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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

[Hakataramea Valley]

Hakataramea Valley extends along the course of the river of that name for a distance of over forty miles above its confluence with the Waitaki. It is approached by a steeply graded road, over the saddle, from the Hakataramea township. The valley is good grazing and agricultural country, and the climate is noted for its dryness, purity and healthfulness. There is a public school centrally situated in the lower portion of the valley, where the settlers are most numerous; and there is a store a few miles higher up. The Hakataramea Valley is in the Hakataramea riding of the Waimate county, and in the electorate of Waitaki.

The Hakakataramea Valley Public School was established in September, 1884. It is constructed of wood and iron, and contains a class room and a porch, with accommodation for forty children; there are twenty-six on the roll, and the average attendance for 1902 was twenty-five. Ten acres of land are attached to the school, and a shelter-shed stands in the playground.

Mr. James Riordan, Teacher in charge of the Hakataramea Valley school, was born in Temuka, in 1880. He was educated at Geraldine, where he served his pupil-teachership, and was appointed to Hakataramea Valley in August, 1901.