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Skeptical Inquirer Volume 37.5

Skeptical Inquirer

Skeptical Inquirer is the official journal of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Six times per year Skeptical Inquirer publishes critical scientific evaluations of all manner of controversial and extraordinary claims, including but not limited to paranormal and fringe-science matters, and informed discussion of all relevant issues. In addition to news, articles, book reviews, and investigations on a wide variety of topics, Skeptical Inquirer has a stellar stable of regular columnists including Joe Nickell (“Investigative Files”), Massimo Polidoro (“Notes on a Strange World”), Massimo Pigluicci (“Thinking About Science”), Robert Sheaffer (“Psychic Vibrations”), and SI managing editor Benjamin Radford's reader-driven (“The Skeptical Inquiree”). Yale University neurologist Steven Novella, M.D., founder of the New England Skeptical Society and executive editor of the Science-Based Medicine blog, contributes a new "The Science of Medicine" column, and contributing editor Kenneth W. Krause adds a regular science column, "ScienceWatch."

Skeptical Inquirer is an unusual hybrid, part semi-popular magazine, part scientific journal. It’s fair to say that we not only help to cross disciplinary barriers within scientific fields but bridge the gaps between the hard and soft sciences and between science and the general public.”

Kendrick Frazier, Editor, Skeptical Inquirer

“I know of no greater antidote to pseudoscience than the contents of Skeptical Inquirer magazine. I wait with high anticipation for the arrival of every next issue. And when it arrives, I read every word. And when I am done, my fuel tanks are once again topped off for my next round of encounters with all those who have yet learned how to think.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist and Director Hayden Planetarium, NYC

“When so many of our fellow citizens are igniting brushfires of irrationality and then fanning the flames, Skeptical Inquirer is a great fire extinguisher to keep handy: trustworthy, effective, and a pleasure to read. Don’t leave home without one!”

Daniel Dennett, Director, Center of Cognitive Studies, Tufts University

“If only the Skeptical Inquirer could be distributed to every home in the land! There would be fewer idiotic dinner-party conversations about ghosts, crop circles and ‘uncanny’ coincidences. More importantly, people might learn by example how to think for themselves, to the enormous benefit of the world.”

Richard Dawkins, Ethologist and Evolutionary Biologist, Oxford University

Skeptical Briefs

The Skeptical Briefs newsletter is only available to Associate Members of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. It is published four times per year (in March, June, September, and December), and includes articles; news from skeptical groups across the country and around the world; and regular columnists Joe Nickell ("Investigative Files"), Lewis Jones ("Inklings"), Victor Stenger ("Reality Check"), Henry Huber ("Group News"); and Benjamin Radford ("Briefs Briefs"). It also includes a Hidden Messages puzzle in each issue by New Mexico physicist and skeptic David E. Thomas.

Special Articles

Web exclusives from CSI contributors