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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. John Stevenson

Mr. John Stevenson was one of the early settlers who took up land in the Rangiora Swamp. He was born at Paisley, Scotland, in 1835, and brought up to country life. Mr. Stevenson came out to New Zealand in 1862, and lived to see his land brought from swamp and flax to a state of cultivation. He served for a number of years as a member of the Mandeville and Rangiora Road Board, and was also a member of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Society. Mr. Stevenson was married, in 1861, to a daughter of the late Mr. John Boyd, of Ayrshire, Scotland, who afterwards lived for some sixteen years with his son-in-law and daughter in New Zealand. Mr. Stevenson died in 1885, leaving five sons and five daughters, but one daughter has since died.

The Late Mr. J. Stevenson.

The Late Mr. J. Stevenson.

Mrs J. Stevenson's Homestead, Flaxton.

Mrs J. Stevenson's Homestead, Flaxton.