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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]



Bothaway, George, Junior, Sheepfarmer, Geraldine. Mr. Bothaway is the eldest son of Mr. George Bothaway, a very old and respected settler of Pleasant Point, and was born there in 1872. He received his training on his father's farm, but since he was eighteen years of age, has been working on his own account. In 1894, he removed to Geraldine, where he engaged in sheep dealing. For many years he has been a member of the Oddfellows' lodge at Geraldine. He was married in 1894, to Miss Briggs, daughter of Mr. Thomas Briggs, of Ashburton, and has three children.

Ferrier, photo.Mr. G. Bothaway, Junr.

Ferrier, photo.
Mr. G. Bothaway, Junr.

Four Peaks Station, Te Moana, near Geraldine. This estate is owned by the Hon. Lancelot Walker, and comprises about 3270 acres of freehold and 19,000 acres of leasehold land. From 11,000 to 12,000 sheep, chiefly Merinos and half breds, are run on the estate. The homestead comprises the residence of the Hon. Mr Walker, the manager's house and a large number of outbuildings. A portion of the estate has been cultivated with good results, and the crops average from thirty-five to forty bushels per acre.

Mr. Lewis Reginald Corsbie, Manager of the Four Peaks Estate, is a son of Mr. Lewis Edmond Corsbie, an old Canterbury colonist. He was born near Ashburton in 1872, and educated at the Normal school, Christchurch. Mr. Corsbie gained his experience in farming at Greenstreet farm, near Ashburton, under his father. Subsequently he served four years with the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association in Christchurch, and later became part owner of the Rainbow run in Marlborough, where he remained for three years. On leaving “Rainbow,” he was engaged in stock work for the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company and Mr. J. S. Josephs. In 1899 he was appointed to his present position at “Four Peaks.” Mr. Corsbie has taken an active part in athletics, and was a prominent member of the Merivale Football senior team when it held the senior position.

Gimson, Charles William, Farmer, “Eccles,” Geraldine. Mr. Gimson was born in Kent, England, in 1847. He came to New page 880 Zealand in the “Atrato” in 1874, to Lyttelton, and followed railway work for three years on the Port Lyttelton line. Mr. Gimson then settled at Winchester as a baker and butcher and general storekeeper, and was in business for twelve years when he sold out to Mr. John Opie. In 1890 he removed to Geraldine and took up his farm of 233 acres, on which he keeps sheep and carries on general farming. Mr. Gimson was a Forester when a young man, and he has also belonged to the Oddfellows and the Druids, though he has not been attached for some time. He is a Freemason, and was initiated in the Winchester Lodge No. 1737 E.C. Mr. Gimson was married to Miss Martha Ann Kitney, of Kent, before coming to New Zealand, and has a family of nine.

Hawke, William, Farmer, “Lingodells,” Geraldine Road. Mr. Hawke was born at Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Yorkshire, England, in 1839, and was brought up to farming. He came to New Zealand by the ship “William Miles,” to Lyttelton, in 1864. At first he went to Temuka, where he stayed for two years, and then took up his present property near Geraldine, and settled down to farming. He takes a great interest in everything that is likely to help the district. In addition to the farm on which he resides, Mr. Hawke has a second not far from his homestead, and another at Orari. He keeps sheep and carries on general farming. Mr. Hawke was interested in getting the “Victoria” bridge placed over the Orari in 1897, and he also joined the agitation for the park at Orari. He has also done a great deal of road-making in the district. Mr. Hawke was married in the Old Country before coming out, and has a family of seven sons and five daughters. Three of his daughters and one son are married.

Mr. W. Hawke.

Mr. W. Hawke.

McKenzie, Alexander, Farmer, “Riverford,” Geraldine. Mr. McKenzie was born in Ross-shire, Scotland, in 1840, and was brought up to farming in the Old Country. He came to New Zealand in 1863, by the ship “Brother's Pride,” to Lyttelton. On his arrival he resided for six months in the neighbourhood of Christchurch and then moved to Geraldine district, where he worked on Mr. Angus Macdonald's station for about sixteen years. After that he was cropping for a few years on Mr. A Macdonald's land. He then began farming on his own account with a limited area of land, but his farm has since been augmented by the purchase of adjoining sections. Mr. McKenzie is a member of the Presbyterian Church, in the affairs of which he has taken a prominent interest. He keeps sheep and grows grain and turnips, and has taken prizes in the show ring with his draught horses. In one year he took first prizes at Timaru, Ashburton and Christchurch. Mr. McKenzie was married in Christchurch, and has three sons and one daughter.

McCaskey, photo.Mr. A. McKenzie.

McCaskey, photo.
Mr. A. McKenzie.

Orbell, Macleod Clement, Raukapuka, Geraldine. Mr. Orbell was born page 881 in Essex, England, in 1838. He came to New Zealand in 1849 in the ship “Mariner,” and landed at Port Chalmers with his parents. The family was one of the first to settle in Otago, and he began pastoral life at Waikouaiti, in 1849. In 1860 Mr. M. C. Orbell took up a run in that district comprising 65,000 acres, and carried it on until 1888, when the country was divided by the Government and disposed of under the small grazing run system. Mr. Orbell then came to Canterbury, where he leased the Raukapuka estate, which had been the property at different times of Messrs Cox, Tancred, and Postlethwaite. He now devotes himself to sheepfarming and general agriculture, and has another farm about five miles from Geraldine. He was elected first mayor of Waikouaiti in 1866, and a member of the Otago Provincial Council for the same electorate, and was a member of the first Executive Council of Sir Julius Vogel—then Mr. Vogel. Mr. Orbell was gazetted a Justice of the Peace in 1870, and has been thrice elected president of the Geraldine Farmers' Club. He married, in 1863, a daughter of Colonel Bamford, of the 73rd Regiment, and has a family of eight children.

Pym, Guy William Every, Sheepfarmer, Holmwood, Te Moana, Geraldine. Mr. Pym was born in Wiltshire, England, in 1871, and is a son of the late Rev. William Mills Parry Pym, of Corsham vicarage, Wiltshire. He was educated at Bedford College, Bedfordshire, and came to New Zealand in 1889, when he went as a cadet on the late Mr. F. Every's farm at Te Moana. In 1897 he purchased the property, which consists of 300 acres, on which he keeps sheep and grows crops. Mr. Pym has hitherto taken no part in public matters except as chairman of the local school committee. There is a very fine residence of ten rooms at Te Moana; in fact it is one of the finest in the district.

Shiers, William, Farmer, Geraldine. Mr. Shiers was born in Yorkshire, England, and arrived in Victoria in 1853. He was employed on the construction of the railways from Melbourne to Bendigo, and from Geelong to Ballarat. After visiting the various leading goldfields in Victoria, he left in 1861 for New Zealand, to which he was attracted by the “rush” to Gabriel's Gully. He soon left for Canterbury, where he was employed by Messrs Holmes and Richardson in assisting to lay the iron rails in the Lyttelton tunnel. In 1862 he joined Howitt's expedition appointed by the Provincial Government to prospect for gold in the Hurunui and Teremakau rives, and took the first pack horse over the Hurunui Saddle, to the western side, across the Dividing Range. He was afterwards engaged by the late Mr. W. White, senior, to lay down the first wooden tramway to Burke's bush, on the Port Hills, and to the first sawmill erected at Little River, and also the tramway on the Lincoln road. In 1865 Mr. Shiers was employed by the Previncial Government, in making the West Coast road (Kowai to Craigieburn), and on the Lyttelton harbour works, under the late Mr. E. G. Wright. Mr. Shiers acted as railway and bridge inspector for the Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works, and was employed in a similar capacity by the Government in 1875 on the Albury railway works. For over eighteen years he was overseer and clerk to the Geraldine Road Board, and the roads of the district bear witness to his skill in road formation. He has been a member of the Geraldine County Council and school committee. Mr. Shiers now follows the peaceful life of a farmer. He is married, and has a surviving family of eight children.

Mr. W. Shiers.

Mr. W. Shiers.

Woodside Station (Arthur Geore Nalder, manager), Geraldine. This property is within eight miles of the township and consists of 3000 acres. It carries sheep and a few cattle, and 2000 acres are under cultivation. The property is fenced and divided into paddocks, which are sown with English grasses. On an average 5000 sheep are kept on the property. The homestead residence is a very handsome brick and wood building with about twenty rooms, and the grounds are planted with English trees, which are among the handsomest in South Canterbury. The property was formerly owned by Mr G. W. Slack, who sold it to Mr. Nalder. The estate is well watered and has plenty of natural bush upon it.

Mr. Arthur George Nalder, the eldest son of Mr. Henry Neucomen Nalder, long well known as a solicitor in Lyttelton, is manager of this very fine property. He was born at Lyttelton in 1871, and educated at Christ's College and Lincoln College. He was for some years in North Canterbury harvesting and was at Kaituna shepherding for some time. “Woodside” was bought by his father in 1891, and in 1894 Mr. Nalder went on to it and was shortly afterwards appointed by his father to manage the estate. Mr. Nalder married Miss Preston, a daughter of the late Rev. James Preston, of Geraldine.

Elmslie, W. P. S., Sheepdealer, Geraldine. Mr. Elmslie is the son of the Rev. Dr. Elmslie, of Christchurch. He was born in Aberdeen in 1865, and came to the Colony with his parents in the ship “Caribou”; was educated at Wanganui and Christchurch; served for three years in the New Zealand Grain Agency office, Christchurch, and was subsequently a cadet on the Acton and Springfield estate. Mr. Elmslie afterwards owned the Cairndale estate at Mayfield, Ashburton page 882 He was married, in 1893, to Miss Gualter, and has one son and one daughter.