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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


Seadown is a farming district extending from the south bank of the Opihi river towards Washdyke. Seadown is also the name of a riding of the Levels county. There is a considerable rural population, which probably numbers fully 400. The railway station stands at a level of 36 feet above the sea, and is ninety-three miles from Christchurch, and seven miles from Timaru. Seadown has a public school and a post office.

The Post Office At Seadown was established in 1893, and is conducted at the homestead of Mrs Margaret Hornbrook, Miss Caroline Josephine Hornbrook acting as postmistress. Mails are received and despatched on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Mrs Margaret Hornbrook was born at Kirriemuir, in Scotland. She was educated in her native place, and came to Wellington by the ship “Arab,” in 1841. In 1848 she was married to the late Mr. William Hornbrook, a brother of the late Major Hornbrook, of Wellington. Mr. Hornbrook was born in Brittany, France, in 1822, and, when a boy, went through a war in Spain. He came out to his brother in Wellington and was assisting in the store-keeping business for a number of years. In 1853 he removed to Canterbury, and became part owner with his brother in the Arowhenua station. In 1871 Mr. Hornbrook bought 256 acres at Seadown, which he farmed till his death in 1882. Since that time his widow has sold a portion of the property, but still owns 131 acres, known as Hollywell Farm. Mrs Hornbrook has had four sons and five daughters, of whom one son and two daughters have died.

Mrs M. Hornbrook and Grandchild.

Mrs M. Hornbrook and Grandchild.

The Seadown Public School was established in 1890, and serves part of the district of Levels and Seadown. The building is of wood and iron, and contains two class rooms and two porches. It has accommodation for 100 pupils, and the average attendance is seventy-three. The land attached to the school is about four acres in extent, and contains two play-grounds, with some well grown shelter trees. The school house is also on the property. The teacher in charge is assisted by a mistress.

Mr. Cornelius Frederick Schmedes, Headmaster of the Seadown page 925 school, was born in Victoria, in 1861. He served a pupil-teachership there, and came to Otago in 1879. In 1888 he removed to Canterbury, and served ten years at Orari Bridge, and four years at Milford, before his appointment to Seadown in June, 1902, Mr. Schmedes was married, in 1881, to a daughter of Mr. C. Smith, of Port Chalmers, and has one son and one daughter.