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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


Kirkless,” Coalgate. This farm is a compact piece of undulating country 345 acres in extent, and is situated on the northern side of the Coalgate valley. It was acquired by Mr Langdale in 1880, having formerly been held by Mr. Robison, a bank manager. The homestead on this farm is particularly attractive, and the grounds surrounding it are well laid out. “Kirkless” is fenced, subdivided, and highly improved, and mixed farming is carried on. In 1900 Mr. Langdale disposed of property formerly held by him at Darfield and at Glenroy, and in July of the same year he bought a block of 325 acres, adjoining “Kirkless.” This property is farmed by his sons, and is known as “Glendale.” It consists partly of undulating country and partly of level land, possesses fifteen miles of fencing, and is in good working order. Its improvements include a large dwelling house, which was built and occupied by a former proprietor. “Glendale” is devoted to sheep grazing and grain growing.