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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]



Salisbury is a small settlement situated between the main road passing south through Kingsdown, and the Timaru-Pareora road, which leads through Beaconsfield village. The district is devoted to sheep breeding and mixed farming, and is about four miles from Timaru. The country is undulating, and the settlers have a local school and a post office.

The Post Office at Salisbury was established on the 28th of September, 1899, and is conducted at the school house, three miles and a half from Timaru. A mail is received and despatched daily.

The Salisbury Public School was established in 1899, and stands on part of a section of two acres of land. The building is of wood and iron and contains a porch and a class room, with seating accommodation for fifty pupils. The number on the roll is twenty-eight, and the average attendance twenty-four. There are some well grown shelter trees on the property, and part of the playground is nicely laid out in flower beds, which are looked after by the children.

Miss Emma Gilmore Campbell, Teacher in charge, and post mistress at Salisbury, was born in Belfast, Ireland, and in 1876, when an infant, was brought by her parents to Lyttelton by the ship “Conflict.” The family settled in Timaru, where Miss Campbell served a four years' pupil-teachership at the Timaru Main School. She was for five years subsequently assistant mistress at Tomuka, and on the opening of the school at Salisbury she was appointed to her present position.


Goodwin, Edward Mallaby, Farmer, “Huyton,” Salisbury. The subject of this notice was born at Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, in 1857, and was educated privately. Arriving in New Zealand in 1879, he shortly afterwards took up the “Cracroft” sheep station at Rangitata, where he lived for fifteen years. The property on which he resides was purchased in 1897, and its area is 300 acres. The residence, which is entirely of stone, is considered one of the finest in the district. While living at Rangitata, Mr. Goodwin was a member of the local road board.

Parry, Rupert, Farmer, Salisbury. Mr. Parry was born in April, 1853, at the Hurst, page 1037 Shropshire, England. He was brought up to farming by his father, and in 1881 came to New Zealand, via Melbourne, and settled in the Timaru district. Mr. Parry has been well known as a sheep importer and breeder of Shropshire Downs. Since 1894 he has imported five pedigree rams, and has frequently been a prize-taker at Canterbury shows. He has long been a member of the Timaru and Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Associations, and has served on the committee of the Timaru Association for several years. Mr. Parry was married, in 1881, to a daughter of Mr. John Price, of Reabrook, Shropshire, England, and has four sons.

Ferrier, photo.Mr. R. Parry.

Ferrier, photo.
Mr. R. Parry.

Stericker, Edward Glaves, J.P., Farmer, “Sutton Farm,” Salisbury. Mr. Stericker was born in 1830, in Yorkshire, where his father was a large farmer, and was brought up as a tea-taster. He came to Lyttelton in 1853 by the ship “John Taylor,” and in 1857 entered into partnership with Mr. George Hall, brother of Sir John Hall. They took up a station in the Mackenzle country, which they subsequently sold. Mr. Stericker then bought his present property of 450 acres. He was a member of the old provincial council, and was captain of the first volunteer corps enrolled at Timaru, and was made a J.P. in 1860, when Sir George Grey was Governor. For years he was a member of the local agricultural society. As a Freemason, he belonged to Lodge Globe, Scarborough, England, and also to the first lodge in Christchurch, which was located in Hereford Street. Mr. Stericker was married in New Zealand, and has four children. Mrs Stericker died in 1887.

Talbot, George, Farmer, Enfield, Salisbury. Mr. Talbot was born in Devonshire, England, in 1847, and educated and brought up in his native country. He came to Lyttelton in 1862, by the ship “Zealandia,” and for several years was in partnership with his brother, Mr. J. Talbot, until he commenced farming on his own account in the Selwyn district. About the year 1870 Mr. Talbot removed to South Canterbury and farmed for a number of years in the Kingsdown district. In 1882 he removed to Salisbury, where he now farms 1200 acres of freehold land. He has served as a member of the committee of the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and has also been on the local school committee. Mr. Talbot was married, in 1878, to a daughter of Mr. Samuel McCullough, and has four sons and three daughters.