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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]



Macfarlane, Peter, Farmer, “Hopetoun,” Hawarden. Mr. Macfarlane was born in Stirlingshire, Scotland, in 1851, and was brought up as a shepherd. He was employed for five years by the late Mr. J. McGregor, of Glengyle, Perthshire, and of the Queen's Hotel, Glasgow, and was afterwards for five years shepherd to the late Sir Archibald Orr Ewing, of Ballikinran, Stirlingshire. Mr. Macfarlane came to Port Chalmers by the page 585 ship “Invercargill,” in 1878, and was employed as head shepherd on Horsley Down estate for about fifteen years. In 1896 he purchased “Hopetoun,” which consists of 600 acres of freehold, on which he runs 800 sheep. Mr Macfarlane was married, in 1884, to a daughter of the late Mr. J. Ewing, of Stirlingshire, Scotland, and has two sons and three daughters.

McFarlane, Duncan, Farmer, “Loch Sloy,” Hawarden. Mr. McFarlane was born in the west of Stirlingshire, where he was brought up to pastoral pursuits. He subsequently entered into business in Glasgow, but later on went to sea as steward on board one of the Swift line, visiting many parts of the world. Mr. McFarlane is descended from the oldest branch of his clan, and traces back his lineage to the house of Lennox. He came to the Colony in the ship “Canterbury” in 1874 and became head shepherd at White Rock, which at that time comprised 47,000 acres. Subsequently, he acted in the same capacity at Horsley Down, a property of over 100,000 acres. He afterwards succeeded to the management of Hawkswood, 42,000 acres in extent, where he remained for twelve years. After a tour through the Colony, Mr. McFarlane took to the hotel business and became proprietor of the Culverden Hotel, on relinquishing which he took up his present farm. Mr. McFarlane was one of the chief promoters of the Hawarden Saleyards Company, of which he is a director; he is also a director of the North Canterbury Caledonian Society, a member of the Waikari Collie Dog Club, North Canterbury Steeplechase Club, and Amuri Turf Club. He was married in 1885 to Miss Deem, and has one son.

Taruna Estate is the property of Messrs J. O. Sanderson and Co. It was bought in 1896, comprises 4098 acres, and was originally part of the Horsley Down run. The present owners have made many improvements, including a cottage surrounded by a promising plantation of useful and ornamental trees, an orchard, a garden, and sheep yards, and nineteen miles of substantial wire fencing. The estate carries 3300 half-bred sheep, and a large number of fat lambs are annually available for the export trade.

Mr. J. O. Sanderson was born in 1871, at Greta Peaks run, Motunau, Canterbury, and educated at Christ's College, Christchurch. He served in the office of Messrs Miles and Co. for over two years. Mr. Sanderson is a son of the late Mr. Thomas Sanderson, who, in conjunction with Mr. Studholme, purchased the Greta Peaks run of 25,000 acres from Messrs Clifford and Weld in 1865.

Tomlinson, Henry, Farmer and Accommodation House Proprietor, Gladstone House, Hawarden. Mr. Tomlinson was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1844, and worked on his father's farm, until he emigrated to New Zealand in 1874, by the ship “Geraldine Paget.” He was manager for Mr. P. C. Threlkeld at West Eyreton for sixteen years. For a short time he was farming on his own account at Papanui, and subsequently was manager of Mr. Nalder's property, at Woodside, for three years. Mr. Tomlinson then removed to Winchester, and was unsettled for some months, until December, 1897, when he acquired a property of 251 acres at Hawarden. Gladstone House is a commodious residence, and is very convenient in every respect for visitors. Mr. Tomlinson served as a member of the Gapes' Valley school committee, and is now a director of the Hawarden Saleyards Co. He was married, in 1870, to a daughter of Mr. Charles Kendle, of Irby, Lincolnshire, England, and has three daughters and two sons.

The late Mr. M. J. Hoban and Mrs Hoban

The late Mr. M. J. Hoban and Mrs Hoban