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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Old Colonists

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Old Colonists.

Mr. Abraham Bradshaw, sometime of Waddington, was a native of Derbyshire. England, which he left about the year 1842, for America. After he had been farming in the western States for some time, the Californian gold diggings broke out, and he crossed the plains to try his fortune, and was successful. Then he went to the Victorian goldfields in Australia, and was again fairly successful. Mr. Bradshaw came over to New Zealand and settled at Harewood Road, near Christchurch. Hearing about the coal seams at Malvern Hills, he bought land there with the intention of working the coal; but during the time he was sinking and preparing to get the coal the Dunstan “rush” took place in Otago. He then gave up the pit work, and took his team of horses and waggon, and carried goods to Gabriel's Gully diggings till the prices came down. Then he settled down to gold digging on the Arrow river. While he was there the West Coast diggings broke out, and he went there, and prospected down as far as Okarito. Eventually he came back to Canterbury, and settled on the farm which he had bought on his first arrival in New Zealand, and died there in 1880.

The Late Mr. A. Bradhaw.

The Late Mr. A. Bradhaw.

Mr. John Gunn, sometime of Racecourse Hill, was born in 1811 in Caithness-shire, Scotland, where he was educated and brought up to the life of a farmer. He came to New Zealand with his wife and family—five sons and two daughters—by the ship “Chrysolite” in 1862. In 1865 he took up land on the Hawkins, being one of the earliest settlers in that neighbourhood, and farmed it with his sons. He afterwards removed to Racecourse Hill, where in 1886 he lost his beloved wife, and the family a fond and devoted mother. During the many years he was in the district, he was much respected by his friends and a wide circle of acquaintances for his sterling and upright character. He died in 1895, his family all surviving him.

The Late Mr. J. Gunn.

The Late Mr. J. Gunn.