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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Frederick Arthur Anson

Mr. Frederick Arthur Anson, who is the son of the late Sir John, and heir presumptive to his brother, Sir William Reynell Anson, D.C.L., M.P. for the University, and Warden of All Souls' College, Oxford, was born on the 6th of November, 1850. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Oxford (B.A., 1872), and married, in 1878, Agnes, daughter of the late Mr. James Fraser Roberts, C.E., of Akaroa. He has always taken a lively and generous part in all matters of public interest, and has on more than one occasion unsuccessfully, though not ingloriously, contested the Akaroa or Ellesmere seat. He has discharged the duties of lay reader, and been chairman of the school committee. Mr. Anson was president of the Peninsula Farmers' Association for two successive years, and was the promoter and the only chairman of directors of the Akaroa Steam Launch Company, under whose auspices the launch “Piraki” was so successfully floated on the harbour. In 1887, Mr. Anson opened up and formed, for the benefit of the road board and the ratepayers, a bridle track which, though recently widened, still retains its name of the Jubilee Road; and he took a prominent part ten years afterwards in moving for the erection of the memorial on Flag Point, as well as in the ceremonies that attended its unveiling. Mr. Anson was first elected to the Akaroa County Council in 1884, and acted as its chairman from 1893 to 1899, when, family affairs requiring his presence in England, he resigned the position. “Piraki” is now connected by telephone with Little River, and although it is a private wire, it is at the free service of the public whenever it may be required.