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Flight 2012 R CC

Amazon Instant Video

(4528) IMDb 7.3/10
Available in HDAvailable on Prime

Academy Award winner Denzel Washington stars in this "riveting and powerful nail-biting thriller*" from Robert Zemeckis, the Academy Award-winning director of Forrest Gump and Cast Away. Airline pilot Whip Whitaker (Washington) miraculously lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe but questions arise as to who or what was really at fault. * Pete Hammond, Deadline Hollywood

Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle
2 hours 19 minutes

Available in HD on supported devices

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Product Details

Genres Drama, Thriller
Starring Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle
Supporting actors Carter Cabassa, Adam C. Edwards, Tamara Tunie, Brian Geraghty, Kelly Reilly, Conor O'Neill, Charlie E. Schmidt, Will Sherrod, Boni Yanagisawa, Adam Tomei, Dane Davenport, John Crow, Bruce Greenwood, E. Roger Mitchell, Ravi Kapoor, John Goodman, Jill Jane Clements, Tommy Kane
Studio Paramount
MPAA rating R (Restricted)
Captions and subtitles English Details
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Customer Reviews

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Good performances from Denzel Washington and John Goodman.
Mushroom Mania
It was very disappointing because it had too much unnecessary nudity and the storyline dragged halfway through the movie.
Excellence depiction of human weaknesses and how alcohol and drugs can ravish a person's personal and professional life.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

Format: DVD
I know that some viewers might feel like there is a bit of a bait-and-switch when sitting down to watch the very adult drama "Flight." I was primed to see a movie about a harrowing plane crash. And indeed, this initiating sequence is staged with tremendous suspense and gut wrenching detail. It may be one of the more memorable scenes you are likely to see this year. But "Flight" is not really about this crash. It is, instead, a character study about addiction, about faith, and about taking responsibility. The heroic pilot that acted on that day is none other than Denzel Washington. But this is no ordinary hero, this is a mess of a man who fuels his life with drugs and drink. He is estranged from his family, defying propriety, and thinks that the rules don't apply to him. He's a great pilot, to be sure, that saved many souls. But he was also completely out of control when he did so. That is the moral dilemma at the heart of the movie. He is a hero. His bad acts did not cause the accident. And yet, he will still be cast in a villainous light if the truth emerges.

There are very few movies I go to these days where I really don't know what to anticipate. "Flight" started out in a completely unexpected way. We meet Washington right after a night of heavy drink and sex with a flight attendant. You know he shouldn't be flying, you know that tragedy is inevitable (if from the previews, if nothing else). But just as you are settling in, the movie takes us on a ninety degree tangent. We are than spending time with a junkie (Kelly Reilly) as she attempts to score her next fix. I was genuinely confused by this digression. Washington and Reilly split screen time during the opening scenes and fate will bring them together in the hospital.
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60 of 68 people found the following review helpful By PD on February 16, 2013
Format: Amazon Instant Video
This is a powerful movie about a man you to want to love's struggle with alcoholism, he just happened to be in a plane crash. This is not a courtroom drama, not an action flick (the plane crash happens in the first 30 min of the movie and lasts maybe 5-10 minutes tops, after that all drama.

The movie starts out with an epic plane crash scene, one of the best I've ever seen in a movie. Denzel's character takes control of the plane like a pro, with every ounce of drug and alcohol seemingly vaporized from his system and his instincts as an ex-Navy fighter pilot take over.

The movie is great in it has you rooting for this guy throughout, but he keeps letting you down as the viewer, as well as all of the characters in his life. You saw how awesome this guy was in the cockpit, he was a hero, yet he cannot overcome this addiction. How can a man who could do such extraordinary things be so vulnerable to addiction? The movie does this part very well.

The most powerful scene emotionally comes at the end during the NTSB hearing and the scenes that follow.

I will admit until I gauged what the film was really about I was kind of "meh" about it, but by the end I fully understood and appreciated it for what it was. Powerful movie indeed.
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143 of 170 people found the following review helpful By Trip Waddell on February 6, 2013
Format: Blu-ray
Now, when I first saw this movie I had no idea what it was about. I only knew that it had a tremendous Oscar-winning actor playing the role of a pilot. I had no idea I was in for such a wild ride. I will point out first and foremost that this is a very well put together piece of cinema. The acting, pacing, cinematography, character development is nothing short of top-notch. That being said, I can understand how marketing and trailers could have caused many people to become mislead to what the film would be covering as many of the negative reviewers seemed to have missed the point. This movie was about a plane crash in the way that The Shawshank Redemption was about escaping prison. Yes, those are both the fundamental plot points but they're more like a side effect of the central themes. (Not to say that the crash scene in Flight wasn't one of the most intense scenes I'd seen in years or that the prison escape scene in Shawshank didn't give me an all encompassing feeling of joy). But in my humble opinion, a movie shouldn't be spelled out for you in the trailers. Too many films do that already (mainly comedies/action/romance). Instead you should go into a film with an open mind and see where it takes you. Without giving too much away, you may be pleasantly surprised, as I know I was. This is the kind of film that makes you reflect on the choices you make. What you would do to save your reputation. How your words affect those around you. How your actions affect those you love. And how to find salvation when it feels like its impossible to grasp.
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Format: Blu-ray
I know that some viewers might feel like there is a bit of a bait-and-switch when sitting down to watch the very adult drama "Flight." I was primed to see a movie about a harrowing plane crash. And indeed, this initiating sequence is staged with tremendous suspense and gut wrenching detail. It may be one of the more memorable scenes you are likely to see this year. But "Flight" is not really about this crash. It is, instead, a character study about addiction, about faith, and about taking responsibility. The heroic pilot that acted on that day is none other than Denzel Washington. But this is no ordinary hero, this is a mess of a man who fuels his life with drugs and drink. He is estranged from his family, defying propriety, and thinks that the rules don't apply to him. He's a great pilot, to be sure, that saved many souls. But he was also completely out of control when he did so. That is the moral dilemma at the heart of the movie. He is a hero. His bad acts did not cause the accident. And yet, he will still be cast in a villainous light if the truth emerges.

There are very few movies I go to these days where I really don't know what to anticipate. "Flight" started out in a completely unexpected way. We meet Washington right after a night of heavy drink and sex with a flight attendant. You know he shouldn't be flying, you know that tragedy is inevitable (if from the previews, if nothing else). But just as you are settling in, the movie takes us on a ninety degree tangent. We are than spending time with a junkie (Kelly Reilly) as she attempts to score her next fix. I was genuinely confused by this digression. Washington and Reilly split screen time during the opening scenes and fate will bring them together in the hospital.
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