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The Top 100 Companies in the Digital Content Industry: The 2013-2014 EContent 100

The 2013-2014 EContent 100, a list of the 100 Companies that Matter Most in the Digital Content Industry.Read More >>


EContent Live! Video: Jose Castillo, Drew Bedard, and Tom Mullen

Check out our most recent EContent Live Hangout, with Jose Castillo, Drew Bedard, and Tom Mullen. The guys talked about Facebook video ads, privacy, and what the emerging role of the "marketing technologist" means to companies. Read More >>

The Romance of Marketing: Use Dating Skills to Build Relationships With Customers

For a brand, figuring out how to leverage content as part of a marketing communications plan can be daunting. Just keeping your website fresh and relevant can be a challenge, not to mention all the social platforms you need to maintain. Then, there are also all the types of content to consider. But there are ways to determine how often, where, and what to publish. The key is to think of content marketing as being like dating; you just have to pay attention to what the other person is telling you.Read More >>

How to Know Content Marketing When You See It

In the most recent Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs study, "B2B Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends-North America," 93% of B2B marketers are using content marketing in some way, shape, or form. A staggering 73% of those marketers are creating more content than the previous 12-month period. But let's be honest ... many of these companies aren't really doing content marketing. Read More >>

Putting the Social Back in Social Marketing

If there is one think failing social media marketing, it is a lack of social. I'll explain what I mean by this in a minute, but let's first examine the reality of today's business operations.More and more companies are moving to automated processing and communication to squeeze out operational costs and add a few more margin percentage points. When you call a service provider today to get a problem resolved, do you actually get a human being answering the call? Or, conversely, do you get an automated system that takes you through four levels of questions that get you nowhere and then leave you waiting 15 minutes or longer to get connected to an actual person to help you?Read More >>

Insites: Suggested Sites, Projects, and Resources That Are Worth a Look

The EContent team suggests some sites, projects, and resources that, while outside the scope of the EContent 100 list, are well-worth a closer look.Read More >>

Technology and Startup Trends Changing the Digital Content Landscape

Keeping up with new startups is almost impossible. While we sleep tonight, there are thousands of caffeine-infused individuals hammering away on keyboards creating the next great thing. With a polished slide deck, a few thousand loyal alpha users, and a code repository secret sauce, anyone can take his or her idea from stealth mode to global success overnight. And while some of the companies mentioned in this article will go on to success, others will fall by the wayside, burning through cash and users similar to a summer camp bonfire. The interesting threads to follow through these few successes and myriad failures are the trends that add value to the end user. And the current crop of products and services being launched offers a great list of features to keep our eyes on.Read More >>

How to Create Social Media Strategies That Rock

Ashton Kutcher (aplusk) has more than 15 million Twitter followers. Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) has 1.2 million. Peggy Anne Salz, founder and chief analyst of MobileGroove has about 4000. EContent Magazine (@econtentmag) has 2600. What does this all mean? Absolutely nothing! Evaluating social media effectiveness based on "the numbers" is like evaluating whether or not the television ads run during the Super Bowl are "good" or "bad." Unless we're privy to the strategy behind them our opinions are pretty much irrelevant. And while many are still enamored with the numbers - of likes, pins, retweets and +1's - the truth is that in social media, as in any form of marketing communication, it's the real results that matter.Read More >>

How to Plan and Support Better Ad Campaigns

When you want to construct a home, you need a carefully planned blueprint in place before you purchase and assemble the lumber and other essential components. The same is true of an effective advertising campaign, which requires setting specific goals before creating the content and buying space. Yet, many advertisers today are doing the opposite-building their campaign in reverse without any end goal or vision of what their finished advertising "house" should look like, experts say.Read More >>

EContent Live! Video: Jose Castillo, Kipp Bodnar, and David Hobbs

Did you miss our latest EContent Live Hangout on Google+? You can still watch it here! Join Jose Castillo, Kipp Bodnar, and David Hobbs to discuss The Financial Times' gift articles; great content marketing from Microsfot and Coca-Cola; and our panelists' upcoming appearances at the Gilbane Conference.Read More >>

Utilizing Mobility in the Travel Industry

Imagine glorious sunsets over sandy Gulf beaches, Venetian structures dotting the Italian landscape, or a Broadway musical in the bustle of NYC. Every destination has much to offer its patrons. And in an age of mobility - and a desire to constantly be connected to the rest of the world - consumers want streaming access to information about any vacation spot they can dream. That's why one of the most important resources for the travel industry is data, according to Richard Stevenson, CEO of YUDU. "The closer a marketing message is to a customer's actual interests, the better the engagement and relationship the customer will have with the company," he says. That's why he believes that personalization is important for the travel industry, as it is for any competitive B2C industry. And being competitive, these days, means providing information and resources accessible on mobile devices. Read More >>
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