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New York police chief charged with possessing child pornography

Journal News/lohud.com

Mount Pleasant police chief Brian Fanelli pictured in 1999.

A suburban New York police chief who taught sex-abuse awareness classes to children has been charged with downloading child pornography.

Mount Pleasant Chief Brian Fanelli was arrested Thursday by Homeland Security agents.

In a complaint filed with the court, an agent says Fanelli told investigators that he first viewed child pornography as research for the sex-abuse awareness classes he was teaching at two schools.

He then began viewing the pornography "for personal interest," according to the complaint.

Fanelli appeared in federal court in White Plains and was released on $50,000 bond.

No plea was entered. Fanelli's attorney refused to comment after the court session.

Fanelli has been chief for just two months in Mount Pleasant, in Westchester County. He first joined the department in 1981.

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I would like to see what every member of Congress downloads every day to compare the crap we are paying them to do

  • 24 votes
Reply#1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:35 AM EST


  • 5 votes
#1.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:45 AM EST

It's kind of scary when the police chief of your town is arrested for child pornography. The police, the teachers, perverts in your church? Poor kids these days are not safe from the very people they should be able to trust.

The chief said he was doing research and then he started watching for personal use. I wonder how long did it take him to go from research to personal?

  • 8 votes
#1.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:04 AM EST

The chief said he was doing research and then he started watching for personal use. I wonder how long did it take him to go from research to personal?

My guess is it was personal the whole time...Many creeps have a way of minimizing their acts as a way to justify them in their own twisted heads.

  • 9 votes
#1.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:36 AM EST

We'll N.Y City is a Progressive S#%thole anyway. I'm sure the Mayor watches Porn too!

  • 5 votes
#1.4 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:11 AM EST

Ban child porn, oh wait, ban drugs, oh wait, ban handguns, oh hrmph, how are all them bans working NY?

  • 8 votes
#1.5 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:13 AM EST

^^All those frigging large sodas and buckets of popcorn are causing these issues...^^

  • 11 votes
#1.6 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:18 AM EST

Lol Rosco...you beat me to it...NY DOES have those more pressing issues you know. Oh, I get it...no sugar or fat because the pervs want to "be stylin'" for their trolling....


  • 7 votes
#1.7 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:22 AM EST

its crazy man ............you actually got me smiling almost laugh but don't they say

road to hell is paved with good intentions??

  • 2 votes
#1.8 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:25 AM EST

It would only piss you off.

    #1.9 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:47 AM EST

    Child porn in Mount Pleasant.......that sentence literally makes me sick!!!!

    • 2 votes
    #1.10 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:58 AM EST

    Oh, say it isn't so, a police chief watching porn. What next? A drunken mayor, a wayward congressman, a corrupt senator? I would never expect one of our highly trusted officials to do wrong.

    • 3 votes
    #1.11 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:23 AM EST

    The Chief was likely on a personal adventure long before the research. But if he wasn't this is just another example of the slippery slope. In reality at some point he started looking at child porn. There is always a progression always a slippery slope. To quote a great movie "once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny". It doesn't mean you always have to be engaged in it, but it will always be there.

    • 1 vote
    #1.12 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:35 AM EST

    This may seem like an unfair comment (the first here EVERRR), but why do so many child molesters/child porn consumers look like...well, child molesters/child porn consumers. What is the deal with that? Is it a sublime warning of who they are? Are the cultivating a look?

    • 1 vote
    #1.13 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:44 AM EST

    LOL.... There was a cop in my hometown that got busted for the same thing and the funny part about it is, he used the same excuse.... He was doing Research....

    • 8 votes
    Reply#2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:42 AM EST

    Yeah...The Pete Townsend Defense...

    • 1 vote
    #2.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:37 AM EST

    Surprised He didn't blame Christie!

    • 1 vote
    #2.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:28 AM EST

    No lee 936758, it was George Bush's fault.....

      #2.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:30 AM EST

      He should have been trying to shut down child porn sites, not contributing to their industry. You can research child porn without actually looking at pictures or video of child porn, but everyone is vulnerable to evil temptation; thus, we have to rid ourselves of any media that causes us to sin!

      • 2 votes
      Reply#3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:44 AM EST

      So, John, are you gonna kill your computer or what?

      • 3 votes
      #3.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:48 AM EST

      That may have been the stupidest thing I have read all week. If you can't control yourself when it comes to child porn, it is you that is the sick one. The media is not "causing" anyone to sin. I don't care if it is right there in the room with you, if you aren't a degenerate pig you won't "be vulnerable to evil temptation"!

      • 4 votes
      #3.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:18 AM EST

      I agree homelandsafari. It's like looking a gay porn and suddenly becoming gay when you have been heterosexual. It's impossible. Child porn should disgust you and you should be feeling a pit of sorrow and empathy for the child.

      • 1 vote
      #3.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:34 AM EST

      First of all, where in the heck would you go online to find child porn? Secondly, why aren't the ones who are making it available for download and viewing the ones being arrested? If a citizen is simply looking up what they believe to be legal porn, how are they to know if one of the "actors" is above the age 18? Does the law only go after those who are viewing 9yr olds and the like which would make it obviously that you are watching abuse rather than legitimate porn.

      • 6 votes
      Reply#4 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:56 AM EST

      " First of all, where in the heck would you go online to find child porn?" - I hope this not a serious question.

      • 6 votes
      #4.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:20 AM EST

      A cop friend told me that they have programs that they can use. This why I laugh when you crab about the Government doing what they need to do for you Security.

      • 2 votes
      #4.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:00 AM EST
      Comment author avatarPaul Graddyvia Facebook

      If found guilty, put him in a Shirley Temple outfit and throw his butt to the wolves in prison.

      • 9 votes
      Reply#5 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:57 AM EST

      So you think Shirley temple outfits are sexy huh? Thats a little strange man.

      • 3 votes
      #5.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:27 AM EST

      Yep...I'm bettin' "The Good Ship Lollipop" may take on a whole new meaning for that POS....

      Good idea!

      • 3 votes
      #5.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:27 AM EST

      Submissive leather with a ball gag. And throw his azz in genpop.

      • 1 vote
      #5.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:50 AM EST

      I don't think they will have to dress him up. 1. he's a chomo 2. he's a cop.

        #5.4 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:36 AM EST

        so what kind of research.is he a scientist.or a kid.and didnt do a body search.when he was little.or does he need a search warrent.to do what he was doing.by a judge.ino when i go to jail they do a stripper search.so should i be a stripper lo.in front of jail cameras.so they have my porn on file of the jail cameras.maybe hes gay.and decided to work in law enforcement and watch videoes of inmates doing a full naked body search.lo.

        • 1 vote
        Reply#6 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:59 AM EST

        As disgusting as child pornography is just why is Homeland security involved in this. I thought the purpose of Homeland security was to secure the Country from terrorists.

        Seems like they have become part the Gestapo. The United States of America is become like a police state under Homeland Security.

        Just where were the local and State police in catching this pervert?

        • 13 votes
        Reply#7 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:12 AM EST

        @Jon Exner,

        I'm guessing the state police can't come into it unless the local cops alert them of the situation. This guy is the police chief, so the locals who would be his subordinates, probably just looked the other way. That's if they even knew about it. Talking about a catch 22. Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

          #7.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:54 AM EST

          Where were state and local police when needed? Watching child porn maybe.

          • 5 votes
          #7.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:55 AM EST

          Homeland Security was a thing the administration was just champing at the bit to put in place. 9/11 gave them the excuse and they took the keys to the kingdom...we'll never know the full extent of the invasion of our homes.

          fyi - the official duties of the HSA:

          The Homeland Security Act (HSA) was pushed through Congress in the months
          following 9/11, ostensibly to "organize a government that is fractured, divided
          and under-prepared to handle the all-important task of defending our great
          nation from terrorist attack."

          While this is all well and good...your question is a GREAT one. Not sure child porn freaks qualify as terrorists against the nation...but they're sure terrorists against our children.

          • 6 votes
          #7.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:33 AM EST

          9/11 was orchestrated to allow the over-arching police/surveillance/intelligence state to invade every facet of American lives...not saying that the Bush Administration made it happen...just that they let it happen.

          • 3 votes
          #7.4 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:27 AM EST

          @Sir Kit: Agreed...no party haggling here...you described it very well. The Americans lost sooooooooo much with that action...

          • 1 vote
          #7.5 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:45 AM EST

          Yes lets blame Bush for the fact that Obama has misused the NSA and homeland security. God but I effin despise Progressives.

            #7.6 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:34 AM EST

            i wonder .when they bring you to most jails they will ripp your clothes off from you.if you dont take them off lo.why the officials are actually rapeing you by ripping the clothes off and get away with it.i dont whant them to see my private parts.my private parts look like it was when i was a child still.

              Reply#8 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:13 AM EST

              Really? Wow!!!

              • 1 vote
              #8.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:07 AM EST

              Too many criminals try to sneak things into jails in "their private parts" as you put it. They have to be searched. If you don't want someone to see you then don't commit a crime. Look at it like an adult, it isn't rape, it is trying to keep themselves and other inmates safe.

              • 2 votes
              #8.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:25 AM EST

              Hiding drugs in your anus is serious problem in all jails. Have represented many people who have been caught doing so since the county jail is one town over.

                #8.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:36 AM EST

                If you are going to teach you are much more valuable and credible if you can become a Subject Matter Expert. Now we just need to pair him up with someone trying to become an SME with a baseball bat.

                • 2 votes
                Reply#9 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:15 AM EST

                And it's the windup.... The pitch.... And there it is. Out of the park!

                • 1 vote
                #9.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:54 AM EST

                Gives a whole new meaning to the word "PIG"!

                • 5 votes
                Reply#10 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:17 AM EST

                The poor kids today have no where to turn to that they can trust. Scout leaders, police, clerics, and parents all seem to wade in and torture these poor kids. I guess this is the generation of " I don't believe in God" and "don't judge me". The trouble is, then what do you believe in? There has to be a measure which tells people how to treat each other.

                • 1 vote
                Reply#11 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:35 AM EST

                This has always been happening Carl, we hear about it more today than in times past because this is not being swept under the rug like it used to be.

                • 5 votes
                #11.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:07 AM EST

                Perhaps because they all believe only in me, myself and I....... until the Sh!t hits the fan then it is everyone elses fault for disrupting their lives.

                • 1 vote
                #11.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:30 AM EST

                This has always happened to some extent, but in 31 years of the practice of law I have watched this become rampant. The internet has been a net negative. The pedophile next door had problems in the 60's because of stay at home moms, smaller housing and less transient neighborhoods. Now along comes the internet and every pedophile on earth is in your home. Scariest stat? 70% of teen and pre-teen girls chatting with disgusting older men about sex on line and sending pics......know they are talking to exactly whom they're talking to.

                  #11.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:39 AM EST

                  I think as long as he says he is in love and intends to marry the objects of his curiosity then the new laws in our country would allow him to be well received. Men marrying men...women marrying women....Now people looking at younger boys and girls could be viewed as just window shopping.

                  • 5 votes
                  Reply#12 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:40 AM EST
                  Comment author avatarPaul Graddyvia Facebook

                  Hey Ralphie!!! Ralphie boy.... down here...pssst... is that two consenting adult thingy still to complex for the ant-gay marriage pundits to understand? I suggest that you study a we bit harder on the subject.... Who knows, you might grow a brain cell or two. Good luck

                  • 5 votes
                  #12.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:59 AM EST

                  When I was growing up cops and specially the chief of Police was look upon as saviours, there were the ones my parents told me to go in I need it help or I was in trouble...times sure have change.

                  • 6 votes
                  Reply#13 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:47 AM EST

                  UNreal What next?

                    Reply#14 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:56 AM EST

                    I live in a relatively conservative town of Katy, Texas west of Houston. I met my wife about 15 years ago. At the time we were dating she was working at a used furniture store on main street and being very attractive was noticed. The store closed and she was looking for work and told me about an offer she had recieved to pose for some bikini pictures for a website. and asked me to come along to meet the guy making the offer. Imagine my surprise when the meeting happend to be at the local fire/EMS department. Turns out the local fire chief was running the website and had the stuff on the office computer. She went to one photo shoot that turned out pretty much the way I thought it would: female photographer, lots of wine, and the shoot progressed from bikini to topless. Who knows where it might have gone in later shoots if she would have continued. We moved to Austin and started living together and that ended that. Despite the gullibility of my wife, I wanted to illustrate how our so-called "heroes" are nothing of the sort. Most of them are just parasites. They join "public service" jobs of fire and law enforcement for the pensions, and the fact that they require virtually no intellectual ability. You rise through the ranks by seniority and a little ability. Because the rank and file are usually so mediocre, those with only a modicum of intelligence can rise to positions of leadership. This is mirrored by and large in the military. I grew up in the military, 18 years and saw the kinds of people my father commanded, and yes, it applies to my father too. He rose to where he was because he had leadership ability, but he was no genius, just a hard worker, honest and dilligent.

                    We see every day that people we put trust in are not worthy of it, from priests, to elected representitives to the highest office in the land. I have dealt with our state elected officials and believe you me, they are nothing to look up to. Insurance salesmen, car dealers, and those with no other skills than getting elected to public office to live off the taxpayer. Kind of like our President. Do not be over-awed by people in office, the trappings of office, the titles and honors they bestow upon themselves are there to make you think they are better and more exhalted than you are. They aren't they are just like us, drawn from the same bell curve distribution of IQs as that we all hold a place in. Some are below average like the black congresswoman from Houston, SJL. She is only intelligent to the sub intelligent people who elect her. People get the government and officials they deserve. By now, Katy Tx might have its own local government subsidized porn industry.

                    • 7 votes
                    Reply#15 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:58 AM EST

                    It's real simple...it's what you are as human beings.....self-serving P.O.S.

                    • 2 votes
                    #15.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:01 AM EST

                    As in any job Khalifa there is good and bad. I was in the military then later a police officer and can say that most of the people are good honest people who truly want to help others and have outstanding morals. It's unfortunate when such evil raises it's head but when it does no matter what their job should be immune and should have to suffer the consequences of their actions. Someone famous once said, for evil to thrive all that has to be done is for good men to ignore it. That is why good people should fight it every chance they get and not ignore it. The fact that this monster of a police chief was brought into the open and is being prosecuted will show you that good exists in the world. Embrace the good, fight the bad and always keep hope.

                    • 2 votes
                    #15.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:08 AM EST

                    @Khalifa, Just for a point of interest. Are you aware that being a Photographer is one of the few things that you don't need to have a Business License to be able to hang out the Shingle. All you need is at least 1 Camera and your in Business. Now IF you have a photo supply shop, sell Cameras and Equipment and such, you do need a License.

                    • 1 vote
                    #15.3 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:11 AM EST

                    What do expect out of a liberal cesspool of self-righteous hypocrites.

                      Reply#16 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:59 AM EST

                      I suppose that you don't realize that all the self Righteous are Republicans. I suppose that when something isn't carrying a Political Tag it is always Liberal to you. Damn'd Liberals Paved the Street, Put that house fire out next door before it got to my place, and Damn'd Liberals use the Jaws of Life to get me out of that wreck last week.

                      • 1 vote
                      #16.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:23 AM EST

                      Human beings are definitley a flawed species.. I have lost all faith in mankind..

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#17 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:14 AM EST

                      Yes, and they plan on populating Mars and not make the same mistakes that they made on Earth. Can you believe it?

                      • 1 vote
                      #17.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:26 AM EST
                      Comment author avatarEfraim Kristalvia Facebook

                      Pops45, you are not alone.

                      • 1 vote
                      #17.2 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:30 AM EST

                      It's just his way of 'rubbing out' crime.

                      • 3 votes
                      Reply#18 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:15 AM EST
                      Comment author avatarEfraim Kristalvia Facebook

                      Rumble, gutsy, but funny...

                      • 2 votes
                      #18.1 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:29 AM EST

                      What a dumbass.

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#19 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:19 AM EST

                      The police chief's explanation is that he was "on the beat"

                      • 2 votes
                      Reply#20 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:24 AM EST

                      I suspect it has always been so, "wolves in sheep's/Shepard's clothing". Now, when everyone has a cell phone/camera this type of abuse is captured more often than in the past and with the net at your fingertips, these crimes that would have remained, largely isolated incidents to the local where it occurred can become public knowledge at a moments notice. Save the taxpayers the money, chief. Career ruined, brought shame to yourself and family, you know what you need to do.

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#21 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:36 AM EST

                      This why I don't trust anyone with my kids, this is exactly why! Police, Church, Doctors and even family members you have to always look out for the sick perves. Another D-Bag caught.

                      • 3 votes
                      Reply#22 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:42 AM EST

                      Most of our local cops( the detectives and our oh so honest DA ) have become addicted to porn. I would love for our local jokes of cops detective and DA home computers to be checked I'm sure they have quite the library for their own twisted sick viewing pleasure . Hell they just killed an innocent kid by drivin88 mph in a 35 zone the kid burned alive yet the justice system and crooked DA will let him walk. Just sayin

                      • 2 votes
                      Reply#24 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:50 AM EST

                      You know there has to be a lot more to this story than we see - normally the police protect and cover each other, no matter what. For the police chief to get busted, he has to have stepped on somebody in the police chain - took a cherry job that someone else had lined up? Messing in the benevolent fund? And for him to be quietly admitting guilt even to any degree, somebody has to have put a big squeeze on him!

                      This whole thing stinks and the public probably never will know the real story!

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#25 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:52 AM EST

                      Well now he can retire and draw a nice pension. Jail time? A police chief? No way. A slap on the wrist is about all he'll get.

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#26 - Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:10 AM EST
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