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Ron Miller

A freelance technology writer since 1988 and EContent Contributing Editor, Ron Miller writes regularly for publications such as eWeek, EMedia, Business Week Small Biz, Linux Pipeline, and Federal Computer Week. In addition, he has developed documentation, online help, and training for a variety of companies. 

You can learn more by visiting www.ronsmiller.com. Visit Ron's blog at http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/.

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Articles by Ron Miller

As we went to press, news broke that the partner of The Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald--who helped release the Edward Snowden revelations--had been detained under British anti-terrorism laws while traveling through England on his way home to Brazil. The episode was designed to send a message to Greenwald (and all journalists) that if you publish sensitive documents, we will come after you. Just to make sure the message was clear, the border police held Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, for almost the entire 9 hours the law allowed under section 7 of the U.K.'s Terrorism Act 2000.
Column/Media Redux - Posted Nov 05, 2013
As this issue of EContent went to press, American media consumers were reeling from several fairly emotional stories. The Zimmerman verdict had been handed down, the Snowden revelations still resonated, and Rolling Stone had just released a cover story featuring Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. What these three stories had in common, aside from their obvious news value, was the way the public reacted to them and the way that reaction reverberated across the social web.
Column/Media Redux - October 2013 Issue, Posted Oct 01, 2013
My wife and I recently began the college search with our youngest child and toured two very similar schools: Marymount Manhattan College and Emerson College. I was encouraged that they both seemed to mix real-world experience with classroom learning, a combination that I think is essential in today's job market. However, I was troubled that one seemed fixated on the jobs of yesterday, while the other seemed more focused on the careers of tomorrow.
Column/Media Redux - September 2013 Issue, Posted Sep 03, 2013
When you think of the Pulitzer Prize, you probably envision large news organizations with deep pockets running in-depth investigative series and being rewarded for them with the industry's most prestigious prize. But this year, you'd be wrong. A small company with just seven employees, only three of whom are full-time reporters, took home the prize, beating its better financed competitors.
Column/Media Redux - July/August 2013 Issue, Posted Aug 06, 2013
Internet disruption could be accused of being a serial killer. Its most recent victim is the venerable alternative weekly The Boston Phoenix. The paper, launched in 1966 during another time of change and upheaval, died a slow and painful death by internet disruption.

It's ironic in a way, that The Phoenix, which was born as an alternative to the traditional daily newspaper, was itself eventually fatally disrupted.

Column/Media Redux - June 2013 Issue, Posted Jun 04, 2013
One of the great dilemmas facing traditional print media is the idea that the internet makes everyone a publisher-writers are no longer beholden to publishers who guard the gate to large printing and distribution systems. In the mobile age, publishing capabilities literally sit in the palm of your hand--and when you add the ability to develop large networks via social media and substantial self-funding sources, the game has changed completely.
Column/Media Redux - May 2013 Issue, Posted May 07, 2013
This past week, as I was considering what to write for my column, I scored what I call a homerun post. It took off and amassed more than 24,000 page views at last count. I had another that barely broke 200. So it goes in the world of writing on the web.
Column/Media Redux - April 2013 Issue, Posted Apr 02, 2013
As I write this column, the Newtown, Conn., shooting tragedy is still a raw, gaping wound in the national consciousness. We have seen the face of evil, and those of us in the press who cover breaking news have been left to report on the horror. I'm sad to say we haven't always done it elegantly or with compassion for the victims or their families. What's worse, in an effort to be first, blatantly wrong information was published.
Column/Media Redux - March 2013 Issue, Posted Mar 05, 2013
Every modern journalist needs a certain set of key skills. Certainly you have to know your way around social media to publicize your work, but these days, you also need to be able understand and make use of data.
Column/Media Redux - January/February 2013 Issue, Posted Jan 15, 2013
In my last column, I discussed some fundamental rules that remain in place even as journalism is changing before our eyes. But as the role of journalism changes, we are still bringing new generations of journalists into the fold--and I happen to have one in my own house.
Column/Media Redux - December 2012 Issue, Posted Dec 04, 2012
There is little doubt that we are living in a new age of journalism. The internet has clearly put pressure on traditional publications. Stories are published faster. There is less fact-checking and editorial oversight. Virtually anyone with even a hint of technical savvy can publish to the web. Many of the more traditional rules of journalism have gone by the wayside, and while much of this change is positive, that doesn't mean all of the old rules don't still apply. Some should remain guiding lights, regardless of the medium, but too often lately we have seen modern journalism steer off course.
Column/Media Redux - November 2012 Issue, Posted Nov 06, 2012
I read several books during my summer vacation. And each time I came across a passage about a person reading a newspaper over breakfast, I checked the copyright page at the front of the book. You just don't see people casually reading the paper over coffee anymore-at least not in the U.S. It's a quaint vestige of an earlier, slower time.The daily newspaper has been replaced by the internet. People don't even casually eat breakfast anymore. They grab a coffee, probably at a chain such as Starbucks, and chug it on the run. They get their news on their mobile devices or laptops.
Column/Media Redux - October 2012 Issue, Posted Oct 02, 2012
MSNBC (now known as NBC News) has learned to embrace analytics and social media to help drive traffic to its various properties, and if you're smart, you should be doing the same thing with your websites.
Column/Media Redux - September 2012 Issue, Posted Sep 04, 2012
I continue to be amazed by the inability of big media in general—and newspapers in particular—to understand the internet. This is 2012 after all. The web is more than 20 years old now—old enough to drink. You would think we would have arrived at some basic level of knowledge about how to use the most important communication tool of our time—but no, apparently not.
Column/Media Redux - July/August 2012 Issue, Posted Jul 03, 2012
I'm in the process of reading Walter Isaacson's excellent biography of the contradictory and unpredictable man that was Steve Jobs. Isaacson wrote that in 2010, wracked with cancer, Jobs was on a mission to accomplish as much as he could before he died-and to that end he turned his keen attention to journalism.
Column/Media Redux - June 2012 Issue, Posted Jun 05, 2012
As we watch newspapers continue to struggle with the digital transformation, it's worth looking at another time in history when newspapers grappled with a disruptive technology. That's right, the introduction of the internet was not the first time newspapers were rocked by revolutionary upheaval. In the middle of the 19th century, as the telegraph started to take hold, newspapers initially saw it as a threat before coming to a realization: It could actually transform the industry. Sound familiar?
Column/Media Redux - May 2012 Issue, Posted May 08, 2012
You wouldn't know it to hear publishers griping, but newspapers have a long history of giving away content-or at least selling it on the cheap. That didn't change with the internet; what's really changed is the advertising model.Think about how newspapers were sold in the 20th century. The newsstand cost was actually very cheap, perhaps 25 cents a copy -- and sometimes it was free -- so the subscription revenue was never much to speak of.
Column/Media Redux - April 2012 Issue, Posted Apr 03, 2012
When it comes to defining old media, you don't get much older or stodgier than The Associated Press (AP), which has been delivering the news for 165 years. In December 2011, it decided to finally join us in the 21st century by defining a new policy that would go beyond merely breaking a story first and go so far as to add value to it with analysis, video, and more.
Column/Media Redux - March 2012 Issue, Posted Feb 28, 2012
Guess what's back in vogue: that lovely old chestnut, the paywall. In September, The Boston Globe announced it was putting up a paywall for its new http://bostonglobe.com website, leaving the very popular http://boston.com intact but apparently with less free content.It's part of a trend we are seeing in the newspaper world. Desperate to find new sources of revenue, traditional media is trying the tried-and-true paywall. The New York Times--which owns The Boston Globe by the way--made the transition last spring, but this was a paywall with a twist. It wasn't so much a wall as maybe a hedge.
Column/Media Redux - December 2011 Issue, Posted Jan 31, 2012
There seems little doubt that the advent of tablets, the ultimate media consumption device, had a positive impact on the news business. But until the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, in collaboration with The Economist Group, released a study in October, the exact impact was mere speculation.
Column/Media Redux - January/February 2012 Issue, Posted Jan 31, 2012
It seems baffling to me that in 2011 there are media companies that are still so clueless about the realities of digital publishing. In fact, many act surprised, as though it's something new that just dropped into their laps rather than a transition that's been happening over the past decade.
Column/Media Redux - October 2011 Issue, Posted Oct 17, 2011
For many years it seems, AOL has been a brand in search of a business model. For a time it appeared to be stockpiling journalists and properties in order to become a go-to destination for online journalism. But when the "AOL Way" memo leaked in February, it showed a far different picture.
Column/Media Redux - June 2011 Issue, Posted Jun 20, 2011
Last December, WikiLeaks stirred up debate when it, once again, released sensitive government documents to the world. Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' editor-in-chief, quickly became a public enemy, and the story brought up a wide range of issues about the role of journalists, governments, and the freedom of the press. The leak, however, also raised the question of just what a publication is in the eyes of the government and if press freedom should extend to web-only publications, especially when they may not be based in the U.S. (or anywhere else, in this case).
Column/Media Redux - March 2011 Issue, Posted Mar 15, 2011
Consider the value if you could learn about the world around you based on where you are using the GPS capability in your smartphone. Imagine for a minute holding up your phone and having relevant content delivered to you based on your physical location at any given moment. There are complex and useful applications of the location dynamic beyond simply communicating "I'm here."
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2011 Issue, Posted Feb 03, 2011
As we head into the homestretch of 2010, we've seen a lot of activity in the journalism world—many experiments and attempts to find a working, profitable content creation and delivery model. Maybe we've finally gotten past the blame game and gotten to the point where we are actually looking for answers. The problem, however, remains a stubborn adherence to the idea of maintaining control over the content. With few exceptions, publishers seemed focused on finding new ways to lock down content.
Column/Media Redux - December 2010 Issue, Posted Nov 22, 2010
By the time the media industry caught up with the profound changes brought on by the World Wide Web, it was late in the game and they were forced to play catch-up with lean web-native startups that understand the delivery channel much better than they do. The main issue was (and remains) that traditional media companies viewed the web as a separate channel.
Column/Media Redux - October 2010 Issue, Posted Oct 15, 2010
Rupert Murdoch threw his annual anti-Google hissy fit this past April, when he screamed to anyone who would listen that Google is stealing his content. As usual, it was timed to coincide with the annual meeting of the American Society of News Editors (ASNE). Excuse me while I yawn.
Column/Media Redux - July/August 2010 Issue, Posted Jul 09, 2010
The number of mobile app downloads will increase from 7 billion in 2009 to an astonishing 50 billion in 2012. That translates into a $17.5 billion market by 2012. Even if these numbers are wildly exaggerated, and there is no reason to believe they are, this is a huge market and it's no wonder content providers everywhere are clamoring for a piece of this action. These numbers are enough to get anyone's attention, but there are many roads that can lead to app success… or failure, so content players need to get an accurate lay of the land.
Editorial/Feature - June 2010 Issue, Posted May 26, 2010
Think about the last time you ran into a registration wall. How did you react? If you're like me, chances are you gave up and left. Yet newspapers and magazines are deluding themselves into thinking that pay walls will suddenly, magically be the solution to their revenue crisis this year. To put it mildly, I'm dubious about this scheme.
Column/Media Redux - May 2010 Issue, Posted May 03, 2010
What would happen to content providers such as News Corp. if Google went away tomorrow? Would they be better off, or would they be back where they started?
Column/Media Redux - March 2010 Issue, Posted Mar 04, 2010
Let's not pull any punches: It's been a horrible year for newspapers. We've watched as one newspaper after another has closed down or gone to a limited online-only model. Newspapers are suddenly frantic to find a way to make money online, as though the commercial web is something that came along last month instead of 15 years ago.
Column/Media Redux - December 2009 Issue, Posted Nov 24, 2009
Until fairly recently, if you wanted to publish a news article or magazine feature, it required a large staff and huge presses housed in vast buildings. It took great wealth to buy the means to publish and a factorylike process to sell the ads, produce the news, and distribute the product. Because newspaper production was well beyond the means of most people, we relied on newspaper and magazine publishing companies with the requisite resources to produce the news for us, and in return, they charged large sums of money for display and classified ads-and they thrived. Today, that's all changed.
Editorial/Feature - October 2009 Issue, Posted Sep 28, 2009
The web has radically transformed the way we think about content creation; we have witnessed the democratization of media. We are no longer bound to the owners of the press to print our writing because today, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can be a publisher. Yet most academics still find themselves constricted by the 20th-century system.
Editorial/Feature - April 2009 Issue, Posted Apr 06, 2009
As we enter 2009, it's clear to any reputable scientist that our planet is in peril. Individuals and institutions alike—have begun to look at ways to reduce our impact on the planet. The publishing industry is no different, and there are a number of ways that it is working to minimize its negative impact.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2009 Issue, Posted Jan 28, 2009
Take a closer look at TransMedia Corp., one of the 12 companies that inspired the most banter among the EContent 100 judges during the voting process.
Editorial/Feature - December 2008 Issue, Posted Dec 01, 2008
We find ourselves perched on the crest of a third web wave, one that could take this social web even further by adding a semantic layer, in which the underlying systems begin to have an inherent semantic understanding of the content and take us to what we need without even being told what we want.
Editorial/Feature - October 2008 Issue, Posted Oct 02, 2008
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to build your company's brand and corporate identity. When you move into foreign markets, you don't want your message to get garbled—literally lost in translation. As with any complex business problem, technology can help, but it only takes you so far.
Editorial/Feature - Sept 2008 Issue, Posted Sep 08, 2008
As Web 2.0 tools have developed, audiences have grown to expect to be involved. While many new businesses have developed around this idea, traditional media has had little choice but to jump on the bandwagon. The results have been mixed, but companies new and old are finding ways to leverage community for content and revenue.
Editorial/Feature - July/August 2008 Issue, Posted Jul 08, 2008
A study conducted by AIIM in May has found that enterprise search is still lags behind consumer-oriented search when it comes to helping people find the information they need inside the firewall, but enterprise employees may have unreasonable expectations based on their experiences on the consumer web.
News/News Feature - Posted Jun 27, 2008
Managing rich media is no longer just an issue faced by entertainment companies; it is becoming a widespread enterprise content management problem, with rich media files entering the enterprise content repository in ever-growing megabytes. Organizations need to plan for managing these assets to maximize their overall content management initiatives.
Editorial/Feature - June 2008 Issue, Posted Jun 06, 2008
The free flow of information is the lifeblood of any organization, but it's critical that organizationshave a way to ensure control of documents wherever they travel. This is where Information Rights Management (IRM) comes into play.
Editorial/Feature - May 2008 Issue, Posted Apr 29, 2008
Writers, consultants and EMC employees gathered at the Nine Zero Hotel in Boston last Friday for the Content Management Writers' Summit to discuss the future of enterprise content management (ECM) in general with a focus on where EMC hopes to take the EMC-Documentum platform.
News/News Feature - Posted Apr 11, 2008
Changes in Microsoft Office and increasing comfort with web-based business tools could well provide an opportunity for online-only office suite vendors to make inroads into professional environments, but are these tools ready for the enterprise?
Editorial/Feature - April 2008 Issue, Posted Mar 21, 2008
Given the wide range of content and the many different objectives, it is difficult to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) on content. One way to get a handle on this information is to use web analytics software to help you identify a range of metrics that, depending on your goals, help you decide if you are getting a decent ROI.
Editorial/Feature - March 2008 Issue, Posted Mar 04, 2008
It takes more than desire to move your business into other countries. Companies that successfully transition to world markets understand the cultural, legal, and linguistic differences across these different markets. Further, they build technology and content infrastructure to support a global presence.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2008 Issue, Posted Jan 24, 2008
A closer look at Adobe, which offers the premiere tools for desktop content creation across all platforms.
Editorial/Feature - December 2007 Issue, Posted Nov 14, 2007
A closer look at Near-Time, which is trying to help business users tap their promise by offering a way to build wikis as publishing and collaboration platforms without IT help.
Editorial/Feature - December 2007 Issue, Posted Nov 14, 2007
Customer relationship management and content management have traveled parallel paths inside the enterprise. Though the two systems have a great deal in common, they rarely interacted, until now.
Editorial/Feature - October 2007 Issue, Posted Oct 02, 2007
Insights into the difficult process of ECM purchase and implementation from industry experts.
Editorial/Feature - October 2007 Issue, Posted Oct 02, 2007
In the beginning, there was text search and we had some keywords and a title and it was good. Then we came to expect full-text search. Now, the content that people want to find—inside and outside the enterprise—has grown to include audio and video, and search technologies are struggling to keep up with expectations.
Editorial/Feature - June 2007 Issue, Posted May 15, 2007
Not all that long ago, content flowed one way. These days, however, content is a two-way street. The trick is how to avoid content traffic jams.
Editorial/Feature - May 2007 Issue, Posted May 08, 2007
In the wake of the Kathy Sierra incident—in which a female technology blogger received misogynistic hate comments on her Creating Passionate Users blog, and elsewhere on the internet, that eventually escalated to death threats—publisher Tim O'Reilly has proposed a blogger code of conduct to address issues of incivility, misogyny, and racism in blogs.
News/News Feature - May 2007 Issue, Posted Apr 18, 2007
When most of us think of content management, we think of the enterprise variety—a large database repository for all of our documents—or we think of the web type, which manages our web content from the back end. However, another type of content management has emerged, one that has been specifically designed to let users slice, dice, and reuse information at virtually whatever level of granularity they desire.
Editorial/Feature - April 2007 Issue, Posted Apr 06, 2007
Chances are, if you have done something with your computer, determined investigators will find it. In fact, a whole industry has developed around helping government, law enforcement, and enterprises follow digital evidence trails and extract the bits and bytes that trace the path of our digital lives.
Editorial/Feature - March 2007 Issue, Posted Feb 27, 2007
Businesses today face a monumental challenge trying to contain and secure confidential content in a high-tech enterprise setting. With more content in motion via email and a variety of devices, the need has never been greater to develop policies and employ solutions to protect sensitive information.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2007 Issue, Posted Jan 19, 2007
Times have sure changed since archiving records meant organizing paper files and boxing them up for storage. Today, companies must cope with electronic records including emails, instant messaging, and local and online documents—all compounded by compliance requirements. It’s high time to get these records under control.
Editorial/Feature - October 2006 Issue, Posted Oct 10, 2006
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, provides an outlet for publishers to distribute their content to a wide audience without worrying about email subscriptions or spam filters. Unfortunately, RSS may well have made it easier for unscrupulous website owners to steal content.
Editorial/Feature - September 2006 Issue, Posted Aug 29, 2006
Whether by acquisition, merger, or the expanding global marketplace, more and more companies find themselves handling content in multiple languages. Managing multilingual content adds (at least) a layer of complexity to the overall content management process. Fortunately, there are systems available that involve both CMS vendors and translation service providers to bring the process under control.
Editorial/Feature - July/August 2006 Issue, Posted Jul 25, 2006
While enterprise search technology has been capable of searching multiple repositories for some time, it required a great deal of programming overhead and didn’t necessarily allow users to manipulate the results. XML and other Web Services have changed all that, enabling more effectual search results.
Editorial/Feature - June 2006 Issue, Posted May 23, 2006
As digital asset collections grow, it becomes increasingly important to build a digital asset management system (DAM) with strong classification, taxonomy, and search components to help you locate an asset whenever you need it. Yet digital assets present a unique search problem, requiring a strategy all its own.
Editorial/Feature - May 2006 Issue, Posted May 02, 2006
For years, the ebook industry has been trying to bring ebooks into the mainstream, but hardware issues with the reader devices have held back widespread adoption. This could change this year when Sony debuts its reader featuring E Ink screen technology this Spring.
News/News Feature - April 2006 Issue, Posted Mar 28, 2006
Rich Internet Applications increasingly provide access to applications of all sorts—from email to mission-critical ones—via Web interfaces. This article takes a look at the burgeoning Rich Internet Application (RIA) space and explores some of the reasons for its growing popularity.
Editorial/Feature - April 2006 Issue, Posted Mar 27, 2006
Consider for a moment how many visual cues you rely on when accessing a Web site. Without even thinking, your eyes quickly scan navigation menus, examine main headings, spy the search box, and skim over other links. Now imagine, if you can, what it would be like if you couldn’t use a mouse and needed to use only your keyboard to move around a Web site. It would be, as one Web accessibility expert put it, like looking at a Web site through a soda straw.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2006 Issue, Posted Jan 16, 2006
When you think of KM, you probably think of the corporate variety, but there is also a more personal type of knowledge management whereby individual workers try to keep track of the information they encounter in their daily work lives, and more importantly, make intelligent use of that information.
Editorial/Feature - November 2005 Issue, Posted Nov 01, 2005
Why bother with all the issues of installation and upgrades, server maintenance and security, when for a fee, you could let the vendor take care of it all? However, hosted CMS is certainly not for everyone as—right or wrong—concerns about hosting linger.
Editorial/Feature - October 2005 Issue, Posted Oct 10, 2005
There are always myriad issues involved (from the technical to the philosophical) when it comes to moving content across disparate systems, but these problems come into glaring focus when the content includes confidential medical data.
Editorial/Feature - September 2005 Issue, Posted Sep 02, 2005
Back in 2000 when it looked as though the entire world’s content would soon be digitized, a myth developed that in the not-too-distant future, paper books would be supplanted by ebooks. While this hasn't come to pass, ebooks have wormed their way into the reference market and may have found a home.
Editorial/Feature - July/August 2005 Issue, Posted Aug 10, 2005
The BBC recently launched a trial program called BBC Backstage that allows developers to use some BBC content free of charge for non-commercial purposes. The BBC hopes the program encourages creativity and produces interesting ways to use its content in the same spirit in which Google and Amazon (and others) have opened up their application program interfaces (APIs) to developers.
News/News Feature - July/August 2004 Issue, Posted Jul 25, 2005
When Ourmedia.org launched this past March, it provided a free space for creators of all types of content—including video, audio, and the written word—to distribute their content. Perhaps more importantly, however, it stepped in to fill an emerging need for a forum in which to discuss the best ways to create, produce, and distribute content.
News/News Feature - June 2005 Issue, Posted Jun 09, 2005
Citizen Journalism provides a place for people to celebrate the ordinary victories in their lives, a forum for discussing local political issues, coverage that specifically suits its local readership, and a way to connect people to one another—all things found wanting in a world dominated by big media monopolies. This budding phenomenon supports the community along with a new journalistic business model. Ron miller
Editorial/Feature - June 2005 Issue, Posted Jun 07, 2005
It was not that long ago when PC users were pleading for decent consumer desktop search tools—software that provides a way to search your hard drive the same way you do the Internet. But with the exception of a few companies, nobody seemed to be heeding the call, not even the big names in Internet search: Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. Then suddenly last summer, that all changed, starting with Copernic’s release of a free desktop search tool. By the end of last year in flurry of releases, the big three followed with branded offerings. Others, including AOL and Ask, released tools as well. Some developed their own, while others purchased a solution or licensed one from another vendor. But in the course of a few months, we went from a sparsely populated desktop search marketplace to one crowded with solutions.
Editorial/Feature - May 2005 Issue, Posted May 16, 2005
Local search technology, which has been growing in popularity, is all about bringing information about where you live into your search parameters. For example, you can find a doctor or a florist in your area, get their phone number, a map with directions, and in some cases, access reviews of the business.
Editorial/Feature - May 2005 Issue, Posted May 16, 2005
At a time when anyone with a computer and a bit of Internet know-how can access an ever-expanding world of free content, you may wonder how fee-based content services survive. They are doing it through innovation and by finding ways to better aggregate, filter, and deliver content in ways that the free Internet does not offer.
Editorial/Feature - April 2005 Issue, Posted Apr 18, 2005
As automotive entertainment and information options grow from your basic AM/FM radio and CD player to include GPS devices, backseat DVD players, satellite TV and radio, and even hard drives, the industry is on the lookout for content that appeals to drivers and passengers. With this potential for a near-captive audience at stake, the automotive market has just started to heat up.
News/News Feature - January/February 2005 Issue, Posted Feb 24, 2005
Open source isn’t for everybody, but for a growing number of organizatons, taking the open road can lead to a customized CM solution.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2005 Issue, Posted Feb 18, 2005
Matrix Semiconductor, Inc. has introduced a low-cost, write-once flash memory chip called Matrix 3-D Memory (3DM) that could create an important new content delivery platform for devices such as cell phones, PDAs, and media players equipped with a memory card slot.
News/News Feature - November 2004 Issue, Posted Nov 02, 2004
The overriding goal of implementing CM, CRM, KM, BPM, and collaboration technologies is to make enterprise employees operate more efficiently, but sometimes in spite of all these databases and information repositories and graphical front-ends, business needs to get done with good old-fashioned, one-to-one human communication. But do how do you make the connection? Somewhere in the organization is someone who has an answer, if only you knew who that person is or even how to look for him/her. The answer may lie in a growing niche market known as Expert Locator software.
Editorial/Feature - November 2004 Issue, Posted Oct 27, 2004
The Adobe PDF has become the de facto standard for distributing documents on the Web. Yet the story can’t simply end there, can it? Surely technology must find a way for digital publishing to evolve, and, in fact, there are a number of competing and complementary technologies on the market that push the digital delivery methodology well beyond the elementary PDF.
Editorial/Feature - July/August 2004 Issue, Posted Aug 11, 2004
Ofcom, the regulatory agency for the U.K. communications industries, has proposed a universal content tagging system, according to a consultation document on their Web site. Although this is still very much at the preliminary stage, one of the goals of the proposal is to provide a way to label content that might be offensive or inappropriate, ostensibly to protect young people using electronic media.
News/News Feature - July/August 2004 Issue, Posted Jul 26, 2004
Later this year, Adobe plans release a series of new 2D barcode technology products dubbed the Intelligent Document Platform. The product line, which was beta released at the March AIIM On Demand show, is aimed at government and enterprise users who have to process a mix of online and offline forms.
News/News Feature - June 2004 Issue, Posted Jun 01, 2004
When you think about it, a Web site’s primary purpose is to provide content to visitors, but the real trick is presenting the most relevant content for any given visitor at any particular moment in time. While the objective may be clear, the process of generating dynamic content isn’t.
Editorial/Feature - May 2004 Issue, Posted May 12, 2004
In stark contrast to last year’s show, when economic concerns (and terrible weather) kept people away, this year’s AIIM On Demand Conference and Expo, held in New York City March 8-10, featured crowded hallways and standing room-only attendance at many vendor presentations.
News/News Feature - May 2004 Issue, Posted May 01, 2004
In an effort to simplify the searching process and bring more meaning and context to the results, a number of search engines and tools have been developed over the last several years that present a visual map of the results, rather than a text list.
Editorial/Feature - April 2004 Issue, Posted Apr 07, 2004
Safari Books Online, a joint venture between technology book publishing giants O’Reilly and Pearson Technologies, has managed to succeed in the ebook market where so many others have failed.
News/News Feature - April 2004 Issue, Posted Mar 15, 2004
Today’s enterprise employees have more information at their fingertips than at any point in history. While this information can certainly help companies, how is an individual or even a large group able to keep up with the volume? One way may be with RSS.
Editorial/Feature - March 2004 Issue, Posted Mar 08, 2004
NewsGator, makers of the NewsGator news aggregator, announced the release of version 2.0 in February, adding a slew of significant new features.
News/News Feature - March 2004 Issue, Posted Mar 05, 2004
Take a look at three content management scenarios in vertical markets that each has unique needs in order to help make a decision about the content management solution that will be right for your organization.
Editorial/Feature - January/February 2004 Issue, Posted Feb 02, 2004
A great deal of business content is unstructured information or, even harder to pin down, it’s somewhere out on the World Wide Web waiting to be found. There exists a range of business intelligence software available to help companies use this information to run their businesses more efficiently.
Editorial/Feature - November 2003 Issue, Posted Nov 12, 2003
Until recently, weblogs were primarily the domain of a tightly knit community of personal bloggers offering their insight and opinions, but they are finding their way into the workplace as organizations begin to recognize their promise as an inexpensive way to communicate information about dynamic events.
Editorial/Feature - October 2003 Issue, Posted Oct 20, 2003
Once the province of teenagers, IM has percolated through the mainstream until, by natural extension, it has reached into the enterprise.
Editorial/Feature - August/September 2003 Issue, Posted Sep 17, 2003
Perhaps no group of workers needs quicker access to accurate, current information than medical professionals. So it comes as little surprise that the medical community has been among the early adopters of mobile content.
Editorial/Feature - August/September 2003 Issue, Posted Sep 10, 2003
An incredible number of companies today have corporate portals, yet despite widespread deployment, they remain an enigma. Even with this huge commitment of money and resources, companies often find that their portals remain underutilized.
Editorial/Feature - June 2003 Issue, Posted Jun 23, 2003
The 2003 AIIM Enterprise Content Management conference in New York City April 7-9 shed light on some emerging themes in the ECM market.
News/News Feature - June 2003 Issue, Posted May 22, 2003
A look at seven CM case studies in an effort to demonstrate content management’s objectives and abilities in helping solve some of the diverse informational and data problems faced by institutions and businesses today.
Editorial/Feature - May 2003 Issue, Posted May 19, 2003
Dave Shaffer, currently the chief executive officer for Thomson Financial, has worn many hats at The Thomson Corporation. Under Shaffer’s leadership, the company recently announced a deal with Merrill Lynch that sends a clear message to the econtent industry: There’s money to be made with the right content, audience, and delivery formula. We spoke to Shaffer about the electronic content industry and he offers his views on the current state of the industry.
Editorial/Feature - April 2003 Issue, Posted Apr 23, 2003
More and more, enterprise IT departments must find a way to integrate data across different platforms from a variety of data sources and many are turning to XML as an integration tool.
Editorial/Feature - March 2003 Issue, Posted Apr 01, 2003
The role of content producer is changing with the evolution of digital content distribution options, especially given the growing popularity of the enewsletter as a business-communication method.
Editorial/Feature - February 2003 Issue, Posted Feb 01, 2003
Crucial business is being conducted via email. With all this information inaccessible to the rest of the enterprise, locked inside applications sitting on desktops or corporate email servers, email has emerged as a content and knowledge management issue.
Editorial/Feature - January 2003 Issue, Posted Jan 01, 2003
News/News Feature - August 2002 Issue, Posted Aug 01, 2002
News/News Feature - July 2002 Issue, Posted Jul 01, 2002