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85-year-old vet says he was well-fed, comfortable during North Korea detainment

Eighty-five-year-old Merrill Newman spent more than a month detained in North Korea. Now, he's back home in California. NBC's Mike Taibbi reports.

The 85-year-old American detained in North Korea this fall said Sunday that he was well fed and comfortable during the more than a month he was held in the secretive communist nation, a newspaper reported.

Merrill Newman told the Santa Cruz Sentinel that he was held in a hotel room and even felt a little "bored" during his detainment. He said he was given traditional Korean food to eat. The newspaper said he spoke briefly Sunday morning outside his Santa Cruz home.

The Korean War veteran had spent a 10-day vacation tour in North Korea and was on an airline jet for a flight home to the United States on Oct. 26 when he was pulled off the aircraft.

North Korea released him on Friday, citing his age and a heart condition.

"Taking into consideration his admittance of the act committed by him on the basis of his wrong understanding, apology made by him for it, his sincere repentance of it and his advanced age and health condition, the above-said institution deported him from the country from a humanitarian viewpoint," the North's official Korean Central News Agency wrote on Saturday. 

Noah Berger / Reuters

Merrill Newman arrives at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday after his release from North Korea.

The KCNA said last week that Newman attempted to meet with soldiers he trained during the war to fight North Korea, admitted he was a “criminal” involved in killing civilians during the war, and carried an e-book criticizing North Korea.

Newman helped to train and coordinate a battalion of Korean anti-communist guerrillas, a veteran who served with him has said.

North Korea released a statement of apology supposedly made by Newman and a video of him reading an apology.

Asked about the apology on Sunday, Newman told the Sentinel, "Obviously, that's not my English."

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Happy your home safe !!

  • 23 votes
Reply#1 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 9:57 PM EST

Wow! Somebody used the first post to say something positive, and nothing political. Right on...

  • 16 votes
#1.1 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:57 PM EST

I'm glad he's safe as well. Though I'm still confused as to why he felt it was necessary to go to a hostile country that already loathes the US. It was just a gamble on that guys part.

  • 11 votes
#1.2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:06 AM EST

Finally a happy ending, I hope that he and others have learned an important lesson about traveling to these hostile countries. This could have turned out a whole lot worse, and I think that we should give North Korea a little credit for doing the right thing for a change.

  • 2 votes
#1.3 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 3:12 AM EST

Give North Korea a little credit for a change??? WTF??? Let me guess...

  • 2 votes
#1.4 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 6:50 AM EST

Too bad NK didn't just put his butt in a life raft and set him off to sea. The selfish jerk tweaked nerves and relations to reconcile his own actions. Maybe a letter would have sufficed???

I have no sympathy for anyone who sticks their head in a crocodile's mouth. They may have caught the rascal - but they will never tame it. Putting their head in its mouth is not daring, or courageous, or bravery - it's flat out stupid.

  • 6 votes
#1.5 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:06 AM EST

Hopefully, people like him have learned an important lesson: NORTH KOREA IS OFF LIMITS! It's not a friendly vacation spot or tourist destination. It's one big prison camp where millions of starving people die, and is run like a personal fiefdom by a cruel dynasty. You want dangerous adventure? How about Somalia, Nigeria, the CAR, or Iran?

    #1.6 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:37 PM EST

    Do not understand why these people go to hostile countries. Think maybe this guy has Alzheimers or is senile. The family need to keep a close eye on him.

      #1.7 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 3:09 PM EST
      Comment author avatartom111Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

      Another ungrateful man that thinks he is better than everybody else. He should burn in hell for the crime he did in NK.

      NK should've imprisoned him in various prisons.

      The good die young, and the bad reaches 80+ years, but god will judge everyone in the end. His smiles tell everything.

      If he had the chance to go free, he should shut his mouth and be sincere, instead of being insincere making joke out of NK.

      • 3 votes
      #2 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 10:19 PM EST

      tom111 is a great example of a propaganda throw away account, i know a lot of people are asleep when it comes to things like propaganda. "ohh that went away in WWII or the cold war". Nope, it's here and tom111 is just a great example, generic name, reinforcing the rhetoric of a communist country living in the dark ages.

      • 23 votes
      #2.1 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 10:42 PM EST

      tom111 sounds like an NK agent. Should the man be grateful to NK for what? Talking about crime, the NK regime butchers its own people daily.

      • 20 votes
      #2.2 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 10:55 PM EST

      tom time to grow up! You're such a bleeding a heart for North Korea and Communism? Then pack your ass up and move over there.

      They'll welcome you with open arms!Especially that fat little bastard they have for a beloved leader! I'm sure their labor camps can use one more! There isn't a country on this planet that isn't guilty of something during a war.

      • 16 votes
      #2.3 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:02 PM EST

      If I was let go, I would say "Thank you for releasing me. God bless. Let's move on," and I certainly wouldn't give a devilish smirk/smile like I'm better than you.

      • 1 vote
      #2.4 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:04 PM EST

      You ever think that the smile you're so pissed off about was a smile of relief ? That man was scared crapless believe me! Many times people will laugh during a funeral just to release the grief and pressure their feeling from their loss.

      It's quite common!

      • 10 votes
      #2.5 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:10 PM EST

      I see a devil in that smile. It is evil smile.

        #2.6 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:11 PM EST

        Noooo,it's not! The only devils running around were the devils keeping him prisoner!

        You can think what you want,but it's wrong.

        • 8 votes
        #2.7 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:15 PM EST


        tom111 sounds like an NK agent.

        You give him far too much importance. He's an idiot and a troll.

        • 17 votes
        #2.8 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:07 AM EST

        Man, it’s gotta hurt waking up every morning being you, tom...

        • 8 votes
        #2.9 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:29 AM EST

        Hi Tom! The secret is out, you are a moron aren't you?

        • 3 votes
        #2.10 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:13 AM EST

        Did you know the fact?

          #2.11 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:37 AM EST


          Are you psychic? Are you paranoid? Do you suffer from delusions? Because unless you answer in the affirmative to one of those questions, how in the hell do you think you're capable of judging the intent or emotion behind someone's "smile?"

          *Smiles at you*

          • 3 votes
          #2.12 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:45 AM EST

          You just changed my definition of what an aßßhole is ...

          • 1 vote
          #2.13 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:47 AM EST

          Tom111....it's obvious you know nothing of the Korean War history. North Korea started it and was known for many tortures and murders. They killed many US soldiers and airmen when they invaded the south. We need to bomb North Korea off the face of the earth. Their leader is a psychopathic madman, The only good North Korean is a dead one.

          • 7 votes
          Reply#3 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 10:48 PM EST

          Here's a solution...Turn downtown Pyongyang into a crater-filled parking lot.

          • 4 votes
          #3.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:11 AM EST

          I know quite a lot about North Korea and what we did there, since I served two years in that combat zone. In my opinion we should never have been there in the first place, and 60 years later we have troops strung across their country. Unless you are an international banker or a corporate exploiter why would you give a damn what kind of government they chose. Korea is on the other side of the world and represented no threat to us in any way.

          • 3 votes
          #3.2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:19 AM EST

          Frank, we have troops in South Korea, not the north. As for the threat to us, perhaps there isn't much of a threat to us directly but, what about our allies in South Korea and Japan? How much longer do you think it will take before North Korea does have the weapons that can threaten us in Hawaii and on the west coast?

          • 2 votes
          #3.3 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:43 AM EST

          Whoa,PR--lots of civilians, human beings you are willing to murder because of a corrupt and crazy government.

          • 1 vote
          #3.4 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:55 AM EST

          "The only good North Korean is a dead one."

          Final solution, huh? Genocide is evil no matter who does it or who advocates it. As a practical matter, the US never declared war. (I believe North Korea did declare war on South Korea.) So, really, he was a criminal -- even if the "confession" was completely bogus. Ah, but in your mind, rules only apply to other nations.

          • 4 votes
          #3.5 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:01 AM EST

          Thanks, Frank. Glad you made it.

            #3.6 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 7:02 AM EST

            If he was lucky he got to eat some Korean BBQ ribs. I love those things.

            • 2 votes
            Reply#4 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:26 PM EST

            Yeah, Merle T Wiler. They say those (dog) BBQ ribs taste just like chicken. No thanks.

              #4.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:19 AM EST

              The man traveled to find and speak with soldiers he helped train (to fight Communism) during the Korean War - what harm was there in that? The only criminal thing here is the Communist North Korean Government made an issue of his past military service by forcing him to admit to crimes and wrong-doing during the Korean War. This is pure propaganda on the part of North Korea. It is good they released this man.

              • 2 votes
              Reply#5 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:45 PM EST

              Another international issue that could have been avoided if the old fool stayed put. You don't go to a nut job country and let them know you were an enemy combatant.

              • 3 votes
              #5.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:50 AM EST

              what harm was there in that

              The same 'harm' that comes about when some dumbass decides he wants to cross the street - and pays no mind to all the speeding cars. Now the very real DRIVERS in those cars have to take action to avoid having an 'event' on their consciousness. In other words - a whole lot of people had to deal with this one person's selfish ego trip.

              It's the same "harm" that occurs when yet another dumbass wants to drive like a careless, irresponsible, bat out of hell. He has little to no concern for anyone else on the road - including all those other cars with kids strapped into the backseat. He doesn't care about anything or anyone except himself - it's all about him.

              Too bad NK didn't also force him to publicly admit that his entire trip was for selfish reasons.

              • 1 vote
              #5.2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:17 AM EST

              This man was a political prisoner & is likely smiling because he knows he's lucky to be alive & in one piece.

              Any statements or "apologies" that he made while in custody were coerced, much like many detectives obtains here on our soil from indigent defendants.

              The will to survive will make many do things that they wouldn't ordinarily do or say.

              I'm glad that he's home & safe, hope he has learned a lesson as to where not to travel.


              • 6 votes
              Reply#6 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:56 PM EST

              He also knows that there is still an American in prison over there so he's not going to come home, grab the first reporter and say he was just kidding about his apology or do anything that's going to make it worse for the other guy.

              • 6 votes
              #6.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:11 AM EST

              Yes, he's doing the right thing, that being the case.

              Hopefully the press will respect that & not hound him for interviews. We all know how some reporters will go to any length for a story.

              And I hope that any others makes it home, sooner rather than later.


              • 2 votes
              #6.2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:24 AM EST

              No Fool Like an Old Fool. Do not go to the Crap Hole.

              • 5 votes
              Reply#7 - Sun Dec 8, 2013 11:56 PM EST

              The North Korea can be better than FOX & Friends. FOX TV is training young Americans to not trust 'the government' with your SSN and drivers license. The government which has the roll and purpose to originate and supply those ID's cannot be trusted to request from you proof of you having them. Young American, if a police pulls you over, do not offer 'The Government' aka 'Police Officer' your license and insurance. Be willingly glad to show it to 'Private Business' aka 'The Sports Bar' so that you can Libertarian-ly get drunk before the government gets into your 'free drunk-driving' affair. ObamaCare cannot help you, should you seriously hurt yourself. And, if you are a female and you got too drunk to remember---Please do not go to a Catholic Hospital.....

              North Korea is becoming better than the Republican Taliban Party!!!

              • 1 vote
              Reply#8 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:02 AM EST

              Gridlick, Do you get paid to be a troll? or are you really this hatefully ignorant?

              • 3 votes
              #8.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:14 AM EST

              I sure hope his feelings have changed from what they where before he went there.He's one Lucky man. as for Tom 111 your an Idiot. Nothing more or Less

              • 4 votes
              Reply#9 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:08 AM EST

              Tom111: You must live in Fantasyland. Why don't you see if you could get a job in Disneyland? Better yet, serve your country and see how the real world works.

              • 1 vote
              Reply#10 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:16 AM EST

              Disneyland is too nice for Tom111, he must be north korean. He needs to go home to his fatherland & kiss Kim jung un.

              • 2 votes
              #10.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:26 AM EST

              This is exactly what the muslim terrorists do. Does north korea really think anyone lends any credence to an "apology" from a hostage? Their chubby leader is as insane as his father was.

              • 3 votes
              Reply#11 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:25 AM EST

              The next time don't call home. This whole thing was just a stupid act. Next time you murder someone don't ask to come to dinner.

                Reply#12 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:35 AM EST

                Now let's get Saeed Abedini home, the Iranian-American Pastor being held prisoner

                in an Iranian prison. The Obama Administration dropped the ball on that deal.

                  Reply#13 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:40 AM EST

                  Someone may eventually pay for his release, just like with the 3 hikers who crossed the border.

                  However if so, it likely will be a neutral party.


                    #13.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:28 AM EST

                    Now let's free Saeed Abedini the Iranian-American pastor being held in

                    an Iranian prison....The Obama Administration has so far abandoned him.

                      Reply#14 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 12:42 AM EST

                      Tim it's the state departments job to work with other country's about Americans abroad Not the Presidents.

                        #14.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:36 AM EST

                        You didn't need to post this pathetic plea twice, we heard you the first time. That preacher walked into the lion's den willfully, trying to spread his religion where it's illegal and unwelcome. He made his bet and lost. Let the Iranian-American Christian community pay his ransom. Not my tax dollars.

                          #14.2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:42 PM EST

                          Well, of course Newman was treated well. The North Koreans, bluster though they will, aren't about to directly challenge the US. Unless they're suicidal, which I hope they aren't.

                          • 1 vote
                          Reply#15 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:04 AM EST

                          Im sure he is getting paid for desibility or va payment. Now if that is the case what he did reading to the people what he did and to say he was sorry should br in him AR-15 And charged in a military court for his actions while he was there

                            Reply#16 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:32 AM EST

                            What, a 10 day vacation in that screwed up country? What was this guy thinking? Who changed his diapers while he was on his vacation? Why would the US allow anyone a Visa to go there?

                              Reply#17 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 1:42 AM EST

                              I was so relieved to hear this. for some reason this man has been on my mind. what a awesome Christmas for his family this year!! welcome home!

                              • 2 votes
                              Reply#18 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:01 AM EST

                              DROP them a thank you note. taped to the side of a NUKE!! nuke them away forever. problem solved. the next country will think twice... if U.S. shows some balls! HE served his country.let his country return the favor!

                              • 1 vote
                              Reply#19 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:11 AM EST

                              This 85 year old veteran of 'The Forgotten War' was, in all probability, there 'for closure'...
                              That's why many of us 'Nam veterans choose to return to 'Nam and, if possible, visit where we were assigned, and lost our friends...closure...

                              His 'confession' was, in all probability, 'staged and scripted'...

                              Bottomline is that he is now home with his family...that's what counts...

                              • 2 votes
                              Reply#20 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 2:25 AM EST

                              Tom111 get help.Ha HA!! I thought I was a sick BITCH!!!!!

                              • 1 vote
                              Reply#21 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 3:18 AM EST


                              mugga chaji (sp)

                                Reply#22 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 3:53 AM EST


                                성기를 빨아 다이

                                  Reply#23 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 4:09 AM EST

                                  So now I'll take North Korea off my list of places to go for a nice vacation. LOL

                                    Reply#24 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 4:58 AM EST

                                    The fat boy of North Korea better get his apologies in store for his day of reckoning that may come sooner than he thinks? How do you spell: D R O N E in Korea? Look to the sky, Fat Boy! Be careful with that cell phone or you may become fish food like Bin Laden.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    Reply#25 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 5:18 AM EST
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