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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Seed, James

Seed, James, Southbrook. Mr. Seed was born in Walton Lee Dale, near Preston, Lancashire, England, in 1842, and came to New Zealand in the ship “Victory” which arrived at Lyttelton on the 18th October, 1863. He found employment at general station work for a few months, then settled at Rangiora and engaged at bush work for about six years. Mr. Seed then turned his attention to the flax industry and rope and twine manufacture, and went into partnership with Messrs J. and J. Thompson in one of the first mills in Canterbury. He continued in that line of business for twenty-four years, after which he entered into business as a general merchant. About the time the first Deering binder came into use, Mr. Seed invented a new twine which was a great success and has come extensively into demand. He has also invented a patent window sash-roller for railway carriages, which is both noiseless and useful. Mr. Seed was a member of the school committee for upwards of twenty years, and for some years was chairman. Mr. Seed was the founder of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance lodge at Rangiora in 1872, and at one time held the position of G. W. P. and later of M. W. P. of New Zealand. He was married in 1870, and has one son and three daughters living. Mr. Seed sold his business at Southbrook in 1902 to Mr. Harry Hill.

Mr. J. Seed.

Mr. J. Seed.

A Ferny Nook.

A Ferny Nook.