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Paul Tassi

Paul Tassi, Contributor

I write about video games, technology and the internet

12/01/2013 @ 4:07PM |204,739 views

Amazon Readies Cyber Monday Xbox One Game Deals, PS4 Titles MIA

dead rising2

Amazon had some good offerings on Black Friday a few days ago, but they’re gearing up for round two of game sales for Cyber Monday. Starting at 3AM EST December 2nd, they’re cracking off new sales of recent games including some next-gen titles, which were left off most Black Friday sales lists.

Here’s what they’re offering:

  • Madden NFL 25 - PS3, Xbox 360
  • FIFA 14 - PS3, Xbox 360
  • Battlefield 4 - PC, PS3, Xbox 360
  • NCAA Football 14 - PS3, Xbox 360
  • Need for Speed Rivals - PC, PS3, Xbox 360
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts – PC, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 - PS3, Xbox 360
  • Ryse: Son of Rome - Xbox One
  • Forza Motorsport 5 - Xbox One
  • Dead Rising 3 - Xbox One
  • Saints Row 4 - PS3, Xbox 360
  • Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix - PS3
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - PS3
  • Elder Scrolls Anthology - PC

You can check out all the titles here, and most will be on sale from anywhere between $10 and $30 off.

It’s interesting that Microsoft Microsoft has allowed nearly their entire stable of exclusives to go on sale while there isn’t a PS4 game in sight, exclusive or otherwise. Sony Sony must believe everyone is willing to pay full price to stock their PS4 with games, which is probably true. Not to mention bundled units like the Killzone PS4 are big sellers, and they wouldn’t want to undercut that. Granted there are a whole host of PS3 games on here so it’s not like Sony is being completely overlooked, but it does make a statement that Xbox One’s three biggest exclusives plus Call of Duty are all present and accounted for.

I’m less surprised that PS4 games are missing than I am that Xbox One games are on sale already, barely more than a week after the console’s release. I’m not expecting deep discounts, but even $10 off a new, sought-after game like Dead Rising 3 is going to move more than a few extra copies. Critics will cry that it’s a “desperation” movie by Microsoft while fans will say it’s a smart play, but without software sales numbers, we won’t know for sure.

It’s still unclear who will be crowned winner this holiday season when it comes to worldwide console sales. I have a hunch with how well both systems have sold to date, it’s going to be whoever can provide the most supply. And that may just be Microsoft, as despite the Xbox One’s pre-launch controversies, they’ve been flying off shelves at around the same pace as Sony’s PS4 from what we know so far.

Which of these titles will you be picking up tomorrow?

Follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my Forbes feed, and pick up a copy of my sci-fi novel, The Last Exodus, and its sequel, The Exiled Earthborn.

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  • As for the missing PS4 games you must have missed the prelaunch buy 2 get 1 PS4 game free. I bought 3 PS4 game for the price of 2 on Amazon on the Tuesday or Wednesday before the PS$ launch. What you should be asking is why is there no buy to Xbox 1 games get 1 free deal. Yes it only lasted 4 hours but I had my games ready to buy as soon as the offer opened. Yes I did no have them on launch I receive them the next day. I can wait a day to save over $60 and picked up an extra controller from the savings.

  • Emmet Kleiman Emmet Kleiman 8 hours ago

    Since I started with my online business, I earn $62 every 15 minutes! My best friend has been averaging 11k for months now and he works about 20 hours a week. I can’t believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless. This is what I do…. Јоbs95.Сom

  • EngSci ETC EngSci ETC 1 day ago

    You forgot the best deal of all, $15 Bioshock series, including Infinite. Probably the best deal out there considering Steam is still selling Infinite alone for $35.

  • d s d s 1 day ago

    They probably did that since nobody bought an Xbox One lol

  • Noah Sult Noah Sult 1 day ago

    yeah over a million in one day is nobody. youre a genious

  • Banefire Banefire 1 day ago

    nice spelling, genius :D

  • I can tell you from a retail stand point Microsoft is doing a far better job at keeping the Xbox One in stock. I work for Target as a logistics manager and we have been getting X1′s at a pretty steady pace since launch AND they fly out the door as soon as they come in. Since the PS4 launch we’ve received one shipment with TWO PS4′s. They demand for both is equal. We get calls for both everyday.

  • Deranged K Deranged K 18 hours ago

    Strange I work for Walmart(Meh…) and I have a much much higher demand for PS4′s than Xbox One’s matter of fact I still have a bunch on X1′s still in stock because people who pre-ordered have not picked them up/cancelled their orders. However I will agree Microsoft is doing a better job at supplying them because I’ve only seen 1 batch of PS4′s (30 of them) and have gotten about 2 shipments of Xbone’s. Just depends on area I presume but overall Playstation is outselling the Xbox from a statistic’s standpoint.

  • Jim Dandy Jim Dandy 1 day ago

    “And that may just be Microsoft, as despite the Xbox One’s pre-launch controversies, they’ve been flying off shelves at around the same pace as Sony’s PS4 from what we know so far.”

    It depends on which source you read. Nobody is reporting that the XBox One is outselling the PS4 by any significant margin, and the sources that say the XBox One is selling at the same rate are also reporting short supplies of the PS4. This implies that the XBox One is keeping up only because the PS4 is selling out. You also mentioned “worldwide console sales”. The consoles haven’t been released worldwide yet, but the XBox One was released in Europe a little over a week ago, and the PS4 was released on Friday. The Guardian reports that the PS4 is outselling the XBox One in the UK by a comfortable margin. It’s a foregone conclusion that the PS4 will outsell in the XBox One in Asia by a very wide margin.

  • Tyson Hinton Tyson Hinton 20 hours ago

    Of course it’s outselling the Playstation 4 if they are keeping stocks much more available then Sony is.

  • Sony is doing their sales on PSN, just an FYI.

  • Dave Doris Dave Doris 1 day ago

    This article is basically an article to drum up hope for those with shares in MSFT. I guess the author owns some shares and is hoping to do a pump and dump. It’s pretty well known that the PS4 is sold out to the tune of over 1 million in the USA and Canada ,ALONE, and 2.6 million people in North America alone are still back ordered. The Xbone has already released in 14 countries and has only managed to break even. So 2 versus 14 countries makes it pretty apparent who is getting the better of the scrum so far. It’s pretty disingenuous by the author to imply the Xbone hasn’t released world wide when it has. Sony doesn’t have to drop the prices of their games right now because they are killing it in console sales. All of those people will buy the games at full price anyway. You don’t go through all of the trouble of fighting to get PS4 to have any games. I can see people picking up an Xbone instead of a PS4 purely just because the Xbones are more available. Sony has to do a better job restocking if they want to keep their edge.

  • Noah Sult Noah Sult 1 day ago

    sony fanboy.

  • Dave Doris Dave Doris 1 day ago

    facts are facts

  • Banefire Banefire 1 day ago

    Even if he is a fan of Sony, EVERYTHING he just said is the perfect truth of this situation. If Sony was able to keep stock on shelves there would be no temptation to by the many unsold Xbox1′s that are available. It’s as simple as that.

    Very well explained Dave Doris

  • Don Cortez Don Cortez 21 hours ago

    Agreed! It’s funny that when you Google “ps4″, the Forbes articles are the one that show up at the top of the results. They’re using this website as a Microsoft PR outlet. Great journalism practice Forbes…

    I guess MS needs it, since Sony is and has been stealing the show.

  • OC Guy OC Guy 21 hours ago

    The amount of countries where these systems are available does not matter in the least. Neither MS or Sony can make enough systems for the demand. MS is able to make more but not by much. Even it both MS and Sony had 2 million units of each system at launch instead of 1 million they would both have sold out just the same. MS and PS4 are BOTH “killing” it in software sales… They both keep selling out. To imply MS is putting games on sale because of a desperation move makes zero sense… To say this article was written to drum up MS stock is simply foolish on so many levels. You can go back to being a fanboy now….pathetic.

  • im sorry but where is all these unsold xbox ones I know for a fact every best buy target gamestop, walmart within 50 miles of me is sold out trust me I called them all and just because they sold in 14 countries vs playstations 2 doesn’t mean anything at least at this point it doesn’t because we wont know for sure until they catch up with demand so all these pathetic comments I see about ps4 outselling Microsoft is stupid. I honestly don’t even see why everyone on the internet is whining about this in the end does it really matter? who cares if sony sells more or Microsoft sells more I have played both consoles and both are fantastic even with a few issues each has. Im getting both consoles but I think when it comes down to it and Microsoft works out the bugs with more software updates the xbox one will appeal to more people because parents could use it for voice control and tv all in one set up while kids play games on it that reason could sell more xbox ones than ps4 which is gaming only. but I could be wrong not gonna post of forums like im speaking facts like all you people do because its just sad and pathetic and then you look like a bigger fool when you are wrong but whatever.

  • Vincent Jones Vincent Jones 17 hours ago

    The PS4 only sells more because its $100 cheaper.. Stop trying to act like there’s ANY other reason besides that. Comparing the PS4 to an X

  • Steven Steven 13 hours ago

    You fan boy on both sides just kill me. Yes, Xbox released in more countries than the PS4. Both systems have sold out. The only way you can say that the additional countries the Xbox released in helped boost sales is to assume demand for the Xbox was fully filled in the countries the PS4 sold in.
    Think of it this way. Two people each have 10 cookies to sell. One person sells 5 cookies each to 2 people. The other person sold 2 cookies each to 5 people. It would be wrong to assume the first person had better cookies to sell because he sold them to only 2 people instead of 5.
    The other problem I have is people thinking both systems sold the same number. Both companies stated they sold OVER one million units. How much over? Could the Xbox have sold 1,000,001 and the PS4 1,999,999? Sure, but we don’t know.
    People just need to let this rest. We will know what demand for the two systems actually was once stores are able to keep them in stock. That is a sign demand was met and then the numbers will actually have meant something.

  • Matt Leahy Matt Leahy 12 hours ago

    Im a Sony PS4 owner and will get an X-Box as soon as ones available. I find it amusing that any article that says the xbox may be successful gets accused of “trying to raise stocks” or “shilling for Microsoft” Is it that hard to imagine that both consoles are going to be successful?

  • IrishMcRock IrishMcRock 8 hours ago

    You do realize that the 2.6 million people waiting are not all for PS4 right? That was a quote from Game Stop, that they later clarified saying was referring to both next gen consoles. So you’re theory is cute, but wrong.

    Update: As a clarification, GameStop has informed Joystiq that the 2.3 million people on its ‘first to know’ list is for PS4 and Xbox One customers combined, not just the former.

  • Are you joking? That’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. So basically if you faced with a buying decision, two different cell phones lets say. One cost $400 and the other cost $500. Lets say the the $500 one offered a bunch of features you were interested in like a better wireless card, and was all around better at multitasking. However the $400 dollar model is great for just call quality and a couple other things. You would choose the $400 dollar model, not because of the features or anything that it does but just because it cost $100 less? No. If anyone is going to spend that much, they will pick up the system that offers the features that they care about, not just the cheapest one.

  • Here is a full list of Amazon deals:


  • Josh Simon Josh Simon 1 day ago

    How is it a desperation move considering all PS4 and Xbox One games were 10 dollars off on Black Friday on both Amazon and at Walmart?

  • Ivan Calderon Ivan Calderon 22 hours ago

    This author must have a 1 track mind. 1. There have been multiple sales for both systems games from many retailers. Target had B2G1 free the week PS4 games dropped. Toys R US had Buy 3 get a $50 gift card. Even last week Walmart had games for a flat $49. Any one with either system has found good deals for both since release.

  • Don Cortez Don Cortez 21 hours ago

    There is no doubt about it. Forbes (or the writer) have Microsoft’s interests as priority in every Xbox/PS4 article they write. It really takes away from serious reporting and journalism. No good.

    Anyway, you can be sure that the demand for the PS4 is much higher than the demand for the Xbox One. The PS4 sold out and is selling out like crazy in the US; and now that it launched in Europe, the demand there is much higher than on US soil. If Microsoft can keep up on the demand for X1, it is because the demand is lower in comparison to the PS4. (Mr. Paul Tassi, you forgot to mention this little tidbit.)

    Also, let’s not forget that every PS4 sold comes with a $10 voucher for a game download. After all, Amazon’s next-gen titles were being discounted to $49.99 (from $59.99) during Black Friday. And to me redeem those game vouchers I don’t have to wait for a specific day of the week or year.

  • David Romero David Romero 21 hours ago

    Does anyone know if there will be consoles available at 3 am?

  • Austin McCoy Austin McCoy 21 hours ago

    Totally agree with Sony not allotting enough consoles, I wish I could get one but I have to find one in stock first which seems impossible these days. Though the games themselves were discounted on amazon almost all last week so saying that Microsoft is better at marketing sales for the games themselves is not true.

  • Angel Gonzalez Angel Gonzalez 20 hours ago

    Got my games at best buy with 20% off via gamers club…2 years discount on all new games!
    Even if they are on sale!!!
    Picked up a few this past weekend new for both ps4 and Xbox one for $30!!

  • Wayne Johnson Wayne Johnson 13 hours ago

    interesting… I had bought a few PS4 games on sale already at walmart. maybe its not sony stopping amazon from doing it but microsoft?

  • James Darby James Darby 11 hours ago

    I can tell you from a retail stand point MUCH closer and relevant to the gaming industry than Target, that not only is the PS4 more sought after than the Xbox One, it dominates in ever category save multiplayer. The Xbox division of Microsoft is in peril…whispers of Microsoft selling off the division are heard around almost every corner…Not to mention if Microsoft wanted to keep up with Sony on this venture they would need to release ANOTHER console in the next 6 months with better specs…The Xbox one is more on par with the Wii U tech specwise. Lets not forget the Microsoft is paying Sony for blu-ray tech as well…So Sony makes money on Microsoft sales as well….Oh and lets also not overlook that Microsoft rushed yet another console up 7 months to meet with Ps4′s launch…thats 7 months of research and development that the XboX sorely needed. And with major software changes coming in the last few months of development intended for polishing system processes they find themselves outplayed by Sony…I sold almost 3 times as many units of Ps4′s out of my location than XboX Ones and still keep the Ones on hand as every seeks Ps4′s. Sony had this launch won back in June, they learned from their past mistakes…if only Microsoft could do they same.

    Oh and this….
    XboX 360…1090p
    Xbox One 720p

    Seems like a legit jump forward for Next Gen

  • Lance Gentry Lance Gentry 10 hours ago

    I appreciate your article, but let’s not read too much into the game pricing. Unless Sony is engaged in price fixing (illegal in the US and many other places), the decision to have sales (or not) is completely up to the retailer. So – again assuming all companies are complying with US law – the sale on some Xbox One games and the lack of one for PS4 games on Amazon is completely up to Amazon. If Microsoft or Sony protested this, they could be investigated and/or prosecuted by the US government.

    Based on your findings, the interesting question to me is why Amazon decided to have a sale on Xbox One games, but not PS4 games. Are they selling more this way? Do they have a larger inventory?

  • Seems like the X-box is doomed in the fight against the ps4,
    at least that’s what most people here think:

  • Joseph Bond Joseph Bond 6 hours ago

    I will go with smart play on MS’s part.

  • EngSci ETC EngSci ETC 3 hours ago

    Looks like the author needed to double check those “deals”… Battlefield 4 was $5 cheaper in the week before this “deal”, Final Fantasy 14 was the same price, and CoD:Ghosts was $15 cheaper. The Elder Scrolls Anthology was half the price during a lightning deal a few days ago!