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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


Waddington is a large agricultural district, situated thirty-six miles north-west from Christchurch, on the Springfield railway line. The whole district was originally part of the Homebush run, owned by the late Mr. John Deans. About 1873 the first settlers arrived, and bought land from the Government at £2 an acre. Mr William Waddington, after whom the place is named, purchased the township block, and cut it up into building sections. Other settlers of that period were Messrs Richard Scarlett, Samuel Hight, David Hight, Frederick Bull, D. McMilan, Aaron Ayers, William Lilley, William Humm, Alexander Fraser, James Bradshaw, William Minchin, and Charles Gamble. These settlers broke up the native tussock; and the construction of the railway, shortly afterwards, gave an impetus to the settlement. The land has all been under cultivation, and yields good average returns of oats and wheat. Turnips are also extensively grown, and large numbers of sheep, mostly crossbreds, are raised and fattened. The township has a commodious public school, and a Primitive Methodist church. The Presbyterians conduct their services page 759 in the public school. There are also two stores, a blacksmith's and wheelwright's shop, a builder's establishment, and a boarding-house. A post and telegraph office is connected with one of the stores, and there is a daily mail service. The railway station is a flag station.

The Malvern Public School at Waddington dates back to 1875, when it was held in an old Wesleyan chapel, between Waddington and Sheffield. About two years later a small school was built, and was subsequently enlarged, and more recently the Board has added a large infant class room. The building is of wood, on concrete foundations; the rooms are lofty and well ventilated, and the walls of the infant room are plastered and papered. A spacious playground surrounds the school. Mr. J. A. Caygill was the first headmaster, and has been followed, successively, by Messrs Richard Pole, James Blythen, Victor, J. B. Borthwick, and Mr. T. L. P. Pole, the present headmaster, who has held the appointment since 1888. The number of scholars on the roll is 104, with an average attendance of ninety. Miss Agnes Colthart is relieving assistant mistress and Miss J. L. Hight pupil-teacher. Miss Popple, formerly assistant mistress, who was trained at the Malvern school, was one of the “eleventh contingent”—a band of capable teachers sent by the New Zealand Government to South Africa, to assist in teaching the Boer children in the concentration camps.

Mr. Thomas L. P. Pole, Headmaster of the Malvern school, was born at Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, England, in 1860. At the age of six he arrived in the colony with his parents by the ship “Mermaid,” and landed at Lyttelton. He was brought up and educated at Riccarton, and afterwards served as a pupil-teacher in the West Christchurch school. Then he studied for two years at the Normal School, and afterwards acted as relieving master at the Malvern school for three months. Mr. Pole was then appointed third master at the Lyttelton Borough school, where he remained for over three years, when he was transferred to the charge of the Kimberley school. Subsequently he became headmaster of the Hororata school, whence he was promoted to his present position. Mr. Pole takes a very active part in the social life of the community, especially in musical matters. He is sergeant-major of the Malvern Mounted Rifles. Mr. Pole married a daughter of Mr. William Griffiths, of Spreydon, and has a family of two sons and five daughters.

Mr. and Mrs T. L. P. Pole and Family.

Mr. and Mrs T. L. P. Pole and Family.

Lord, John, Builder, Waddington, Mr. Lord is one of the early colonists of Waddington, and was born at Burnley, Lancashire, England, in 1851. He was educated in his native place, where he learned the trade of a cabinetmaker. Subsequently he was engaged for some years in mercantile pursuits. In 1874 Mr. Lord left the Old Country for New Zealand in the ship “Cathcart,” which came to Lyttelton. For six months he remained in Christchurch, after which he removed to Waddington, where he has since resided. Upon his arrival there, Mr. Lord started in business with his brother-in-law, as wheelwrights and carpenters. One year afterwards the partnership was dissolved, and since then Mr. Lord has carried on a successful business as a builder. For several years he was a member of the local school committee, and he has taken an active part in musical matters, especially in connection with the churches of various denominations. At the present time he is choirmaster of the Waddington Primitive Methodist church. Mr. Lord married Miss Sarah Rose, of Lincolnshire, who was a shipmate on the “Cathcart,” and they have a family of five sons and three daughters.