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Letter: Writer's facts wrong on conservatives, race

Jan. 24, 2014   |  

The writer of Thursday’s letter, “Conservatives weren’t always on King’s side,” has his facts wrong. In the North, Democrats and Republicans voted in favor of the civil rights bill. The South, predominantly Democrat, voted against it.

The letter writer has bought into the media’s propaganda of the GOP being racist. In fact, the only real racism being displayed these days is by those trying to use the race card.

Doctors don’t oppose Obamacare because President Obama is black. They oppose it because it is going to negatively affect medical care delivery. The rich don’t oppose Obama’s economic plans because he is black. They will still be rich, they just know the economy is much worse since he took office, and his policies and the Treasury’s policies are bad.

The South is not solidly Republican, as the letter writer states. The young have definitely moved past race as an issue. I wonder when the adults will do so. The real shame is it seem the writer has fallen for the propaganda that if you are black, you had better vote Democrat because the big, bad GOP will pass laws to hurt you.

Under the Democrats, unemployment among black teens has soared to nearly 40 percent. This results in teens with time on their hands, and they end up in trouble. Prisons have a 50 percent African-American population, and it begins with no job, no way to create self-esteem, no way to create hope.

Mr. Hope and Change, how about changing to better policies?

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