyen Green, Big Brother solution to over-crowding is euthanasia of a selected group of people. Today, the American government's solution to excessive unemployment is the army, the employer of last resort, sending the low social groups to war to be killed or maimed.

In today's desperate times as in Soyen Green, desperate people will submit to death in exchange for just a few moments of hope and pleasure. The dozens of US military bases around the globe and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers manning them are part of America's solution to the high unemployment problem. For America the waging of wars has become a cheap and convenient method, outside of direct welfare payments, to address the joblessness among the underclass.

  • 3 votes
#1.10 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:52 AM EDT

Why should you be concerned are you the 1% of US Citizens of the US Military. Or are you the 92% of US Citizens that have Never Served in the US Military.

Sorry, I forgot the prerequisite military service in order to be able to think for myself.

So do you want to abandon a US Ally, one of the few we have left, again with most of the Civilian Population to be massacred again.

If they are a US ally then we need to rethink ourselves and our friends. With freinds like that who needs..... Friends we buy by giving them 'you be my friend' money....

Vengence against those that attacked the US, the 9/11 2001 Attacks.

Vengeance is not a good enough reason to keep spilling blood and throwing good money after bad.... It may be good for you but for 92% of Americans flipping the bill or for those, like my family, with blood on the line, it does not make sense. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord... One of our principal Christian beliefs out the door?

Of course there are also the almost hundred million US Civilians employed directly and indirectly by the US Military that benefit from War. The US Military Personnel do not benefit and only have the opportunity to get killed, severly wounded.

You finally said something that makes sense. Because war is good for business we should keep warring..... (sarc)

  • 10 votes
#1.11 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:53 AM EDT

Why are you surprised? Being in Afghanistan is part of the America's new century policy written by Paul Horowitz in the Defense Dept and approved by the Congress in 2000. We are in a nation building strategy using our military force around the world similar to Manifest Destiny for the West in 19th century. Furthermore, Taliban refused the pipeline (wanted too much money), eradicated opium farming, and did not allow for mineral rights especially for Lithium which are used in our cell phone batteries. Also, invading Iraq is part of this policy. If you did not like it then don't vote for your Congressman...Keep in mind the Presidents are executors of laws/policies passed by Congress. Furthermore by being in Afghanistan and in Iraq we keep Iran in line since it is in between the two countries. It is also our policy to keep the survival of Israel paramount. Whether you like it or not that is our policy.....

  • 3 votes
#1.12 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:55 AM EDT

nani, These policies do what with our 'democracy' being touted by Washington? We have rights and others do not? Hmmm. Policies such as you mention reduce the power of our democratic pillars as obvious subterfuge erodes believability.

  • 5 votes
#1.14 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:24 AM EDT

2000 dead. Another resounding triumph for Obama in his war of necessity.

  • 7 votes
#1.15 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:45 AM EDT

After 11 years and $2,000,000,000,000 flushed down the toilet for nothing the 200+ American who wasted their lives fighting for nothing is the biggest loss. With the Afghans having fought for over 180+ years, first against the Brits. and then against the Soviets they are still fighting US. We should have come home yesterday! I wish the Afghans success!

  • 5 votes
#1.16 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:52 AM EDT


His war! Da! How foolish are you? It was bush's War and still is! Obama is now taking us out of this hell hole that we never should have been taken into. Why do you think Mr. GW (God's Worst) has been hiding from the public in Texas for 4 years! A disgraced leader and evil man who has a warrant out for his arrest by the Hague for WAR CRIMES!

  • 5 votes
#1.17 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:56 AM EDT

Zathrose---Are you really that stupid? Bush started the war, not Obama. Blame the Republicscum, if you need to blame anyone. If you aren't aware, and i'm sure you're not, Romney has the same thing planned. Only problem for him is, he'll never get the chance.

  • 4 votes
#1.18 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:02 AM EDT

Peter Jacobs-- The U.S. is like a feeble minded person; when it comes to these peoples, these tribes, these ancient conflicts, it never quite gets it. The rest of us are doomed to sit here and watch.

  • 3 votes
#1.19 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:06 AM EDT

Humanbeing out the window. Humanhaving is more important. Profit above all.

  • 3 votes
#1.20 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:14 AM EDT

Soldier, we order you to go over to that shredder and stick you head inside!

It's for the U.S. son! It's your patriotic duty! Ask no questions boy!

Get yourself over to that shredder and...



  • 9 votes
#1.21 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:22 AM EDT


Your comments are part of the reason we have this mess in the world and will continue to have it as long as we try to be the World's Policeman! How sad that there are people in government that share your views! You and GW would get along great. Remember, I said it before! The World Court, in the Hague Netherlands, has a warrant out for the arrest of G W for WAR Crimes! Haven't you wondered why GW has been hiding on his ranch in Texas for 4 years?

  • 3 votes
#1.22 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:27 AM EDT

Our presence doesn't serve a purpose anymore. We accomplished what we set out to do and should have completely pulled out of Afghanistan once Bin Lauden was found and killed. I understand a need for keeping some of our military forces in the Middle East. The escalation of tensions between Israel and Iran is the most acceptale reason - and as our ally, our assistance to Israel is non-negotiable - our duty. Afghanistan has become a deadly distraction to our military and it's time to bring our troops home while we still can.

  • 2 votes
#1.23 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

So true Annie... So true... I pray everyday that our sons, our family future generation, come home. We have vested interest in one of the biggest lies ever told to the paying public.

  • 5 votes
#1.24 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:53 AM EDT

WallStFatCat---that would be Soylent Green. sheesh.

  • 4 votes
#1.25 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

2000 dead. Another resounding triumph for Obama in his war of necessity.

Uh huh. Sort of like how Romney, McCain et al, and the rest of the teatards are working overtime and doing their damndest to get us involved in Syria's civil war and war with Iran, trying to sell us the same bullsh1t line like Bushyboy did - these are "wars of necessity". Right, chumpy?

Here's a star on your forehead for the day. < fastening it with glue and pressing it on>

Good boy.

  • 4 votes
#1.26 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:37 AM EDT

Too much killing of our soldiers, we might as well take over Afganistan to control as our territory and NOT train these stupid Afghans! We can teach these idiotic Afghans on HOW to be CIVILIZED! We can take them into OUR LAWS until they straighten up their acts!

    #1.27 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:50 AM EDT

    Can you smell it?

    There’s a rising stench and it’s coming from Afghanistan.

    It’s the smell of defeat.

    After eleven years and an exit strategy that resembles chaos rather than military direction, this ‘war’ has turned into an embarrassment. The greatest military in history is stuck in a quagmire of indecision and incompetence all surrounded by politicalization. The last 3 years can best be described as a cluster-f**k of epic proportions.

    Wars are fought with two simple results, victory or defeat. This war will end in defeat. The most obvious insult to this war is its political correctness nonsense. The reasons for these wars, regardless of whether we like them or not, is that our sovereign nation was attacked by Terrorists. Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered including children. Our response the last time our nation was attacked so brutally, Pearl Harbor, was swift and convincing. There were no changes to our “Rules of Engagement”, there was no politicalization and political correctness involved.

    When Gen. Anthony McAuliffe was challenged by the Germans during the siege at Bastone in the Battle of the Bulge to surrender he answered with a simple one word response, “Nuts”! Today when Karzai or Zardari tell us to jump and demand apologies or restitution, we ask “how high” and “how much”?

    After we bombed Iraq back to the Stone Age, and Saddam was caught and hung, we should have pulled out and simply said, “thank you for the exercise”. Our effort in Afghanistan should have been similar. Bomb it until there’s not much left to bomb. Unfortunately we wasted all this time looking for Osama Porn Laden, who has obviously turned out to be insignificant as Al Qaeda is just as prominent as it was before, maybe even more so.

    Today the New York Times reports that two days after joint operations between American and Afghan forces were reported to be returning to normal another battle broke out between the two “allies”, killing five people, two Americans and 3 Afghans. Not the 2 reported by NBC News. We just had our Libyan Ambassador and 3 delegates murdered, and the Middle East is in chaos. Anti-American protests, deceptively blamed on some insignificant movie by the administration being exposed as another lie, flag burning and chants of “Death to America” are consuming over 20 nations.

    This is NOT about some silly movie. This is an orchestrated result of the “Arab Spring”, that was supposed to be the liberation of nations from dictators, gone horribly wrong as our foreign policy completely collapses.

    Our simple response should be to stop ALL foreign relief to all of these violent nations and half of it should be given to Israel. A red-line as advocated by Prime Minister Netanyahu must be drawn for Iran to understand that any further nuclear proliferation will not be allowed. Tomorrow, orders should be given that all the poppy fields in Afghanistan will be carpet bombed on Tuesday to allow civilians to evacuate. Tuesday morning it should be announced we are in negotiations with India to create an alliance to prevent any further corruption in the Middle East. On Wednesday Barrack Hussein should announce that we will never allow any of our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms to be threatened by any foreign agreements about suppression of free speech or expression. Especially regarding the Islamic demands to prohibit hate speech about their “prophet”.

    These people are illiterate, unskilled, untrainable Neanderthals. Until we realize and accept that, more “friendly fire” deaths will happen.

    They call Afghanistan the “Graveyard of Empires” for a reason. There’s no reason for us to contribute to its notoriety.

    • 5 votes
    #1.28 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:53 AM EDT

    OK FOR THE LAST FREAKIN TIME. I am SO tired of hearing "OH GOD, MORE CASUALTIES IN AFGHANISTAN UNDER OBAMA THAN BUSH!!!" Go to icasualties.org. Yes, there have been more casualties in Afghanistan in the Obama administration than the Bush administration. It's for a very simple reason. THERE ARE MORE TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN. More troops means more targets. Just like under 4 years of Bush, there were 3256 troop deaths in Iraq, as opposed to 265 under 4 years of Obama, again for the simple reason of more troops = more targets. Furthermore, 4 years of Bush in Iraq produced more casualties than 4 years of Obama in Afghanistan with less to show for it. REGARDLESS, neither statistic is a result of any ridiculous mishandling of the war under EITHER president (You can argue that Bush mishandled Iraq by starting the war in the first place. But based purely on strategy, both presidents followed the advice of their closest military advisers and generals). So quit trying to make it seem like Obama is PERSONALLY sending each individual squad into combat over in Afghanistan. Bush didn't, neither did Obama. And sorry for any and all grammatical errors. I just woke up after an eighteen hour day!

    Happy Sunday

    Obama/Biden 2012

    • 1 vote
    #1.29 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:55 AM EDT

    Wow, Jim Spence! For once you and I agree on something!

    • 1 vote
    #1.30 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:00 AM EDT


    You can take your partisan bulls**t and spread it to you Liberal useful idiot friends.

    If your limp-wristed, boy-toy, Barrack Hussein had any idea of what he was doing he could have influenced or intervened in the Iranian "Green Revolution" as the people were begging for our support. Instead, all he did, as usual, was dither. Today we have a madman on the cusp of nuclear capacity insulting and threatening us and the free world. Irans successful overthrow of the people allowed the "Arab Spring" to explode into what we see today.

    His pathetic address at the U.N. last week was an embarrassment. But then again, when his level of experience is organizing community picnics in Chicago, I guess we can't expect much more.

    ROMNEY/RYAN 2012 for real Americans

    • 4 votes
    #1.31 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:19 AM EDT

    No Jeff, we needed 9-11 to happen so we could destroy the USA by convincing it's people they were under attack and should bankrupt themselves and give up all their freedoms in order to be free. You see, we need these bottomless money pits like afghanistan that cost 10B a month that is all added to the national debt to further devalue the USD, the short term goal is to lower the USA's credit score much further so hyperinflation occurs; $100 a gallon regular unleaded, and your country will turn into Somalia in few years. Meanwhile, we will distract and divide the population on issues of homosexual civil rights and health care reform. This is getting easier to do as the growing population of unemployed, ill educated, and taxpayer dependents becomes the majority.

    • 3 votes
    #1.32 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:26 AM EDT

    These insider attacks were so predictable. The day Obama announced a firm withdrawal date the Afghans started planning for the inevitable return of the Taliban and Al Queada. It’s a tribal country with a feckless “leader” who is probably already transferring hundreds of millions in US assistance dollars to other countries. The Afghan forces that were assisting us know that once we leave their lives and those of their families will be in mortal danger from vengeful extremists that will be freely roaming the country. Is it any surprise our troops have been deserted by the Afghans and turned a blind eye to islamo-terrorist infiltrators?

    Afghanistan is tribal and will likely remain so for generations. There are no Washingtons or Lincolns among them. America gave them 11 years of blood and treasure to bring them into the 21st century yet they choose to stay mired in the middle ages. Our troops should have started coming home on the day Obama announced our withdrawal. The sad truth is Obama won't because he has an election to win and that is more important to him than their lives or the fitility of their efforts. In the meantime more are assassinated every day.

    • 2 votes
    #1.33 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:51 AM EDT

    You can take your partisan bulls**t and spread it to you Liberal useful idiot friends.

    I was responding to a PARTISAN post, you nitwit.

    And yes. I have liberal friends, conservative friends and mainstream friends. Me? I'm a registered INDEPENDENT. You see, I am NOT loyal to politicians, nor to parties - I am loyal to IDEAS. Like the excellent idea our founding Fathers came up with - you know - the one that states "AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS."

    Get it now? I can toss you a flashlight and a compass, if you like.

    he could have influenced or intervened in the Iranian "Green Revolution" as the people were begging for our support. Instead, all he did, as usual, was dither.

    Yeah. True enough. He could have gone cowboy, intervened and started yet ANOTHER Middle Eastern quagmire where MORE of our guys get killed for nothing. Now THAT would have been a BRILLIANT idea!!!


    <facepalm - hands up in the air>


    • 3 votes
    #1.34 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:03 PM EDT

    This is to the individual who emailed me regarding my comment to Jeffery...your the one who needs to grow up..your vocabulary fits your IQ....as to my opinion, its mine your entitled to yours...if you do not like it that is your problem...and if were not for people like myself you would probably be speaking some other language....we served to protect your right to say what you want....but in the future think twice about what you say...have a good day...

    • 2 votes
    #1.35 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:24 PM EDT

    I thought Obama was going to bring the troops home 4 years ago and shut down Gitmo? Why isn't the news pressuring the Obama administration with monthly body counts like they did to Bush? Once again Obama's 5th column or also know as the liberal media is giving him another free press.

    • 2 votes
    #1.36 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:36 PM EDT

    but, but, but I thought Osama was DEAD! Isnt that what Biden keeps SCREECHING?

    • 2 votes
    #1.37 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:50 PM EDT

    One more soldier killed in Afghanistan. That is one too many.

    Out of there, already. Does Karzai appreciate our attempts to save his Country? Why isn't this subject talked about in the Campaign for President---Voters hate this War.

    Jeffrey: Collapsed. Sounds like you took the "Heroin"--

      #1.38 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:58 PM EDT

      Where were you on 9/11??? I got woke up by my son telling the the world trade center was on fire. Spent alot of the day watching what was going on via televison. That afternoon instead of soccer practice all the teams, family, friends and general public were at a gathering praying for the lost souls and their families. IF you are really, really, HONEST, then you can admit that pretty much ALL Americans were for war, for kiling all the bastards that attacked our nation!!!!! None of us knew at the time everything that this war would entail, how long it would go on, that fact thatt no WMD were found, or that Bush wanted this war for revenge and other reasons. For some of you who have FORGOTTEN that day it's very easy to attack many in government who voted to fight. How about we move on and look at what is reality now.

      Obama made alot of promises before being elected. Before taking office it sure seemed to me his intent was to get us out immeadiately, close gitmo etc.. etc..( see close the feds comment below.) Bush is GONE. BO is now the POTUS. What goes on in this country and around the world as it pertains to the USA is on his watch plain and simple. I don't care what any ohter politicians in the past have said or done. Time for BO to do his job and get us OUT of the middle east. HE needs to STOP apologizing to the Muslim world and recognize that he is an American president that is to WORK FOR the American people not any other agenda including that of his father. IF he can't do that it's time forh im to go.

      • 3 votes
      #1.39 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:10 PM EDT

      Obama likes to compare himself with Lincoln.
      From my perspective the best way to do this is to pull all U.S. and Coalition troops back to a central location near an Afghan and ?? border. Then order the combined forces across Afghanistan like Sherman went through Georgia. Destroy all the drug fields. The Taliban and al Qaeda won' t have drugs as a major source of income.

        #1.40 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:26 PM EDT

        For all you Obots that still think the war in Afghanistan is not Obama's "War of necessity":


        You really should get you heads out of Barak's azz. It's cutting off the oxygen to your brains.

          #1.41 - Mon Oct 1, 2012 12:02 PM EDT

          TWO (2) US soldiers with 2 counterparts.

          • 1 vote
          #2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:13 AM EDT

          Barack Obama Promise to End War,,,,,,


          "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the
          time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home.
          We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. "

          - Barack Obama Campaign Promise - October 27, 2007


          Really Barack ?!?

          (Do tell us what bank that would be as soon as you wipe the fresh blood off your hands. )

          • 24 votes
          #2.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:01 AM EDT

          I'm a little tired of you Hooka Suckers. To get the Troops home is one of the first things that Obama did. The Republicans had no, Nada, Zero, Zip, Nothing for plans to bring the Troops home. In fact they didn't have a clue as to how to do it. I watched Bush/Cheney go on their little Gambit and their Plan looked like a piece of Swiss Cheese. Pathetic Battle Plans made in haste never have a good out come. Obama had a plan and initiated it. We are out of Iraq and will be Afghan pretty soon. I'm am truly tired of you pathetic little Scabs of Society, that have been No Where and Done Nothing, even getting the bright idea that you know anything at all. Just go back to your Hooka and Suck some more!

          • 3 votes
          #2.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:19 AM EDT

          Actually the troops that came home from Iraq was based on a timetable set by the Bush administration and not by Obama. Obama just followed through with the withdrawal set by the Bush administration. Take Care

          • 24 votes
          #2.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:11 AM EDT

          "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the
          time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home.
          We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. "

          - Barack Obama Campaign Promise - October 27, 2007

          Just like there are banks for money, banks for blood and banks for sperm, there are banks for lies. Both Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton know those banks well. Mr. Obama signed an agreement with the Afghanistan government that will not only get our troops out of that country, but will keep several thousand of them there until the year 2024 - TWELVE MORE YEARS OF DEATH FOR OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMAN OF THE ARMED FORCES!!!

          • 7 votes
          #2.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:52 AM EDT


          Obama had a plan and initiated it. We are out of Iraq and will be Afghan pretty soon.


          Well Hello 6dogs,,

          ,,,,So very sorry to see that the truth and Obama's very words get you so riled up. Calm down boy!


          The fact of the matter is that the ONLY reason we are "out of Iraq", is because the Iraqis, smartly, decided NOT to extend IMMUNITY that our invasion was dependent on. (That is the ONLY reason we scaled back our ignorant, immoral invasion, which was based purely on lies.)


          As for Afghanistan, we should have got out 9 years ago. And, we should have paid a little attention to the history of other nations who's involvements there were similar useless black holes of blood and money.

          Instead of grandstanding on your political high horse, try considering the useless deaths of our precious service men/women, broken families, skyrocketing numbers of suicides, murder by allies, and the insanity of financing a "war" on credit.


          Then, and only then do you deserve the right to deride your fellow patriots as "Hooka Suckers".


          • 7 votes
          #2.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:29 PM EDT

          Our country needs to go in there and bomb the crap out of the insurgents and wipe them out or get our soldiers the heck out of there. This halfway crap is only getting our people killed. I guess our government learned nothing from Vietnam....

          • 6 votes
          #2.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:06 PM EDT

          Heroin Fields for the win ??

          So Weed is illegal, but we will help grow fields of Heroin ???

          Only in America

            #2.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:33 PM EDT

            No doubt this Afghan "counterpart" turned on this clean-cut American soldier because of the "economic conditions" or "social injustice" of that society.

            And surely we can do for the Afghans in 10 years what they haven't been able to do for themselves in 5,000.

            Yep, just a few more bags of race, and a few more hours of cultural "sensitivity" training and the Taliban will be running for the hills...yep, kill em with kindness, that's what I always say!!!

            • 3 votes
            #2.8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:04 PM EDT

            I love to see how people are voting on the comments. Its a true poll on what people think of Obama. 3 to 1 he isnt getting another term based on the comment votes on this site alone.

            • 4 votes
            #2.9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:41 PM EDT

            How many of these insider attacks will it take before all of you contact your congressmen and tell them to bring ALL of our troops home. If they are in fear of losing their jobs they will do something. Have the balls to let them know that they will be held responsible. I have, and the emails will not stop. I will vote for every new name on the ballot and we all should, but some of you are so stuck up the backside of your political "party" that you cannot see the truth of what our government once stood for. By the people, for the people. It has been by the sheep, for the DC elect for decades now. Wake up and do what is right. Who cares about party lines that none of them are willing to cross to do the right thing? The solution is to fire them all.

            • 4 votes
            #2.10 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:13 PM EDT

            Where does it say in the Constitution that we must Nation Build following War ... and on our DIME!

            • 5 votes
            #2.11 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:53 PM EDT

            Remember that the Afghans have been fighting to rid their country of foreign troops for over 180+ years. We are the last after the Brits. and the Soviets. With the wasting of $2,000,000,000,000 and the 2,000+ wasted lives of our soldiers I wish them success in their 180 year fight of no foreign domination!

            • 3 votes
            #2.12 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:54 PM EDT

            Peter Jacobs is 100% correct. The big reason for the war in Afghanistan was to get rid of the Taliban, so a gas pipeline could be run through Afghanistan to Pakistan and on to India. That pipeline would be transporting Israeli owned gas from Turkmenistan. It was why the Zionists and some in our government, made sure that 9/11 was a success. The terrorists and their plan were identified long before 9/11 occurred. The tower and Bldg 7 fell into their own footprints because of controlled demolitions, not airplanes. Bldg 7 wasn't even hit by a plane and only has a few fires inside. All of the buildings had been insured against a terrorist in the July preceding the attack and were owned by the same Zionist.


            On December 11, a
            preliminary agreement was signed in Turkmenistan’s capital, Ashgabat, by
            representatives of the four countries to proceed with plans for the American
            and Israeli-backed pipeline. Here are the basic points about the TAPI pipeline:

            Construction of
            pipeline will be completed by 2014 (▼)

            1,680 kilometer gas
            pipeline will supply 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day (much of
            this gas will come from Israeli/Mossad-owned gas fields in Turkmenistan,
            meaning immense profits for the Mossadniks who pulled of 9/11)............►The Obama
            administration, elected on the promise to withdraw U.S. troops by July 2011,
            now says the U.S. will maintain combat troops in Afghanistan until December
            2014. On December 17, the House passed a defense authorization bill (by a
            341-48 vote) that authorizes the Pentagon to spend more than $160 billion on
            the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011 without major restrictions on the
            conduct of operations. Why are U.S. (and NATO) troops being kept in Afghanistan
            for another 4 years? What's really going on there? What is the cost and who is
            involved in this game??

            The real
            reason for the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is to build and
            secure a 1,080-mile long gas pipeline designed to carry trillions of dollars of
            Israeli-owned gas from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India. You could ask how
            come Turkmenistans gas could be Israeli-owned, here is the answer:

            Following the
            break-up of the Soviet Union, Israeli agents sought to gain control of the
            strategic assets of the newly independent Soviet republics. In mineral-rich
            Turkmenistan, a Mossad agent named Yosef A. Maiman was very successful in
            gaining control of the republic's immense resources of natural gas. Yosef
            Maiman, born in Germany in 1946, grew up in Peru and studied in the United
            States before becoming an Israeli citizen in 1971. As an agent of Israeli
            intelligence, Maiman heads a network of Mossad-controlled companies that serve
            Israeli interests. As the chief executive of the Merhav Group, Maiman has
            controlled the development of Turmenistan's gas resources. Maiman's key
            colleagues at Merhav are the former head of the Mossad, Shabtai Shavit, and
            Nimrod Novik, chief adviser to Shimon Peres, the current president of Israel.

            Maiman was described
            as "a leading miner" of Central Asian gas fields by the Jerusalem
            Post in 2004. Given their control of the immense gas resources of Turkmenistan,
            Maiman, Merhav, and the "Mossad" would all profit if and when the
            U.S.-led coalition were able to "pacify" and control Afghanistan so
            that the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline could be
            built allowing the gas of Turkmenistan to be sold to energy-hungry India . The TAPI pipeline
            project would bring billions of dollars into "Mossad" coffers every
            year. This is the real reason for the war in Afghanistan and why the
            Zionist-controlled Obama administration has increased the war effort in Central
            Asia. It has nothing to do with terrorism or 9-11.

            Now you
            can easily understand why there was need for the "justification" of
            this war, which was planned before the 9/11
            (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1550366.stm). The false-flag terror
            attacks of 9/11 were part of a strategic Israeli operation to bring the U.S.
            military into Afghanistan on a long-term mission on behalf of Israel’s Turkmen
            gas enterprise. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline is
            the real reason that U.S. soldiers are killing and dying in the southwestern
            Afghan provinces of Helmand and Kandahar. 9/11 was just the cover story for
            this pre-planned war of aggression - and it is nothing but a complete hoax.

            Incidentally, Larry Silverstein is now suing the airlines for poor security. He wants billions. The security of the airports were run by an Israeli company.

            • 1 vote
            #2.13 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:43 PM EDT

            It is going to get worse before it gets better. This is all run by a religion, Islam, that is, more than anything else, a total global ideology that if it gets its way will engulf evey aspect of every person's life.

            When the world finally came to its senses and went to war with Nazi Germany, it too was fighting an ideology with a global ambition to enslave the rest of the planet in a new feudal state run by the Nazi Party and its gang of thugs in the SS. They started with eastern Europe that they justified by claiming they needed "living room" for their new world order.

            Islam has relentlessly sought to dominate the entire planet for 1400 years and bring it to a 7th Century existance defined by a murderous adulterous misogynist child raping pedophile named Muhammad. Islam, with its mandated Sharia laws that codified and defended Muhammad's murder, adultery, misogyny and child rape haven't changed one bit since the 7th Century and you can see what it did in Afghanistan under the Taliban and what it is doing today in Iran, the first truly Islamic republic under total control by Islams religious leaders. Even in secular governments such as Pakistan and others, you can see Islam does even when it doesn't have total control but still has dominance where it will justify murderous riots, arson and rape all in the name of protecting Islam from infidels and their blasphemies, even when the so-called infidels are tens of thousands of miles away in another country on another continent.

            If Islam gets its way, it will complete the utter destruction of every aspect of our western way of life and every man, woman and child will either be dead or Muslim living under the most repressive Sharia law regime imaginable. Islam is in a total ideological war with the west and the middle eastern countries where it controls politics will relentlessly pursue the destruction of every western government as long as it exists.

            The only solution in Nazi Germany was complete de-Nazification. The only solution in the middle east is complete and total de-Islamification.

              #2.14 - Mon Oct 1, 2012 5:11 AM EDT

              It is the crooks in Washington DC who are responsible for continuation of this totally pointless war. After 11 years, 2000 dead, over 2 trillion dollars flushed down the toilet, the only accomplishment is killing Osama. OUT NOW!!!!

              • 2 votes
              #2.15 - Mon Oct 1, 2012 7:59 AM EDT

              Out with the Do Nothings!

                #2.16 - Mon Oct 1, 2012 8:16 AM EDT

                A sad milestone--------far from a "bump in the road".

                Our fearless president, he just never seems to rest as he creates jobs (where?In the IRS?), fights terrorism (which he can't even call terrorism), invades countries without authorization from our elected officials (Libya---duh) blames other people for terrorist activities (like a movie nobody in a cave ever saw), ignores the threat to national security from our border, works hard for Americans jobs (while giving a free pass to identity thieves AKA illegal aliens who will do jobs for dirt pay) and skip security briefings (THAR'S GOLF IN THEM THAR COUNTRY CLUBS!) and gives us the biggest tax increase in the history of man (along with death panels for our seasoned citizens) while gutting medicare, the military, and hitching our buggy to "green energy" that SUCKS the green from our wallets at a higher cost.

                Where's code pink when ya' want them? Where's my free Obama phone?

                This is WHY the president MUST BE FIRED!

                Bring our troops home. PERIOD.

                • 20 votes
                Reply#3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:53 AM EDT

                For Obama, his wife, and kids, the staff they have, the number of people needed to do all these jobs and the amount of pay they get, plus his flying from one party to the next and one golf course to the next, last year cost the tax payer circa $1.4 Billion..he lives the high life, and the rest of the country suck hind teat....and he has the gall to say we are better off than 4 years ago...average house hold income has dropped approx 8.2% since he got into office, but that was BUSH's fault. He says the death of 4 Americans is Lybia was a bump in the road, it was not a terrorist act, it had to do with the stinking film..he spent $70 Million on ads to clam the Pakistani people, then one of the politicians in Pakistan puts a $100,000 bounty on the flim maker...Obama got the Dr, who ID Bin Laden as being the occupant in the house in Pakistan, put in jail...failed to even try to get him out....With 4 more years....GOD HELP US.

                • 23 votes
                #3.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:34 AM EDT

                Stan, you know what happens when you suck hind teat? You get crapped on!

                • 3 votes
                #3.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:13 AM EDT

                @Stan, you are a retarded make things up as you go along Hippocrit. Bumps in the road is what they are, little headaches that happen at the wrong time. The Americans that you talk of, was a very secret, well organized, preplanned attack. How ever when you work for the Government in a foreign country in an area of the country like that you already know that there is a real possibility that this can and likely will happen. It's is all part of the job. Since you have been no where you wouldn't understand that. Yes some prices are going to go up but my income is not going to go down and it is not because of inflation it is because of the drought of this summer.

                Have you ever used a Chinese nail, screw or tool? Not worth a crap are they? If their tires are like everything else they push off on us, They aren't worth a crap either. Why would anyone want to take a chance with their families lives by using such tires? Now your precious Romney has said that it was wrong of Obama to put a High Tarriff on Chinese Tires as it would hurt The American tire Manufacturers Competitive wise in OUR OWN Country. No wonder your a Hippocrit, you got your head up the Chineses Butt so far your ears can't hear a thing. I wonder what that brown spot is on Romneys Nose. Got any idea?

                • 2 votes
                #3.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:45 AM EDT

                @6dogs...Retarded? By use of such terms it only helps define your character along with your intelligence level..which is some where near the bottom of the scale...the rest of your comment makes no sense at all....What has the junk from China have to do with what I said? It would seem your not very capable of reading what I wrote so do yourself a favor and go back to bed wake up and drink some coffee instead the pills or whatever it is your smoking.....wish you a better day

                • 8 votes
                #3.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:21 AM EDT


                For Obama, his wife, and kids, the staff they have, the number of people needed to do all these jobs and the amount of pay they get, plus his flying from one party to the next and one golf course to the next, last year cost the tax payer circa $1.4 Billion..he lives the high life,

                You are so good with numbers. How much did the vacation king (bush) cost? Remember he played golf too.

                • 3 votes
                #3.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:42 AM EDT


                @Stan, you are a retarded make things up as you go along Hippocrit. Bumps in the road is what they are, little headaches that happen at the wrong time.

                Those bumps in the road ....... are the road.

                  #3.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:39 AM EDT

                  @flnobody, Bush played 13 rounds of golf in 8 years. Obama has played over 100 rounds in less than 4 years. The day after the embassy attacks Obama goes to Nevada for a fund raiser. The 4 bumps in the road, i mean the 4 dead in the embassy didn't get a mention from the useless POTUS.

                  • 9 votes
                  #3.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:44 PM EDT

                  Bush took more vacations than any president in US history.

                  • 1 vote
                  #3.8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:20 PM EDT


                  I guess this is what you would call a 16 bump in the road?

                  where was bush when 16 got killed at the Yemen embassy? I'm sure you didn't remember that one did you. I'm glade you think that this never happened under your gop scum.


                  • 3 votes
                  #3.9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:14 PM EDT

                  what an ignorant rant from a gop dupe.

                  you are either a complete moron or a racist.

                  or both.

                    #3.11 - Tue Oct 2, 2012 9:29 AM EDT

                    Any lose of life is sad...but considering the length of time that we have been there it is minimal...consider the war that Johnson started, Vietnam..close to 60,000 lost....that war stunk...but back then we did what we had to .... just like the troops today...difference from then and now...then there was a draft, we got spat on and called baby killers...at least today the troops get respected...

                    • 7 votes
                    Reply#4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:23 AM EDT

                    Funny you should mention Vietnam, that is another war the Democrats dragged on, and on. Kennedy increased troop presence from 24, to 150,000. LBJ increased them to 250,000.

                    One great thing Nixon did while in office, was end that damn war.

                    • 18 votes
                    #4.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:38 AM EDT

                    Stan--actually, Johnson didn't start the Vietnam war. Kennedy and Ike both had a hand in that. Johnson DID however, escalate it.

                    • 4 votes
                    #4.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:41 AM EDT

                    Momaid...Johnson sent combat troops in...there were troops there before, I know but we were not combat troops, we were support and advisory troops...Yeah there were a couple of incidents that involved troops but that was not the norm....those type of incidents were seldom very seldom....It was May 65 that is when the sh.t hit the fan...Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to send in troops...we as troops did not lose that war the politicians did...thank you...

                    • 7 votes
                    #4.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:55 AM EDT

                    Not by this president-----"Corpsemen?" "Bombing villages" and accusations of "rape". How about declaring a war on a country without approval of congress like Libya? THEN when our ambassador is sodomized and murdered he calls it a "bump in the road".

                    Vietnam had a purpose but was not fought to win....it was a political football.

                    Afghanistan had a purpose but has been a political football as well. Let the generals make the right decisions and fight to win and then COME HOME.

                    • 12 votes
                    #4.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:12 AM EDT

                    brutaltruth,,you forgot how in the first 2 years of the obama regime the tomb of the unknown ceremony for the very first time a president did not attend our fearless president was rubbing elbows with that dictator chavez down south and the second year he missed it because he had to be on the "view". This is how he supports our troops by sending sheriff joey bite-me. Now since it is election time,,,he loves the troops!

                    • 13 votes
                    #4.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:00 AM EDT

                    I'm going to guess you never got spat on...everyone like to say it but it didn't happen that often....todays troops are volunteers, so too bad....no body made them join...you guys sure whine a lot for being vets, wow.....

                      #4.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:02 AM EDT

                      Yes, I got spat on, while in full dress uniform, and left the Clown and his buddy flat on the side walk and walked off and nobody said a word or interfered, not even the cops.

                      Murphy, The View is a show that is recorded in advance a few days. What you see is not happening in real time or else the Girls wouldn't be talking of some subjects that happened a couple of days pryer.

                      • 1 vote
                      #4.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:57 AM EDT

                      Remember when POTUS George Bush and the UK, turned the Afghanistan conflict over to the UN during Dec 2001???

                      That same year the UN announced that the war against drugs was being won in Afghanistan. With a 90% DECREASE in Poppy cultivation, due to the Taliban religious restrictions on the Afghanistan farmers. After the UN/NATO & Karzai Government came to power, the poppy growth has increased every year...

                      When Obama came to power, he doubled, then doubled again the US Troop levels. He placed his hand-picked Generals in over-all power, relieving them when they questioned his POLITICAL Policies. The Obama policies have accomplished little if anything POSITIVE, but he did triple the number of US Troop deaths and spent BILLIONS+USD doing it. And he did it in half the time, that Bush had. So he must be a much better US President... Ha! Ha!

                      • 13 votes
                      Reply#5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:30 AM EDT

                      "Turning first to drug control, I had expected to concentrate my remarks on the implications of the Taliban's ban on opium poppy cultivation in areas under their control... We now have the results of our annual ground survey of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. This year's production [2001] is around 185 tons. This is down from the 3300 tons last year [2000], a decrease of over 94 per cent. Compared to the record harvest of 4700 tons two years ago, the decrease is well over 97 per cent.

                      Any decrease in illicit cultivation is welcomed, especially in cases like this when no displacement, locally or in other countries, took place to weaken the achievement" (Remarks on behalf of UNODC Executive Director at the UN General Assembly, Oct 2001, http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/speech_2001-10-12_1.html )

                      • 3 votes
                      #5.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:37 AM EDT

                      Remember when POTUS George Bush and the UK, turned the Afghanistan conflict over to the UN during Dec 2001???

                      I do remember and thanks for reminding us all that by ceding the peacekeeping mission to the UN the United States was effectively out of Afghanistan in early 2002. From that point forward it was the Afghans themselves who were responsible for ensuring their newly won democracy would endure. I was disappointed and amazed when Obama pledged to send American troops back into Afghanistan and characterized that hopeless endeavor as a "good war" as opposed to Bush's "bad war" in Iraq. What was he thinking and where was any indication of objective criticism from the media? The blood of 2,000 Americans is indeed on his hands.

                        #5.2 - Mon Oct 1, 2012 9:34 AM EDT

                        Heres the reason MSNBC leans so heavily toward Obama.

                        Bill Gates has a large stake in Monsanto. Monsanto has been called by many the most evil company in America. Google it.

                        Bill Gates also controls MSNBC. ( MS stands for MicroSoft ).

                        Obama in exchange for left leaning press coverage appointed several Monsanto Lobbyists to high positions in our government.

                        During Obama's term as president, people who had been working to label GMO (genetically modified =organism, GMF = genetically modified food) food and warn the public of its huge dangers were shocked to the core. They saw Obama had been pulling a bait and switch.

                        Obama filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA.

                        At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

                        As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

                        As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors' Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

                        As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

                        As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.

                        As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had preciously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.

                        We should also remember that Obama's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.

                        Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.

                        Obama hadn't simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn't just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn't just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.

                        • 9 votes
                        Reply#6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:31 AM EDT

                        Just because some people have worked in positions for Companies doesn't mean that they were in agreeance with those companies. I have worked for a guy one time taht was a know crook and it was just for income, I did what I had to do to live a certain standard, but left there just as fast as I could when the oppertunity presented itself. The Government is famouse for hiring people for certain positions, They even hire people in prisons and get them out for their particular skills. So what else is new?

                          #6.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:11 AM EDT

                          Democrats in congress who voted for war in Afghanistan:

                          Gary Ackerman, Jason Altmire, Robert Andrews John Barrow, Xavier Becerra, Shelley Berkley Howard Berman, Sanford Bishop, Timothy Bishop Earl Blumenauer, Dan Boren, Leonard Boswell Robert Brady, Bruce Braley, Corrine Brown G.K. Butterfield, Lois Capps, Dennis Cardoza Russ Carnahan, John Carney, André Carson Kathy Castor, Ben Chandler, James Clyburn Gerald Connolly, Jim Cooper, Jim Costa Joe Courtney, Mark Critz, Henry Cuellar Elijah Cummings, Susan Davis, Rosa DeLauroTed Deutch, Norman Dicks, John Dingell Lloyd Doggett, Joe Donnelly, Eliot Engel Chaka Fattah, Charles Gonzalez, Al Green Gene Green, Colleen Hanabusa, Martin Heinrich Brian Higgins, James Himes, Mazie Hirono Tim Holden, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel Hank Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, Dale Kildee Ron Kind, Larry Kissell, James Langevin Rick Larsen, Sander Levin, Daniel Lipinski David Loebsack, Nita Lowey, Ben Luján Stephen Lynch, Jim Matheson, Carolyn McCarthyBetty McCollum, Mike McIntyre, Gregory Meeks Brad Miller, Christopher Murphy, William Owens William Pascrell, Nancy Pelosi, Ed Perlmutter Gary Peters, Collin Peterson, David Price Nick Rahall, Silvestre Reyes, Mike Ross Steven Rothman, Lucy Roybal-Allard, C.A. Ruppersberger Timothy Ryan, John Sarbanes, Adam Schiff Kurt Schrader, Allyson Schwartz, Robert Scott David Scott, Terri Sewell, Brad Sherman Albio Sires, Adam Smith, Betty Sutton Chris Van Hollen, Timothy Walz, David Wu

                          • 15 votes
                          #7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:33 AM EDT

                          out of the woods,

                          Here is the rest of the story...

                          Barbara Jean Lee (born July 16, 1946) is the U.S. Representative for California's 9th congressional district, serving since 1998. She is a member of the Democratic Party. She is the first woman to represent that district. Lee was the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and was the Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Lee is notable as the only member of either house of Congress to vote against the authorization of use of force following the September 11, 2001 attacks. This made her a hero among many in the anti-war movement. Lee has been a vocal critic of the war in Iraq and supports legislation creating a Department of Peace.

                          100% of the US Senate voted for the US invasion of Afghanistan...

                          • 5 votes
                          #7.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:53 AM EDT

                          It is great that she did what she did but to want to increase government with a dept of PEACE....for what? So it can cost the tax payers another $20 to $30 billion a year?? No thanks..

                          • 6 votes
                          #7.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:00 AM EDT

                          It should be a constitutional amendment that those who vote for war should will be the first to deploy. Them and their entire family..

                          Maybe then we would be a peace, instead of a constant state of war..

                          I am nearly 60 and this country has be in a conflict or war for 90% of those years. Korea, cold war, Viet-Nam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanastan, Etc...

                          • 6 votes
                          #7.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:02 AM EDT

                          We have done more good in the world and saved more lives putting our own at risk to HELP people.

                          WW1, WW2......war sucks, true enough, but weakness gets people killed in great numbers.....look to France for your inspiration.....maybe Russia.....hmmmm.....all seem to suck REALLY BAD from weak to strong, yet we are the first there in any natural disaster, anywhere, even our enemies.

                          The secret is politicians who are SMART enough to have America's best interest at heart and right now we do not have that from the TOP (Obama) down.....Harry Reed.

                          • 5 votes
                          #7.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:18 AM EDT

                          Fellow Conservatives ~

                          Obama administration appears to be Blocking US TROOPS from voting in the 2012 election

                          Herosvote.org Just another example of how much disdain Obama Democrats have for the American Military

                          NO ID VOTING = Costing the tax payers millions trying to FIGHT Eric Holder for STATES rights

                          MILITARY VOTING = S. O. L. given the metaphoric middle finger to those who lay down their lives for America.....

                          You remember America don't you Mr. President?

                          • 12 votes
                          #7.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:58 AM EDT

                          You remember America don't you Mr. President?..... I don't think he does, he is to busy kissing backside in the ME, trying to win votes from the terrorists, terrorist groups, ie the Muslim Brotherhood, which I think at times he belongs to the Brotherhood..and making excuses and apoloygizing for everything under the sun...

                          • 11 votes
                          #7.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:04 AM EDT

                          love2troops,,,,the democratic lievention made you show an ID to enter, show an ID to buy anything, show an ID to get on the floor of same lievention yet they feel it is a no-no to show one to vote. And they NEVER whine about hussain obama supressing the votes of the military because our troops are educated, have morals and by a wide margin would not vote for this failed leader or his socialist ideas.

                          • 7 votes
                          #7.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:11 AM EDT

                          President Obama, is by far the best President we have ever had......period! He is just so awesome it gives me goose bumps...oh, and he is here for 4 more years....haha!

                          • 1 vote
                          #7.8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:11 AM EDT


                          It was common knowledge in NC that the over-seas votes of the US service members were not being counted...

                          The Democrat controlled State Board of Elections did not recognize the FPO of the US Military as a valid post mark on the mail-in ballots...

                          • 5 votes
                          #7.9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:16 AM EDT

                          @Brutaltruth, You dummy, your problems start with Bohnner, Ryan, and that lot. Get in tune with the facts and you won't be better off but maybe, just maybe, you won't keep putting the source of your headaches in office.

                          • 2 votes
                          #7.10 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:16 AM EDT

                          No the problems start with Pelosi, Reid, and Obama, along with Biden a draft dodger, anti segregationist, and an alcoholic..make a fearsome foursome....and I fear what they will do if Obama is elected again...

                          • 9 votes
                          #7.11 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:57 AM EDT


                          Surely you jest.

                          If not, you need to stop drinking the Obama koolaid.

                          ROMNEY... 2012

                          • 4 votes
                          #7.12 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

                          Obama is destroying the USA. "Spread the Wealth" "Redistribution" is just as LIE to get votes. Its has never worked and never will. Example: The USSR, Cuba, Venezuala, South Vietnam. USSR has imploded after the death, misery, suffering, torture, of hundreds of millions of people.

                          South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, is another example of "Spread the Wealth" "Redistribution". Just a little twist to make the White People the enemy instead of Hitlers Jews.

                          Somali, a classic example of "Redistribution". Somali Pirates stated "Redistribution" was their Justification for robbery, murder, kidnapping, embezzelment, rape, torture, and Piracy.

                          Obama wants to DEFY the Constitution and destroy the Rights to Personal Property and the fruits of ones own Labor. Obama is appealing to the Greed and Avarice to illegal aliens, poor people, lazy people, immigrants, promising the Riches of America if only they Vote for Obama.

                          Obama has to win this election. IF not, he goes to jail along with Erick Holder and Hillary Clinton. The biggest Criminals of the 21st Century.

                          Obama has systematically weakened the USA and is responsible for over 70% of the deaths of American Soldiers. In just 3.5 years Obama has created 70% of the deaths with his idiotic war policies and procedures and directives. Obama has turned a great Win into a pathetic Loss.

                          Ambassador Stevens even pleaded with Obama and Hillary to protect him and they let him DIE.

                          • 1 vote
                          #7.13 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:04 PM EDT

                          @Love2troops & Stan & jimmyfox & no.7

                          couldn't agree with you more!!

                          • 1 vote
                          #7.14 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:01 PM EDT

                          None of those Democrats voted for a war. They voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war. Those Demcocrats were persuaded by AIPAC, the Bush Administrration and the Zionist dominated news media that there were WMD and that the war would be quick and cheap. Read below how they sold the war.

                          Also note that the Mossad was heavily involved with the false intelligence. Ever wonder who forged the Niger documents to make it appear Iraq had a nuclear weapons program? Someone forged them and I bet they were Zionists.

                          warmongers like Ken Adelman and the Zionist Washington Post pushed the war in
                          an editorial titled, “Cakewalk in Iraq.” Jewish supremacists Richard Perle and
                          Paul Wolfowitz told you that Iraq would “Welcome us as liberators.” Iraq became
                          the longest war in American history. Here is a report from USA Today: “Pentagon
                          officials estimated for the first time Wednesday that up to 360,000 Iraq and
                          Afghanistan veterans may have suffered traumatic brain injuries.” Now that’s
                          not counting tens of thousands who have suffered maiming, amputations, or death
                          in this war based on lies.

                            #7.15 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

                            2000, 4000, 8000, 10,000, 20,000.........1,000,000......How many American sons and daughters wust die or be maimed in this shlt hole before we are avenged..?

                            • 4 votes
                            Reply#8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:42 AM EDT

                            As many as it takes...don't have a weak stomach son......oh and before you ask...I have done 3 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan....

                              #8.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:52 AM EDT

                              Yeah as a REMF huh Ricado

                              • 3 votes
                              #8.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:50 AM EDT

                              It costs $1,000,000 a year to keep a soldier on the ground in Afghanistan, and for what? The fighting will never end there because the people of Afghanistan cannot establish order whether we are there or not. In the meantime we let them shoot our young men and women and the lives are lost for no reason. Shame on everyone who supports this war, from the politicians to the arms manufacturers.

                              • 4 votes
                              Reply#9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:44 AM EDT

                              Wow--by my count, that is 109 out or 435. That's about 1/4 of the TOTAL of the house. And since the Dems were not in the majority, its about HALF of all the DEMS in the house.

                                Reply#10 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:50 AM EDT


                                Do a little research, 420 out of 431, voted for the invasion of Afghanistan...

                                On September 14, 2001 a joint resolution was passed by the United States Congress authorizing U.S. Presidents to fight terrorists and the nations that harbor them called the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists.

                                House of Representatives

                                On September 14, 2001 bill House Joint Resolution 64 passed in the House. The totals in the House of Representatives were: 420 Ayes, 1 Nay and 10 Not Voting. The Nay was Barbara Lee, D-CA. [2] Lee is notable as the only member of either house of Congress to vote against this bill.[3]


                                On September 14, 2001 Senate Joint Resolution 23 passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals in the Senate were: 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting (Senators Larry Craig - R and Jesse Helms - R).

                                • 5 votes
                                #10.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:07 AM EDT

                                We need a red line here. I would say 2001 should do it.

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#11 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:57 AM EDT

                                Lets please get the hell out of there 2014 is way to long to be in there are traitors shooting troops from with in and they just are picking them off like flies now!!!

                                • 7 votes
                                Reply#12 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:57 AM EDT

                                I couldn't agree with you more, get our young men out of harms ways.

                                • 1 vote
                                #12.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:03 PM EDT

                                Untill Anti-war proteest is voiced even louder than iy was during Viet-Nam No one on the hill will listen.....

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#13 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:04 AM EDT

                                The little ABC check mark is called "spell check" and makes it easier to read, and we have loud and annoying people in the streets----Occupy Wall Street.

                                • 2 votes
                                #13.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:20 AM EDT

                                i think were mising the overall goal of alquida they want us to soend our money fighting them i think there whole goal behind there attack on 911 was to draw us into a money pit and guess what its working we need to just leave them to their own devices and worry about our own problems we should have left after we got our revenge

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#14 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:10 AM EDT

                                I think we did do alot of good though. Closed a heck of alot terriorist training camps, freed alot of people to have their own elections, shut down the rape rooms, and had given their countries a taste of education/schools. What they do from here is on them and if it goes awry,,,,make a stinking parking lot outta that place!

                                • 1 vote
                                #14.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:27 AM EDT

                                If and when the troops ever leave Afghanistan, American tax dollars will still have to serve and never get to come home.

                                • 2 votes
                                Reply#15 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:13 AM EDT

                                American tax dollars should be CUT OFF for the middle east, funding the Muslim brotherhood...just outrageous.

                                • 2 votes
                                #15.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:05 PM EDT

                                Placing combat troops on the ground in Afghanistan -

                                Did not work of the British, or USSR, or the USA...

                                IMO - Bush did the correct thing in turning the operations/Nation building in Afghanistan over to the UN...

                                Obama should have rallied World support to FORCE the UN to accomplish their mandate. Not just throw more US Troops and money @ a WORLD problem...

                                The only things that seem to be working against World Terrorism;

                                1. Coordinated POLICE actions by the World's POLICE & Intelligence Agencies...

                                2. Enforcement of restrictions on; economic support, travel, and Immigration/Visa of terrorist organizations/people...

                                3. Border controls that prevent illegal entry,exit and track movements of people on Visas & tourist entry...

                                If just these three things had been in place, 9-11 would never have occurred...

                                • 4 votes
                                Reply#16 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:29 AM EDT

                                I'am surprised msDNC is even publishing this. They had a daily body count on George W.Bush and I would think this would give hussain obama bad press. Maybe getting so close to obama being fired by the American people, they might be starting to throw him under the bus?

                                • 3 votes
                                Reply#17 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:35 AM EDT

                                Keep dreaming...OBAMA 2012...nothing you can do to stop it son.....

                                  #17.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:56 AM EDT

                                  I have seen Presidents from Truman to today....Carter was bad, but he at least had the B....s to stand up and admit he made a mistake...Obama, admit to a mistake??? Never happen, he blames everyone else for his screw ups.....He screwed up with Libya, he spent $70 million for ads to apologize for the film in Pakistan, that $70 million could help a few folks here in America....and we should have to put up with him for another 4..GOD HELP US AND BLESS AMERICA

                                  • 7 votes
                                  #17.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:11 AM EDT

                                  And obama continues to plan on giving the "muslim brotherhood" over 400 billion American taxpayer dollars. Well, that is 400 billion timmy geitner has to print up or borrow since we are another 6 trillion in obama debt in 3 and a half years.

                                  • 9 votes
                                  Reply#18 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:42 AM EDT

                                  IF Obama sends one moe cent to the muslim brotherhood he should be FIRED, impeached, arrested or whatever it takes (legally) to stop him!

                                  • 1 vote
                                  #18.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:16 PM EDT

                                  I have yet to meet a person who SERVED that likes war, but all seem to know why. Do we want to fight them over there or wait until they come over here AGAIN. The problem is not the war, it is that our troops hands are tied. Now I will give him credit> he did send in the seals to have confirmation on him, so we would not have all the speculation about the him like we have with Hitler ( Is he dead crap ). But if he would untie their hands it would be a lot different. Bring home more troops only makes the enemy think they are winning an attacks will increase. Watch an see over the next year or 2. May God bless our troops in service today.

                                  • 5 votes
                                  Reply#19 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:51 AM EDT


                                    #19.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:02 AM EDT

                                    I am sick of our nation building while our own goes to ruin.

                                    • 9 votes
                                    Reply#20 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:53 AM EDT

                                    Bring our troops home, replace the TSA with them and give the ICE support on the border. Let these Afghan's go to hell. NOT ONE MORE PRECIOUS LIFE WASTED!!

                                    • 6 votes
                                    Reply#21 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:54 AM EDT


                                      #21.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:56 AM EDT

                                      Really? How so? Because I don't want a bunch of minimum wage, thieves in charge of my security in an airport? Because I don't want to see our professionals on the border without support?

                                      You must be part of the Muslim Brotherhood, too. Typical response from a Dem, if you have nothing to add, just insult and attack.

                                      • 6 votes
                                      #21.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:05 AM EDT

                                      Because I like to rile you stupid hicks.....haha...OBAMA 2012, open the borders, ok, lets give the airport security a 10 cent raise, better?

                                        #21.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:20 AM EDT

                                        At 7:07 you said you were leaving, yet here you are at 7:20. I guess that would make you a liar, too.

                                        Does your mommy know you're on the computer bothering people?

                                        • 4 votes
                                        #21.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:27 AM EDT

                                        kattlekween,,,,and when have you EVER seen a obamazombie tell the truth!

                                        • 7 votes
                                        #21.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:35 AM EDT

                                        Rarely, Murph....rarely.

                                        • 4 votes
                                        #21.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:38 AM EDT

                                        Kattlekween: Conservatives like you wanted the TSA. You took one incident, the 9/11 attacks, which could have been prevented if someone had been vigilant enough to stop Muhammad Attah, who had already made a name as a terrorist. That someone could have been at least as vigilant in stoping him and his helpers as they are about stopping boys with baseball caps or low hanging pants.....Now people like you, ever the paranoid fraidy cats whine " wah! they are searching babies". You are all police crazy. I thought you enjoyed it all. Lord knows no one wants to touch but only have to, to do their jobs.

                                          #21.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:09 PM EDT

                                          Kattlekween: Conservatives like you wanted the TSA. You took one incident, the 9/11 attacks, which could have been prevented if someone had been vigilant enough to stop Muhammad Attah, who had already made a name as a terrorist. That someone could have been at least as vigilant in stoping him and his helpers as they are about stopping boys with baseball caps or low hanging pants.....Now people like you, ever the paranoid fraidy cats whine " wah! they are searching babies". You are all police crazy. I thought you enjoyed it all. Lord knows no one wants to touch but only have to, to do their jobs.

                                            #21.8 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:14 PM EDT


                                            The funding, planning, training, and placing the key terrorist in the USA for 9-11, happened during the Clinton Administration...

                                            The person that OKed and funded the operation, OBL was funded and trained by Carters CIA...

                                            OBL was behind the bombings of the African US Embassies, the USS Cole, and the barracks in Saudi Arabia. Where hundreds of US Citizens were killed and injured. But Clinton refused to OK the ASSASSINATION of OBL when the CIA had him in their sights...

                                            Now tell me again how this was a Conservatives problem???

                                            If you want to go back a few more Democrat presidents, you will find:

                                            LBJ - Lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, to escalate the Vietnam Conflict...

                                            JFK - The Bay of Pigs, pulled the support for the invasion of Cuba, hundreds died...

                                            Truman - Dropped two atomic bombs, When his Generals were stating there was NO Military justification...

                                            • 4 votes
                                            #21.9 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:42 PM EDT

                                            The real stories of Afganistan are in the, so to fue, Afgan civilian interviews. You know the people who were liberated from the people the coalition troops ultimately were sent after. The real story of why it seems a majority of the Afgan people. Would rather side with those terrorist who target and intentionally kill bad practicing muslims that they deem disrespecting the laws of Islam. Instead of siding with those coalition forces who liberated them. That may accidently kill their family or friends while going after terrorist. Terrorist who will intentionally put muslims in harms way to be killed just to gain support. From the Afgan people who would dismiss intentional terrorist murders, in the name of their faith, but condem and murder over accidental deaths in the name of their freedom.

                                            If not for believeing in the majority of our troops, their morals, intentions and reasons of each individual troopers belief of their mission there. I would more than often wonder do we just have to stay longer than the Soviets to feed some military ego. That it was harder for these desert peasant fighters to get rid of the US than it was the Soviets. Some days the loss of life, compared to the Afgan appreciation for it, just makes no other sense. Why we as a nation continue to endure the loss of our most honorable US citizen, other than some top brass fools idea, that I don't really believe is true, but shamefully feel with each tragic loss.

                                            Condolances to all touched by another tragic loss. And a special thank you for service and continued commitment to the people of Afganistan. Who I hope one day will wake up and be ashamed they did not realise they wasted the opportunity of freedom and independance that all the coalition forces afforded them. Some at a price that I still hold out hope the Afgans will one day be worthy, not for the Afgans themselves, but for the honor of all who have been lost. In the name of their freedom, in the name of ours, I thank them all.

                                            • 2 votes
                                            Reply#22 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:57 AM EDT

                                            "Obama is a war-monger who did not get out of Afghanistan soon enough, so let's put the neo-cons back in power."

                                            Gotta love that rightie logic!

                                              Reply#23 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:06 AM EDT

                                              This election brings back memories of Nixon, he ran, he ran, he ran, and finally the other side had nothing better to offer and he won. Then, like today, I think the people have less faith in the challenger, even in the open and known mess of the shape we're in, sad, utterly pathetic what passes as a politician these days that if rummy wins and obummers out the fix is definetly in.

                                              But this has nothing to do with the story but it seems that we can't even have a respectful topic of condolances these days without some knuckle heads dragging these two fools into off topic debates, shame on me for even feeding these arseanine comment's!

                                                #23.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:34 AM EDT

                                                I love being smarter than anyone else....good bye children.

                                                  Reply#24 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:07 AM EDT

                                                  We noticed how smart you are...IQ is ???? um must be below 70

                                                  • 7 votes
                                                  #24.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:14 AM EDT

                                                  Run like the little punkee you are. Your a waste of co2 anyway MOOCHER!

                                                  • 2 votes
                                                  #24.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:15 AM EDT

                                                  stan,,,when it comes to rickycardo,,,,I have seen better heads on flat beer!

                                                  • 6 votes
                                                  #24.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:17 AM EDT

                                                  ricardo,,,mommy just make your breakfast? hmmm,,,,eggMcObamamuffims

                                                  • 2 votes
                                                  #24.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:21 AM EDT

                                                  Your wife like my head.....OMG! hahahahahahahaha, can't touch this! I would say lets fight, but I would probably knock you out inside of 30 seconds.....old man.....

                                                    #24.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:26 AM EDT

                                                    rikywierdo,,,Ya could not even count to 30 less knock your pet hamster out. What is with the OMG? You drop your eggMcObamamuffin on the floor punkee?

                                                    • 3 votes
                                                    #24.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:31 AM EDT

                                                    God I am so good...and so is my Commander In Chief....Mr Obama, President of the United States of America. Four more years...coming soon...hahahahaha

                                                      Reply#25 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:28 AM EDT

                                                      You mean the first black gay president BOY?

                                                      • 6 votes
                                                      #25.1 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:33 AM EDT

                                                      Your so mad its just too funny...I could write just about anything and you blow up...hahahahahaha I just owned you....hahahahaha Murphy Fail Big Time!!

                                                      • 1 vote
                                                      #25.2 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:34 AM EDT

                                                      Mad??? I'am just astonished someone as stupid as yourself can stay awake this long. Now ,,,run along.

                                                      • 2 votes
                                                      #25.3 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:38 AM EDT

                                                      Still own you...man this is easy....

                                                        #25.4 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:38 AM EDT

                                                        Clinton was the first black president and Obama is the first gay one. Get it straight Murph.

                                                        • 3 votes
                                                        #25.5 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:40 AM EDT

                                                        Ah your girlfriend is here to help you Murphy.....so sad

                                                          #25.6 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:43 AM EDT

                                                          Sorry leroy,,,I apologize!

                                                          • 2 votes
                                                          #25.7 - Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:48 AM EDT
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