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Steve Goldner

Steve Goldner a.k.a Social Steve is Senior Director, Social Marketing at Ryan Partnership and heads up its social media marketing practice. He blogs regularly at the Social Steve Blog. You can connect with him on Twitter @SocialSteve.

Articles by Steve Goldner

If there is one think failing social media marketing, it is a lack of social. I'll explain what I mean by this in a minute, but let's first examine the reality of today's business operations.More and more companies are moving to automated processing and communication to squeeze out operational costs and add a few more margin percentage points. When you call a service provider today to get a problem resolved, do you actually get a human being answering the call? Or, conversely, do you get an automated system that takes you through four levels of questions that get you nowhere and then leave you waiting 15 minutes or longer to get connected to an actual person to help you?
Editorial/Commentary - Posted Dec 09, 2013
If you look at the most successful marketing endeavors brought to life, I would place a big bet that they all started with a creative brief. In case you are not familiar with a creative brief, it is a document produced to help develop creative deliverables such as advertising, websites, visual design, copy, and other marketing outputs. The creative brief consists of a series of simple questions and the answers help the Creative Team generate concepts, ideas, and bring them to life.
Column/Social Pulse - Posted Aug 23, 2012
So, you want to get social? You realize your business cannot live without it. Kudos to you for having a strategy and a plan and for not just putting up Facebook and Twitter pages. But now you realize how time-consuming it will be to drive real measurable success. So let me tell you how we determined the right tools to help us drive our social media practice.
Editorial/Feature - June 2012 Issue, Posted Jun 20, 2012
If there is one thing we are used to from Facebook -- or, at least, are used to complaining about -- it is change. The company has a history of introducing new features at will and then abandoning them. Going forward, though, Facebook's willy-nilly changes may be frowned upon as investors from Friday's IPO start putting in their two cents. When the closing bell rang on Friday, Facebook raised about $16 billion, was valued at short of $105 billion. But investors are not the only ones taking on risk; marketers that think Facebook is the Holy Grail also gamble with company money.
Column/Social Pulse - Posted May 22, 2012
Do you ever really stop to think about what it means to drive a successful marketing program? Actually, it is pretty simple. If you can change behavior and produce quantifiable results, you have nailed it. But what does this actually mean?
Column/Social Pulse - Posted Mar 22, 2012
I don't have to tell you how the word "expert" is just a tad over used. You are probably cynical about social media experts without any help from me, but putting the snarky comments and jabs aside, let's talk about this seriously as I have some important points of considerations for you.An expert is someone that has mastered a topic and/or specialty. So while the world of social media continues to evolve, how can one accomplish mastery of something that isn't done evolving?
Column/Social Pulse - Posted Jan 26, 2012
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to address a number of CEOs and senior executives at a weekend retreat (The Executive Forum) at IBM's Armonk, NY campus. I shared with them "The State of Social Media," but the presentation could have easily been titled, "What Senior Executives Should Know About Social Media." Clearly, the latter was my intent.
Column/Social Pulse - Posted Nov 17, 2011
When social media first came onto the scene, many people said, "Oh, it's just a passing fad - the soup du jour." Now, though, just about everyone is on the bandwagon, but that doesn't mean people really understand social media marketing and how to go about it. Social media can be simplified and demystified by looking back at some traditional approaches to marketing.
Column/Social Pulse - Posted Sep 08, 2011
Earthquake in Haiti. Michael Jackson died. Social media the new buzz for business. Have you heard about these? Or do you currently reside under a rock? Okay, these things don't share the same importance, but there was no avoiding these news items in the past year or so. Given my better known name, Social Steve, I guess it is pretty obvious which one of these headlines I'll be looking at here.
Column/Guest Columns - December 2010 Issue, Posted Nov 22, 2010