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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. William Shephard

Mr. William Shephard, Postmaster at Adair, was born at Glossop, Derbyshire, England, and was brought up to the grocery trade. He arrived at Lyttelton in 1863, in the ship “Captain Cook,” and found employment at his trade for some time. After some experience at the Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast diggings, he settled at Timaru, where he began as a gardener and seed grower, and he has since supplied seeds and plants throughout the district. On the foundation of the Adair settlement, Mr. Shephard became one of the earliest selectors. He secured a fine section of over twenty-two acres, which he has since cultivated, and on a part of which his residence stands. He has taken a prominent interest in the welfare, of his district, and it was mainly due to his efforts that the local school was established, on the committee of which he served for five years, and acted also as its secretary. Mr. Shephard was married, in 1868, to a daughter of the late Mr. John Dillon, of Ireland, and has two daughters.